Thread Theme | Téama Snáithe: National Party │ Páirtí Náisiúnta: │ Join the party and spread the word/memes in your social circles online or otherwise. Téigh leis an bpáirtí agus scaip an scéala / na méimeanna le do chairde ar líne nó eile.
>Operation Trojan Horse Infiltrate Repeal groups and maximize toxic elements. There are fake profiles already pushing Repeal, LARPing as them should be simple.
Time Sensitive: >Operation Bunker Buster- Plan of Action: Raid the Repeal group behind the censoring of abortion information. Post graphic pics of abortion procedures and red pills on abortion in a rapid coordinated attack. Target:
>Operation Drunken Monkey Plan of action: Disrupt college students ability to vote by creating multiple nights out corresponding to the night before the vote. Tags: #Sesh4Repeal #8sesh Targets: Dublin and Galway students supporting Repeal.
(((They))) are trying to legalize abortion in Ireland. >Media biased towards pro abortion campaigns. >Corrupt politicians pushing abortion and involved with Soros funded campaigns. >Abortion for any reason up to 12 weeks if the 8th is repealed. >Abortion up to 6 months for health including 'mental health' if the 8th is repealed.
Quick Rundown on Abortion Referendum: >Date of Referendum Friday the 25th of May. >Pro Abortion campaigns - RepealThe8th. Want people to vote Yes and remove the 8th Amendment. They are mainly radical feminists, marxists, and socialists. >Anti Abortion campaigns - SaveThe8th. Want people to vote No and retain the 8th Amendment. They are mainly Pro-Life groups set up to fight abortion.
>Irish YouTuber gives basic gestalt on (((Yes))) campaigns.