Dumped over Jow Forumsitics

Here's a cautionary tale of why you should always hide your power level, Jow Forums.

>dating an SJW shitlib chick for about three months
>go out for dinner and drinks at our usual Sunday spot last night
>restaurant has (((CNN))) on the TV
>she sees something on the news that causes her to remark that the criminal justice system in the U.S. is racist
>I ask her why she feels that way
>she says black people get longer jail sentences than whites for the same crimes
>I push back by saying blacks commit more crime than whites, so the reason blacks get longer sentences than whites for the same crime may be because they're more likely to have prior criminal histories
>also suggest that the discrepancy may be due to socioeconomic differences between blacks and whites, as whites can afford better legal representation
>the rest of the evening is OK after we change the subject, but I can tell she's a bit shaken up
>we go back to my place after dinner and bang, I figure everything's fine
>get a Snapchat message from her this afternoon cancelling our plans for tonight because, in her words, she "can't in good conscience be with someone who invalidates the lived experiences of people of color"

I suppose I dodged a bullet. I will miss the sex though.

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>dating an SJW
Stopped reading there

Here's a better cautionary tale after reading two seconds of your bullshit:

> don't date SJWs you fucking retard

>why you should always hide your power level
real men don't need to hide their power level...just control it.

But my power level's too mighty. I don't drink specifically for that reason.

>lived experiences
who gave them this term?
I am so sick of it

>dating an SJW shitlib
Stopped reading there. Kill yourself.

>dating an SJW shitlib chick for about three months
stopped reading right here
what is wrong with you lel

This. You never hide it you just don't spout off when it's not needed. No real man hides his virtue and morals. But no man needs to preach them unless asked.

She dropped you over the lousy sex you had with her, not the political crap.

i thought they'd abandoned it, it's laughably easy to turn it back on them

>dating a shitlib
OP, as always, is a faggot.

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Doubt it, she had a squirting orgasm. Girls don't squirt if the sex is bad.

Why the fuck would you hide it?
That's a surefire way to get divorced later and have her steal half your shit.

Dated a lib chick for three days recently. It isnt worth the trouble mate. Besides, she said she doesnt give head.

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>Dating the left
You retarded

If the sex was that good, then she should not be dropping you over some political crap. Maybe she's shit testing you. You should send her some more text messages mocking her political beliefs even more.

Isn't an experience something you lived through anyway? So saying 'lived' experience is redundant. It's just trying to add extra emotion in order to make you feel bad.

get ready for the rape charges.

stopped reading at dated at sjw, why would you do this?

>dating and SJW
Found your problem.


I'm actually planning to go radio silent. I didn't respond to her Snapchat. I figure she'll try to message me again soon because girls can't stand being ignored.

Huh? I literally did call it out.

Call her in a week and ask her if she wants to know more facts. The first redpill usually takes some time to work.

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> don't date SJWs you fucking retard

What if they're hot and want to suck your dingus.


send her some diapers and ask her how the nigger dick was

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Good keep doing that see how many replies you get

>Dating an SJW Shitlib
There's your problem right there, why deliberately torture yourself?

lol this

>dating an SJW

this is why

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These honestly. Being a solitary introspective hermit is more beneficial to your life than wasting your time and energy with some indoctrinated SJW woman.

TLDR: OP is a dumb faggot.

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>dating an SJW shitlib chick
you fucking man-whore. ugh, have some fucking self respect.

>be me
>date mexican/scottish shitlib
>beyond liberal, literally on a level you cannot comprehend
>purposely put in a situation where i was almost murdered by mexican thugs
>this is legal, cannot punish her/throw her ass in jail

i dont like this

You dodged a bullet for sure because she probably used to date niggers or did so after she left you. Another notch in that bedpost, user. Don't even sweat it much

Thanks, brother.

>Restaurant had a TV...

Wahahahahahahaha how poor are you?

>dating sjw
>couldn’t convert her
You must have a small dick

Was probably Buffalo Wild Wings or something

My girlfriend of 6 years broke up with me because I wouldn't admit the wage gap is real

stop crying she did you a favor

If you had layed the pipe right she wouldn't care about anything else. You failed. Step your game up.

>I push back by saying blacks commit more crime than whites, so the reason blacks get longer sentences than whites for the same crime may be because they're more likely to have prior criminal histories
>also suggest that the discrepancy may be due to socioeconomic differences between blacks and whites, as whites can afford better legal representation
Even accounting for those factors, black people on average get sentences that are 20% longer.

You gave up pussy to take a stand on something you're not even right about.

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>Here's a cautionary tale of why you should always hide your power level, Jow Forums.
>I suppose I dodged a bullet.

You're right, you dodged a bullet. Showing this tidbit of your powerlevel was a good thing.

>dating an SJW shitlib chick for about three months

Why even do this in the first place. Reject any women who gives off even the faintest whiff of being a race traitor.

laid, retard

real men mold women around their power level; they don't hide it.




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yeah, this has happened to me. It was with some kike bitch I met on tinder. She let me put it in her butt the first night we fucked lol. Sex was pretty awesome, as a perfect little fuck toy. But low and behold I comment on the discrepancies with the blatant lies and agendas within the mass media and she flips, also notices a Trump bobblehead toy behind my tv lol. Oh well, just goes to show how jews will always be our enemy and harbor intense hate at anything rational, Christian, and white

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yeah its tough especially when working in and around heebs, I said heeb once during a work drinking arrangement and it tarnished my image even though I was like heeb isnt even a derogative term anymore and its hardly ever been a slur.

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fuck these slags, they still lust for the WHITE MAN'S SEED. Our very existence motivates them because it breathes of our moral and Christian God inspired superiority and hence our beautiful and robust composition supplanted by our intellect couldn't leave them feeling more inferior.

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oh stfu, as if pussy is everything in this world you shrimp dick muhamad loving faggot

It's still not very likely that those longer sentences are because of racism - there are multiple other factors playing a role, like:

1) When white people commit crime, it's more often a personal motif which is less immoral in a judges eyes even though it's the same crime on paper

2) White people are on average richer and can afford better lawyers

3) White people are on average more intelligent + higher educated and are able to say things that please both jury and judge

4) The social environment of black people and white people is different - sentences are often adjusted to the personal situation of the delinquent so that they don't get criminal again after punishment - as whites are usually more settled and in a healthier environment, they are less likely to get criminal again

and so on, and so on.

I do find it quite humorous to see them actively spout this anti-white rhetoric and then almost exclusively date and copulate with whites. Many such cases. The subconscious can be very revealing especially for women.

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>dating a sjw
that's your first mistake

Those monks that prayed, fasted, made beer, wrote books, and studied had the right idea.

I fucked a girl my brother and his wife were hitting on (they're polyarmorists or whatever gay shit) by telling her I was a Nazi. I have a sonnenrad tattooed on my pec because I was edgy as a teenager, but she literally kissed it while riding on my dick.

Women don't pass the turing test. What they're actually looking for is social dominance and the prospect of social advancement. If you're weak, it doesn't matter what you claim to believe they'll shit on you, but if you're strong, the same is true.

Your first mistake was not chokefucking her while singing Horst Wessel Lied.

>even accounting for those factors
Fucking demonstrate that, you low IQ retard.

I've spent quite a bit of time in the UK for business. Quit pretending like you don't also have mid-tier restaurants with fucking televisions, you cunt of a poser.

>Even accounting for those factors, black people on average get sentences that are 20% longer.
That's a complete lie.

Same, almost fully revealed it on one too many occasions

Was about to date a libshit chick until she got drunk and brought up wanting to have a 3some with a girl and one with a guy
called her gay and blocked her

>proceeds to take 900 nigger dicks per minute and get domestically abused
It's all a meme guys really, niggers are fine
>Around blacks never relax
>Nobody wants to fuck me now that I have a biracial son

>mfw I got blackout drunk a while ago and awoke to find that I'd been sending people Jonathan Bowden vids and talking about demographic winter

thank fuck most people have no attention span

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Agreed, it is a shame that modern society deliberately tries to divorce man from being able to adopt such a lifestyle.

A pub probably has a telly... But even pikey restaurants and greasy spoons wouldn't mate... We have no Chuck E Cheese equivalent...

Most recent one for me was immigration related. Was basically a circlejerk about multicult, I came out and said that multiculturalism is no culture at all and if people move here just to form their own communities/don't integrate with the host culture and customs, they should fuck off home. Quite a few people from that group don't speak to me any more lol

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Bruh she was pissing on you.

Text her back and tell her that "people of color" is a racist term that just reorganizes "colored people" but has the same implication of white being the default and every other race being some defect.
Watch as her head explodes.

>Even accounting for those factors, black people on average get sentences that are 20% longer.
>You gave up pussy to take a stand on something you're not even right about.
Can you cite this?

>he fell for the squirting meme
It's pee bro

Admit. But the research shows it isn't real and even with the same job and same experience that men earn more because they work longer hours.

I never hide my power level
>everyone knows me as that friendly neo-Nazi that hates Jews.
My black friends find it hilarious when I get in a humorous rant about kikes and niggers

The other missing factor is that municipalities with high crime have courts that are inundated with so many cases that the judge doesn't give a shit about ther nuance of the case and hands out harsh sentences as a way of lowering crime. So Johnny smoking a joint in ther suburbs gets a shorter sentence than Tyrone in the projects because the suburban judge has a light case load and doesn't deal with the same bullshit on the daily.
The next factor is how did they present themselves in court? Remorseful with a suit and tie or indignant in jeans? Makes a world of difference.

Avoid the alcojew

And you believed her? user you have a lot to learn.

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Only Super-Saiyans don't have to worry about hiding their power level
>remember it

You can get more sex OP. SJW shitlib chicks are'nt special and are in fact, everywhere.

>going to move in with my gf soon
>won't be able to hide my powerlevel
>She'll see Jow Forums has one of my very most frequent websites
>she'll realise I spent most my time on Jow Forums

I'm scared guys. There's going to be a time when A current happening is taking place and I'm gonna want to browse Jow Forums and she's gonna start questioning this site

Everyone here says it's because you dated an SJW. I say it's because you dated at all. The robo pussy is coming, OP. Just wait.

Become a phone poster.

You have nothing to fear but fear itself, either put your foot down and unabashedly be yourself or alter your own consciousness and being to appease a woman. Those are your choices.

>moving in with gf

I give it 6 months tops

>I'm a cuck and will tippy toe around the woman
>I'm a Man and the bitch will fucking deal with it

i never hide browsing Jow Forums from my wife.

just tell her to stop kink shaming you, problem solved

She'll give head alright - to a man that makes her wet.

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Exact same thing happened to me

>meet 8/10 asian-spanish girl on tinder
>huge ass and titties
>tiny waist
>dating/fucking for about 4 months
>we go out to eat on a date
>she launches into something about global warming
>I remark that I don't really buy the human-caused global warming narrative
>it escalates to her nearly having a melt down in the restaraunt
>drive home in silence
>it's really weird and she's distant for a few weeks after that
>we keep fucking but there is no emotional connection
>she kind of just ghosts me without any serious formal discussion
>probably found a new guy while slowly ghosting me without even having enough respect to tell me

Fucking son of a bitch I hate the modern world and I can't find a nice girl at church i want to die

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Yeah, I get the feeling you won’t be getting much more sex. Also accounting for socioeconomics and priors minorities still receive longer prison sentences. Especially in the south. "Good ole boy" judges. It’s really bad in Texas for Latinos right now.
I believe that the solution is time.


What exactly would be the incentive for giving minorities longer prison sentences

But scientists in the field almost universally agree. It’s like you’re denying evolution. You idiot. She probably freaked out because she suddenly realized she was fucking a retard.

Personal prejudice. The judge is often an older white man from the south. Have you met older people from the south? My fiancées dad is 70 and he’s openly racist as hell. It’s generational

I dated a jew hippie for almost a year bc she was hot/nice(when not being crazy) and sex was great. I all but told her niggers and muslims should just die already, she was totally on board with muzzies. She hated my views for the most part but never left, pretty sure she respected me more bc I didn't puss out like every other fem ally beta bitch.

Girlfriend is typical lefty but I choke and slap her during sex and make her cover her mouth during sex because “no one wants to hear you, slut”
Liberal girls long to be controlled and dominated in bed

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>But scientists in the field almost universally agree
Appeal to authority fallacy.

The science is field is owned and dominated by financial backers and donors just like politics is. Only a uneducated moron does not know this, and my step-mother is an actual scientist in Madison.

>It's like you're denying evolution
Darwinian theory is not proven

>She probably freaked out because she suddenly realized she was fucking a retard
I have an economics degree and I'm a classical composer

She said she didn't like my tone when we were talking about it, she also absolutely refused to discuss the issue even when I cited evidence against man-caused global warming. She just kept saying "I don't care I'm not going to write an essay for you"

The average liberal is just arrogant and in a constant John Stewart-tier feedback loop

>Personal prejudice. The judge is often an older white man from the south. Have you met older people from the south? My fiancées dad is 70 and he’s openly racist as hell. It’s generational
If this is true, then why are 3rd world minorities flooding in here? To be discriminated against?

Also, any evidence proof that it is "Personal prejudice"?

>My fiancees dad

Liberals are conspiracy theorists. They claim America is a giant institutionally racist country with no proof for it and they have to connect the dots between a bunch of un-proven claims to create the big evil white supremacist conspiracy against the poor noble savages
