Why is Harry going through with such a joke of a wedding?
Why is Harry going through with such a joke of a wedding?
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gingers are niggers
Did they even date?
Seems like an arranged marriage all of a sudden .
>gingers are niggers
this, just look at the Irish and Scots
The whole thing is a disgrace.
I can’t wait for their ginger nigger offsprings hideous mug to emerge and get all of the spotlight
>Be Ginger
>Have the highest rate of Neaderthal dna by default
>Only indigenous Europe
Be insulted by Saxon apes.
Harry has to be a total piece of shit person if he has to import a fame hungry half nigger from America to marry him. The guy must be a total wanker.
Not the women.
This, the royals PR thought they needed some diversity in the family so people don't riot when Charles is king.
>Do you want local girl Fatima
>Do you want mixed Hollywood star
Their child will be ugly as fuck.
>after staged photo debacle
What happened?
Like pic but ginger
He doesn't want to marry anyone. He's just a play boy the crown forced into getting married.
I guess he felt stuck so instead of marrying right, he picked up the dirtiest slag he could find.
I think it's quite based desu
I haven't really been following it at all, but the impression I had is that Harry's been wanting a wife for some time, but the girls he's interested in aren't interested in all the shit that goes along with marrying him. Whereas this American Markle character pretty much decided that marrying somebody like Harry was a fucking great idea and sort of willed it into existence.
its actually the opposite you dumb fag
mfw Harry's kids are cripwalking around Windsor Castle with their pants hanging off their asses and their ball caps on sideways.
Some middle aged actress nobodies ever heard of who insists on calling herself black even though 90% of her ancestors are white
Isn't he the one that flies helicopters and dresses up as Hitler at parties? He should be fun.
they won't have a kid. She's already barren and overage. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she has an "accident" soon. The way she has embarrassed the Royal Family is hilarious. Elizabeth probably isn't as savage as she once was tho.
his dad was a loser as well, not charles btw
to be fair, danny devito is hideous
kekd and checkd
ginger is an anagram of nigger
Their kid would be like 1/32 black so probably not that bad. James Hewitt's genes are strong
>Middle aged actress
With the way the UK media is presenting her you'd think she won all the Oscars and Baftas
what photo debacle?
Because his family is owned by the Rothschilds and he has no choice
The paparazzi have been taking photos of him and he thought they were making him look bad.
So he got other paparazzi to take better photos of him such as when he posed while reading a book.
I fucking hate the royals, but Harry seems a decent lad. I think they both turned out ok considering what happened to mom.
Fuck the royals still.
>Mate works as a sparky
>Call out to a big house in the country
>There's security out the ass, he eventually gets in
>He is directed to a barn or outbuilding where the alarm is fucked
>Bloke comes over, 'Morning m8'
>It's fucking Prince William
>Gives him the quick rundown on the fault
>'You want a cuppa user?'
>'Sure, thx'
>3rd in line to the Empire fucks off & personally makes him a cup of tea
>Kate is running around after the kids nearby
>Just a totally normal family except for the SAS probably behind the treeline
>Mate finishes job, fucks off
Jesus fucking Christ. A balding fat fuck. How does he expect to ever look good.
>ugly brown mutt roastie whore, twice divorced, used to date a porn star, american
wtf is wrong with the royal family. is this the decades of inbreeding rearing its ugly face? diminished IQ of the royal family?
anyway, i'm happy to see it end. I can't wait for the british royal family to be mutts, itll be poetic
>not making a pass at Kate
some guy posted that they dated, then broke up after which she tracked him down at some event and suddenly they were together again, so she's probably blackmailing him with something
Nah, he likely had some sick fetish demand that she finally gave in to.
Local girl Fatima? How about marrying a fucking Anglo Saxon woman? He could have married any cute ethnically British girl yet he dilutes his royal blood with a fucking mulatto. Absolutely disgraceful.
Son, I...
TY leaf. Perfectly clear now, isn't it? Harry IS NOT ROYALTY.
Prince Harry was the only person in his class at Eton to recieve a D.
>picking out Christmas presents for their future nephew.
No, it literally is Jews again ->
>reading a book
A fucking image book .
>marrying one of harvey weinstein's cumbuckets
lol the absolute state of the united cuckdom
God the brits were so pissed the day those pics came out. King James bringing the bants for us mutts
>you heard me, I said "black"
He's probably doing this because he hates the Royal Family after how they treated his mother.
It's gotta be a Jimmy Saville situation.
She must have connections to the secret global pedophile networks, she can have children delivered. Gotta be. She's fucking almost 40 and already divorced once, plus a nigger, plus American, plus she's not even hot!!!
She's got $2,000 hair and a $50 whore's face.
they were set up by a Jewish matchmaker
There's always a choice.
- Dr. Kanye West
I hope they don't have a kid. The fucking (((media))) will sperg out over it for months, it's bad enough hearing about their wedding.
those cunts trying so ridiculously hard to break up the wedding just makes me take his side out of mere contrarianism.
Fucking leaf. Go suck Trudeau's dick. You fucking chink nigger.
who cares you dumb fucking asses
their mother was fucking an arab
they are part of a degenerate elite
>ugly brown mutt roastie whore, twice divorced, used to date a porn star, american
>used to date a porn star
>date a porn star.
>porn star
I cannot even laugh at this. This is making me sad for reals.
Because his Jewish handlers want to show that every used goods mulatto American woman can get (and deserves) a royal husband :)
She’s not looking too good
why the fuck are you defending the queen, ffs your ancestors would spit in your face
He could have married this.
Occam's razor: He's just a fucking idiot.
He literally got Jewed. Naturally everything goes to shit when you date outside of your social class.
Strange isnt it?
>Be Spic
>ginger nigger baby
I'm not defending those "royal" cunts. I just find your statement hilarious.
>Obviously means equates to bad
You can't say much you fucking leaf. Now go ahead and post your "le 56% mutt" photos. I don't give a fuck.
it literally is some jewish women arranged it for them and she boasted on social media about it
>she's probably blackmailing him with something
she's blackfemailing him
>quick snap a polawoid of me weading this so i can look smaught in the tabloids
It's upside down.
>is it, love?
Sir if that is your goal you may to choose something more intellectual.
>b but me likes the pitchers they tickle me eyeballs they do they do
This was arranged by the jews. Why else would the news is paying so much attention to dopey harry. They are telling you that brown people are taking over and its totally normal. The royal family has been owned by jews for centuries
>Hollywood star
Isn't she a glorified D-Lister with only nonspeaking roles (i.e. briefcase model on Deal or No Deal) and voiceover work to her credits?
Always the kikes.
>Would make mutts with
It's blackmail.
whats the staged photo debacle? I fucking hate royal faggots and brits, they're taxpayer funded kardashians. Look how much women idolize them, women want to be subservient to worthless pampered children
Those royal faggots love shitmixing. Britian is fucked.
>amerimutt fatass reading a picture book
>thinks he looks smart
Bongs only importing our best..
Her eyes actually frown like a theater mask. Why are Jews so fucking ugly?
ill fucking (you) myself
fuck them, fuck the degenerate elites
they are getting what they deserve
they are the part of the degenerate ELITES
fuck em
A brit royal marrying a foreigner was my only point by saying "american"
The stable boy
>marrying a literal whore from the yacht circuit
England is actually the dumbest country on earth
Pretty much, biggest role was in some show called Suits.
He'll never be more than the King's uncle.
Imagine being a country that has a literal whore from the yacht circuit. That country must suck balls.
>Thomas Markle said that he is no longer attending his daughter's wedding this weekend after suffering a heart attack six days ago
>He also said that he did not want to run the risk of embarrassing his daughter or the royal family after Mail on Sunday revealed he had staged paparazzi photos
>Thomas, 73, admitted to being paid by a photo agency for the pictures but said it was not his 'main motivation', according to TMZ
>He said he was hoping to recast his image in the wake of previous unflattering pictures
>DailyMail.com can report that Thomas did not seek medical attention on the day of the 'heart attack,' instead spending all day inside his clifftop home in Rosarito
>Two days after his heart attack, Thomas was seen at a McDonald's drive-thru were he purchased two Happy Meals and a frosted beverage
Congrats on your new royal, Brits. Can't wait for the biography, Princess Meg: How I fucked and sucked my way from the trailer park, through casting couches, to becoming part of the British royal family.
>Wholesome princess from a European kingdom.
Name one that would be a good match.
It sounds retarded typing it out loud but over the course of around five years I've spoken to people that know Harry through various angles aspects of hi life.
Back when he was doing his stints in Afghan he had to put up with the typical soldiering shit. He obviously did alright at it all but shit happens and he's dealing with some PTSD type stuff. Hence why he is so into the Invicuts games and an advocate for soldiers mental health.
Something happened in Las Vegas a few years ago and he went apeshit crazy and shit went down. Some even elude to someone dying some say the opposite. Pregnancies.
End of the day favors were called in to help clear things up. As a result the prince finds himself as getting tied to this very deliberately chosen chick.
I know it is pretty un-spectacular but someone might find this interesting.
trump is not royal family
well, neither is harry
There's another version that says "or literally any prime British beauty" but that seemed even more nonsensical to me.
Harry will defect from the Royal Family and come to the states with Markle as a US citizen. They killed his mom, never forget. You're witnessing the rise of the 2nd Hitler.
who gives a shit?! Harry is 5th to the throne, that means he'll never come anywhere near it in his lifetime.
At least in Spain you have no niggers in the royal family.
This, it came out of nowhere. I think it was a political move by the traitor Queen.