Why is Harry going through with such a joke of a wedding?
Why is Harry going through with such a joke of a wedding?
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gingers are niggers
Did they even date?
Seems like an arranged marriage all of a sudden .
>gingers are niggers
this, just look at the Irish and Scots
The whole thing is a disgrace.
I can’t wait for their ginger nigger offsprings hideous mug to emerge and get all of the spotlight
>Be Ginger
>Have the highest rate of Neaderthal dna by default
>Only indigenous Europe
Be insulted by Saxon apes.
Harry has to be a total piece of shit person if he has to import a fame hungry half nigger from America to marry him. The guy must be a total wanker.
Not the women.
This, the royals PR thought they needed some diversity in the family so people don't riot when Charles is king.
>Do you want local girl Fatima
>Do you want mixed Hollywood star