Anyone else tired of foreigners using our Healthcare?
Anyone else tired of foreigners using our Healthcare?
only if they are non-white
>From Eastern European shithole
She's the exception
She's aryan af, don't insult the queen of America.
Reports coming in that she's ded
>comparing legal foreigners with illegal aliens
hahah sweetie, back to shill101
slovenia's actually nice
Because she’s married to king kike
No it’s not lol
>shill education
shame shame shame
Das geht einem an die Nieren!
you got a loicense for that opinion
>our Healthcare
what healthcare? melania, like all rich ppl, is no doubt privately insured
Hehe lefty/pol/ you need your own tv show similar to kids say the darned things
digits dont lie/ thread
nicer than most of the rural US
>yfw trump refuses to donate a kidney for her
I think Melania is 25% Asian.
Except she violated her visa and worked in the US when she wasn't supposed to. She shouldn't have been granted citizenship.
Time for her to go back.
If you count mogal rape babies as "asian"
She would've died in Eastern Europe, I'm not even kidding.
>Anyone else tired of foreigners using our Healthcare?
It's almost as though she came here just for the money and has nothing to offer back to America except lies about her education and plagiarized speeches.
she has slanty eyes tho
You mean just based on her phenotype? Its most likely from the Ancient North Eurasians, not mongoloid admixture.
No, because she's paying for it, not just leeching like some shitskin or communist
>She's paying for it
as if she's worked a single day in her life
Trump gets the best broads. Gee Trump, how come your mom lets you have TWO eastern european hookers.
I don't mind if foreigners use it but I'm tired of Washington D.C. stealing to fund it.
>as if she's worked a single day in her life
She was a millionaire before she got married.
>Trump gets the best broads.
She got her surgery at Walter Reed hospital, which is government-run, and only provides free services to military people
Melania isn't a military person, but uhhhh, she often attends military parties and balls
She was a professional model, and also a millionaire even before she met trump. Try again comrade.
I somehow doubt she’s on Medicaid.
>Anyone else tired of foreigners using our Healthcare?
Absolutely. And now that he's out of office he's back to two packs a day.
Oh wow
Her as well?
Damn. At least my kidneys don't hurt anymore.
ever here of her modeling days they had pictures of her naked all over here from those days trying to spread bullshit
If you get treated at Walter Reed you aren't paying with insurance, genius
more like med
That was debunked by politifact and snopes, sweetie
>Being a whore
What the fuck happened to this site? Fucking degenerates.
kids these days don't remember the Walter Reed scandal during the George W Bush years, where they were not providing veterans with healthcare, making them sleep on infested beds, not funding the hospital, etc.
I wonder if the government gave the hospital more funding since then
>deciding who’s white
Nobody is white according to Jow Forums
Guessing this is anecdotal?
>The statement vaguely described the procedure as “an embolization procedure to treat a benign kidney condition” but offered no additional details about the first lady’s condition or treatment.
Sounds like she tried to down a bottle of pills in a suicide attempt.
>being this btfo
>nobody backing you up for being absolutely retarded
>W-what habbened DDDD:
Probably a lithotripsy for a stone.
she's a legal immigrant
Says the 54%
>shill calling actual browsers of Jow Forums "degenerates"
Piss off you silly shill.
I had to show my mom this funny.
He traded it to McCain so he could put it in his brain
Too bad she's a citizen. CHECKMATE FAGGOT.
Legal citizen
are you slut shaming? sex workers are strong and empowered you bigot
I would too desu
That happens when you do drugs
Im tired of trannies in the white house
>slavs are not white meme
>AD 2018
kys shitskin
>48 years old
>kidney surgery
Pussy, can't even handle her drugs
she's tanned but she's white