Turkey recalls ambassadors from US, Israel after over 50 Palestinians killed in Gaza

>Ankara has recalled its ambassadors from both Washington and Tel Aviv “for consultations,” the Turkish government has confirmed.

>The Turkish government also declared three days of mourning on Monday for over 50 Palestinians killed on the Israel-Gaza border.

>Israeli security forces opened fire on demonstrators gathering along the border fence to protest the relocation of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

>“Turkey will react to this harshly,” said President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

>Ankara condemned the “massacre” of Palestinians carried out by Israeli security forces, adding that regional and global peace and stability will not exist until a lasting a just solution to the Palestinian question is reached.

>“We strongly condemn the decision of the U.S. Administration to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, violating international law and all relevant UN Resolutions. We reiterate that this action is legally null and void,” the Turkish Foreign Ministry said on Monday.

>Turkey has also called for an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on Friday over the killings in Gaza, Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag told the Anadolu Agency.

>Hundreds of protesters gathered in Istanbul on Monday, chanting slogans condemning Israel.

>Earlier in the day, South Africa recalled its ambassador to Israel after the news of Gaza killings.

>A number of other governments have condemned Israeli actions in Gaza and the US decision to relocate its embassy to Jerusalem.

>“France again calls on the Israeli authorities to exercise discernment and restraint in the use of force that must be strictly proportionate,” said Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, adding that the US decision “violated international law.”

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God willing the heebs start a ground incursion to remove hezbollah from Lebanon, while they deal with a third intifada.


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>Trump is bringing the great happening

holy shit i might even hold out on killing myself

Problem with cockroaches: Solved

the jew is the jews worst enemy

>holy shit i might even hold out on killing myself

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Israel is nothing more than a colonialist-tier banker colony built in the heart of a termites nest

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Build the next Israel on the moon. Pretend god lives there.

Israel isn't a place.

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All bark, no action.


real eyes
real lies

what is it then

what does that picture even mean

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its a state of consciousness. Unity.

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so like just unite the opposites and that's israel?

Nice, I hope Mattis bombs the roaches into the stone age, so I can go in and kill as many as I can.

Webm related, t*rkish soldiers

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What's up with his 10 days obsession.

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Kill all t*rks, no exceptions.

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top fucking kek that article

mutt fears the KARA BOĞA

I had a dream, first there was an earthquake, then an eruption that clouded the sky, after that it was a cartoon-esque rain of rockets over a city. Each dream felt real, never had an experience similar to it since.

He got the platinum trophy in Bloodborne in 10 days

the holy thrinity

youre turks though

hey what's the name of your Eurovision singer? I saw her a couple of times and she looked kinda hot, but I was drunk, so need to make sure lol

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Not according to science friend, pic related, educate yourself

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the hell is this then?
change your name to Thracians if you're really pure indo european

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sorry my turk friend, wrong picture

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What's the problem? Not everyone from Asia is turkic.

>everyone in Europe is Anglo
>everyone in Africa is negroid

I don't know, I'm croat, my flag switched due to my internet provider

>Volga Bulgars
>uninterrupted history to 500AD
>"Oh we always speak Bulgars, its a dialect of western Turkic"
>lost history for 3 centuries
>Oh no no no we're never turkics we're always indo-europeans haha

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this is how average people from south balkan look

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I really don't understand what you are trying to say. The language and genetics study I linked clearly shows we have no turkic words in our language. The wiki stuff is commie propaganda form before 89 that was debunked ages ago. The wiki mods refused to remove it, you figure out why.

We were always the same 500AD and before that, our closest relatives are the ancient Iranian tribes hence the indo-european label.

macedon is greek right?
alexander was greek no?

Good. Fuck these fucking jews. Even though turkey has been controlled by dönmeh jews for decades, and this is just talk from a controlled opposition government.

Volga BULGARS are turkics
how the fuck were western BULGARS iranians?
Stop deluding yourself, you are orthodox turks

present day macedonia, not ancient. But for shitposting purpouse I'll now start claiming that Aleksandar was macedonian. Aleksandar Makedonski, not Alexander of Makedon

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We came from central Asia friend hence the proto-Iranian group, we had a kingdom there long before we moved to Volga. We got BTFO by someone, possibly Mongols, and we moved to the Volga basin and then when that kingdom died the sons of the Khan spread in several directions from Italy, to Bulgaria, North Russia and back to Asia linked here . Only the son that came to Bulgaria succeeded, obviously.

>erdogan pretending to care about Palestinians while still persecuting kurds

blah blah blah blah, let these muslim scream all they want, if they try something they will be wiped off this planet and it'll be the largest genocide in history of mankind.


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Trump did say that israel was sandbagging peace talks. I don't even care if its chess anymore.. Maybe its all a game of 88D chance

I'm just waiting for all the people who blamed the rise in anti-semitism in North America on Trump to go back to bashing Israel while simultaneously calling for more Arab immigration

>I wonder how long it will really take them to understand

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blows my mind how many kikes there are in central america

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you're slav-balkan mutts like us, it's just your name that isn't from here. Bulgars were few in numbers and they assimilated into slavs. Unlike hungarians who assimilated pannonian folk into their culture

they are everywhere my goym friendo.. as an Israely citizen you're paid by Israel gov't to move anywhere in the world, settle and show your presence. You're literally get paid to occupy foreign lands. I used to hate the jews but when I gave it thought about why I did and who wanted me to hate them is when truth became clear, it's not the jews I hate, it's those who tell me to hate them.

*Hierosolyma belongs to Christians

ok jew

Why does Turkey after all these years of being good goy even care about Palestinians?

Not quite true. The data shows anywhere from 30% to 70% Bulgars and that's a bunch of research papers. The latest research from last year was at 60%

shalom chink :)

>israel wiped off the planet and every israeli killed, launch samson option as they are falling and wipe out the arabic/middle eastern world, all religious holy cities glassed.
>the worst genocide in human history committed by Jews completely erases memory of the holocaust and causes world to unite and expel jews to the radioactive crater of their "homeland"

Sounds good to me

bullshit, if that is then I halpomeme wouldn't be dominant in bulgaria and you would speak turkic or whatever bulgars spoke

We still have a bunch of Bulgar influence on the language (not turkic, already posted the research), that's why you, Serbs, Bosnians, etc. can understand each other, but we have difficulty.

Can't really comment on the haplogroups, I simply do not know enough on the subject.

so okay you have some loanwords from bulgar language? Half of coastal croatia speak slavo-romance creole. It's only natural that you have some words from them, they ruled over you and you even taken their name, but they were few in numbers, if they weren't they wouldn't be slavified

It was not about power, friend. They were the locals and the Bulgars adopted their culture when they started mixing. Much like Byzantium was influenced by the small Greek population and eventually accepted their language and culture.

It was not about power and/or numbers, friend. They were the locals and the Bulgars adopted their culture when they started mixing. Much like Byzantium was influenced by the small Greek population and eventually accepted their language and culture.

Forgot to add the adoption of the local culture was mandated by law straight from the Khans/Tsars. Christianity also helped a lot.


literally supports ISIS, irrelevant.

no they don't.

They do tho. You can't lie on Jow Forums, we are THE fact checkers.

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Sorry son

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They definitely did. Even now there are ex ISIS fighters among their puppets in Syria.

Could this ultimately lead to liberation of Constantinople?

No, but it can lead to many dead t*rks and that's good enough.

I will be a crypto christcuck under Sharia rule I don't care, as long as I'll be allowed to gut and slaughter random jew kikes daily.

That's all I want from life.

Death from israel.

America went in heavy funding and arming the majority Kurdish SDF when the FSA was crumbling and America needed a strong presence in the east of Syria. It was considered a huge betrayal to the turks.

Muslims are by far the bigger enemy, they have been trying to conquer Europe for 1400 years. Kikes need to go as well, choosing one over the other is just cutting your own head off.

Elections inbound

This is literally fake news though

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This on uses the same source

Nowhere does it say in the original source that it's to destroy Israel in 10 days

Literally Jewish propaganda

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Roach diaspora in France?