Why won't you stand up for the POOR PALESTINIANS Jow Forums?

They are literally having to block bullets with tennis rackets at this point. DO SOMETHING!

Attached: racket.png (637x567, 379K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Because I hit them better from the prone position.

Attached: positions2.jpg (1032x580, 317K)

Muslims are retarded. The tweet is just adding multiple layers of proof.

Sharia Williams

which one of you faggot countries gave Palestine missile defense?


Cook them all. Greater Israel now!

At this point in time, any non mudslime falling for the palestinian meme is an absolute cuck.
inb4 angry leaf, brit or swed

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>bullets and strikes
>a fucking lacrymo

>ywn play racquetball on the jewish vanguard

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Tear gas tennis

The only thing that you can do is poisoning your local Jew

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Yeah, but it fucks with the jewish sense of moral superiority so i like it

They are fucking heroic, fighting the jew, without fear of dying

Anyone got any links/webms of shitskins getting rekt?

So what you're saying is... you're a cuck to piss off the jews?

They certainly have the brass. Image if Palestinians actually learned how to win.

> faggot has a bipod
> elects not to use it.
He's probably going to miss.

I can't tell if the shills are doubling their efforts or Americans are truly this retarded for Israel anymore.


When kikes and mudslimes are killing each other, I'm a happy camper!

Fuck you...I'm working here!

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Thanks for that user

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You're either a kike or a brainlet burger.
>Muh mudlime sandniggers.
Say what you want but you're next burger. Try going out and protesting something if you have the balls. You will be in the exact position of the Palestinians soon.

Attached: Israel New World Order.jpg (2000x1947, 833K)

>Jews getting bad rep
>Muslims getting killed
>American slaves will get sent to die in another war/crisis again

I just realized that we Europeans are out jewing the jews at this point

>prone blocked

now what?

>image named "positions2"

Is position one where you have you ass in the air waiting to fucked fucked by your jewish master?

To be honest why is no one giving them guns? How are we supposed to see dead kikes?

Day Of The Rake can't happen soon enough.....

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Zozzled out loud

I stand on their sand nigger grave.
Also what a dumb shitskin
Tennis rackrt to fend off a bullet

Attached: b2a.gif (332x360, 1.26M)

One's starting them, the other is unironically responding with anything other than sage.

Ids jusdified begause Hologaust :DDD

Top fucking kek

I'll go make some popcorn to eat while I watch them die in vain.

im going to photoshop people playing golf in a battlefield and say this man is deflecting bullets with a golf club, that is like ten times more heroic and epic, sucker !

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Who gives a shit

I'd go there to stand on your grave in about 10 years when your occupation falls. But I'm pretty sure you'd pack up and flee to some other country with the rest of your leech tribe.

Fuck both sides?
Why the hell is an Israeli territorial issue anyone's business beyond itself and it's neighbors?
So many cucked Yanks leap to defend the eternal kike that ploughs lady liberty on a regular basis.
So many other faggots leap to the defense of literal Islamic terrorists because they have Israel in their sights.
Fuck all the middle eastern factions, let the whole god-forsaken region burn.

but we are

Muhamad, do I look like I care for your inbred oppinion?
I would not piss on you if you were on fire.

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who brings a tennis racket to a gun fight?

typical mutt, cheering for his Jewish masters

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i wish israel would get it over with and genocide muslims. they can get away with it because muh holocaust


Busy day.

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>If you support Jerusalem as Israels Capital
you support International POC Jews taking white christians land in addition to muslim land you
disgusting all so you can watch the next (Star Wars) Movie

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The "Palestinians" could have their own country for 70 years now, but they turned down the offer in 1948 because it required them to admit Israel has the right to exist.

Their problems are their own.

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Pack your bags shlomo were moving to america!

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Sick meme Yohan. No one cares.

You cared enough to respond, leafaggot.

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how are jews different from sneaky arabs that stole and hoarded white daughters to breed with?

I dislike jews, they are so much more difficult to deal with in America. They are horribly subversive and parasitic people and I abduct and drown them in buried shipping containers that I flood when I read their posts here on Jow Forums and get angry at their dishonesty and underhanded attacks on everyone to 'protect themselves from antisemitism'.

Everytime you post your jewish tricks an American jew is drowned underground somewhere.

>Why won't you stand up for the POOR PALESTINIANS Jow Forums?

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Just internecine circumsised sandnigger conflict. No one cares.

Top kek

glow harder CIAnigger

It's incredible how retarded both sides are. I say let the Italians take over Jerusalem until things get figured out. Just like Roman times.

This board is now overrun with 16 years reddit frogfags, have you only just noticed this.

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Because this is a mutted board. They are all immoral faggots who larp as christians but are satanic in reality, just like their gubment.

It's actually a Palestinian training for Wimbledon.

Jews and Muslims both deserve the rope, I only wish the Palestinians were as advanced as Israel in order to mutually destroy each other.

Oh no, whatever will I do.If ONLY there was a way that I could give a fuck....man...

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Doesn't exist kike. Stop projecting.

It's the most effective tactic unfortunately. Muslims have used it to great effect in garnering sympathy and inciting hate toward Israel. Nothing will make the Jew shriek and hiss like pointing out his hypocritical treatment of the Palestinians. You can't be the eternal victim if you're oppressing someone else.

Because Jow Forums is pro-Israel now. Unfortunately.
They got cucked by Trump.

Shit, bitch! They have the strongest military in that region, and hundreds of nukes. Those fuckers are going nowhere.

>A picture says it all

That the palestinian's are fucking retards? why would you be out in the open when shots are firing like a moron.

Eww the mens underwear style on women is not good.

you forgot to put your memeflag on why do you keep pretending to be wh*te when you are a filthy nigger?

I thought you were posting under a pakistan flag for a second there....then again what’s the difference.

>fending off
>the palestinian is aggressively trying to enter the border of the neighboring country

so now its the poor palestinians fending off israeli bullets as the arabs try to invade?

>Get all your land taken away from JewSA and kikes
>JEWSA gives Israel kikes billions of dollars because we don't want Russia getting anything
>Israel kikes start kvetching when mudflaps are rightfully pissed off but they have no 1st world country giving them free weapons
>The jew starts crying louder as he strikes you

I want this to keep happening

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Tyrone bin Sanchez? What are you doing on this thread I told you not to show your face around here

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>Tennis racketing teargas back at the heebs

Based goatfuckers, give the whole region to the Arabs and Palestinians, Purge the Shekeltein, confine the Achmed

Prove me wrong faggot. Go outside and leave your basement to protest immigration or some other shit that triggers you. No balls.

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"i don't want jews in europe or the US" "destroy isarel" - stormfag / muslim's pretending to be stormfags to push their jewish problem off on the rest of us

Why should the world care about white people if you're going to be such self centered shits?

Maybe we can launch all the Jews into space on a giant catapult

Thread should've ended here to save my sides.

the palestinians have no right to any of that land the country of israel was a british territory and legally created under international law for the jews of europe

Jesus christ the amount of Zionist cock suckers in this thread.

Jow Forums is literally full of Jew loving faggots.

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Here's an idea to avoid being shot... Back away from the fucking border fence ya racket swingin retard.

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Because Israel is in the fucking right. You're American why the fuck are you supporting a Iranian funded dictatorship over a democracy?

Yet they won’t show the pictures with them in facewrap and holding AK-47s


I'm pro-palestine but I have trouble reconciling it with being okay with what Canada and the USA did to the Native Americans.

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Palestinians fight for their rightful land unlike cucks like you.

>Because Israel is in the fucking right
Fuck off boomer kike.

> rightful land
Oh please.. Nomadic herds of sand niggers don't have a claim to the area.
Ffs they're STILL migrating instead of building their own prosperous nation.
Coming to mine for instance.. don't worry, we'll fix that soon once Sheik Turdoo is out of office.

maybe canada and the french should lay claim to your land since they owned longer than you have been canada.