They are literally having to block bullets with tennis rackets at this point. DO SOMETHING!
Why won't you stand up for the POOR PALESTINIANS Jow Forums?
Jeremiah Wood
Other urls found in this thread:
Joseph Gomez
Because I hit them better from the prone position.
Owen Nelson
Muslims are retarded. The tweet is just adding multiple layers of proof.
Jayden Baker
Sharia Williams
Joseph Ramirez
which one of you faggot countries gave Palestine missile defense?
Logan Williams
Nathaniel Johnson
Cook them all. Greater Israel now!
Jacob Reed
At this point in time, any non mudslime falling for the palestinian meme is an absolute cuck.
inb4 angry leaf, brit or swed
Bentley Reed
>bullets and strikes
>a fucking lacrymo
Ethan Nguyen
>ywn play racquetball on the jewish vanguard