Burgers help me, which one of the us states has the best combination of the following:

Burgers help me, which one of the us states has the best combination of the following:
>As white as possible
>Fairly rich, good business opportunities (no Alabama or Mississippi)
>Good gun laws

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I hear good things about Idaho these days

It seems nice and really looks like it matches the criteria

He doesnt want to commit suicide, Ohio fucking sucks.
I suggest Kentucky, Tenn, or Eastern Georgia

NH I think

>the south
>Fairly rich, good business opportunities

New Hampshire. I'm moving there from upstate NY when I start a career, because I'm sick of NYC dictating our policies.

Southwest Florida? (e.g. Naples, Sarasota)
North Texas? (e.g. Dallas)

fastest growing state in the nation, everyone is moving here

Georgia is pretty black isn't it?

you will literally be able to find that combination in many places, specifically out west.

Yeah Dallas seems fairly white compared to the Texan average




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West Virginia for option 1
Tennessee for option 2 and 3
Nothing for all 3 options.

Attached: Non-Hispanic white population by state in 2016 in color.png (1000x817, 179K)

fuck off we're full

obama already gave us a large dose of africans for no reason in the most populated part of the state. fucking californians too, this state is fucked


Boise, Idaho, but beware cali fags are invading. I hear Cincinnati Ohio is doing well too.

Probably New England or Washington/Oregon

Idaho, Utah, Montana, dakotas even Minnesota to a degree

Washington or Oregon outside of the cities

Arizona if you can stand ~30% beaner but people in Arizona self segregate so you’ll end up living by whites and in Phoenix you can actually get a white collar good job while still enjoying red statenlow taxes and gun laws, same with slc. Boise is small but growing

Seattle and Portland are all white but they are like 75% cycled far lefties like Frenchman or Germans so it’s worse than living around Mexicans tbhq.

Especially beacuase like 1/3 of hispanics are actually Spanish speaking whites and/or are based and not communist fucks

dont forget the hidden jihadi somali/bosniak population

New Hampshire

These Charts are wrong and autistic kys you kraut faggot

Move out to Bozeman Mt

basically this, utah has some natural protection from cali fags due to mormonism, but boise and the rest of idaho have been fucked the last couple years.

Lol this meme again.

Idaho or Utah would be great choices. Ethnically, they are very white, they are ardent supporters of the 2nd amendment and with low tax rates are very business friendly. Wyoming would also be an alternative especially given it's whiteness and no permit required for open or concealed carry.

I have heard that northern michigan is pretty white and a good place to shoot guns

New Hampshire

Not Indiana its really terrible here. Ohio or Kentucky is probably the best choice. Indiana is really full.

They are not. Stop deluding yourself.

Attached: non-Hispanic white babies born in 2016 by state in color.png (1104x864, 182K)

Live in Vermont, work in New Hampshire.

Fort Worth is about 15% whiter than dallas, pretty close to it though. Gotta have to like hot as fuck weather here

>over 94% white
>good oprutunities
>no license required for carrying or owning guns.

>>As white as possible
>>Fairly rich, good business opportunities (no Alabama or Mississippi)
>>Good gun laws

Seattle WA, but all predominantly white big cities with job opportunities are liberal with gazillions of genders and sjw's.

Washington sucks these days. Full of commies and Chinese. I would stay away

Vermont/new hampshire/maine/idaho/montana...basically the entire top 1/3 of the country

Texas, just avoid anything too far south near the border. Dallas and Houston are growing by leaps and bounds.

Ain't he right?

Beavercreek, Ohio is great.

Confirmed. The entire PNW is extremely white but also insanely liberal.

You aren't far behind

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Alright so most people suggested Ohio and Idaho and also quite a few said certain parts of Texas and Kentucky

We are as white as New Hampshire.

TN, but we are full.

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The Pacific northwest and New England are full of liberals. Enough liberals that you might be better off around niggers.

the liberals here are really extreme too
maybe one day we'll have an opportunity to actually use our guns for real

This kike wants to ruin a good thing.

Iowa is good

Utah, but fuck off we're full

West side Cleveland suburbs are comfy. Just make sure you're used to cold as fuck winters and humid summers

Didn't say you werent, but you are accelerating the process

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Boise was my last ditch.
Texas is no longer a safe space.
Holy God.
What the fuck am I going to do?

Knoxville and the East Tennessee Valley area.
You’re welcome.

No niggers, as the people there lynched ALL of them after the civil war

Idaho is dyke paradise from border to border. I used to travel to Boise for business and the amount of dyks was fucking staggering. They are easy to spot because they all have the same fat lesbian haircut

Few people outside of California understand how truly fucked this state is.

You fucks have more niggers per captia then blades of grass

Iowa, usually in the top 5 for raising a family. The black usually are contained to the cities and it took me 15 mins to get my ccw permit.

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Texas is friendly, just drive like an asshole and don't take our guns and we are cool

>tfw live in mississippi


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Oregon is contracting the California disease.
Leftists and Commies are in an all out blitz against America.
Washington is horrid.


Lots of business opportunities to be had in the south if your not brain dead, a nigger, uneducated, or lazy...

California is not white and has some of the shittiest gun laws in the country.


Can I please move to Germany? I promise to kill at least 70 sand nigger babies and women. I have guns and connections that can get us guns into ports :>


Kill some niggers
make room for more whites asshole

New Hampshuh. It’s got minimal gun laws and all 4 seasons and low tax too

Drove through montana recently and stayed in great falls. Casinos on every street corner, it was weird. I liked it though.

MT's pretty much an ethnostate. absolute paradise

come to pittsburgh, all the neighborhoods are basically segregated and we've got a lot of rich white people in healthcare. Also no fireowkrs but you can shoot guns in your backyard so it's pretty great.

You're retarded, Ohio is one of the whitest places left in the entire world. It's kind of funny because most of my shitlib college friends ended up living there and complained about NYC, LA, and Atlanta "going to shit" HHHHHHMMMM


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Being white in California sucks.

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TN, not bad compared to the rest of the south honestly it kicks the shit out of Alabama and Arkansas and fucking Ohio for sure

Yeah its not and you can stop lying about it being white cunt I've been through Ohio I saw 1 white person for every 10 niggers

Stay the fuck away from Mississippi
Hotty toddy fellow Mississippian

Not all whites are the same.
Leftists are cancer and should be shunned.
I'm a Californian and I'm always upset that leftists flee this state.
We should be quarantined.
Leftists NEED to suffer the consequences of their policies.

Minnesota. With very small population then North Dakota. Washington also, but 8% east asian. New Hampshire, but not real cities.

congrats, you've hit a paradox

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Tennessee is booming but heavily black, especially memphis.

New Hampshire here, fuck off we're full.
I swear to Christ if I see you meme lords roaming my woods it's a shallow lime-filled grave for you.

ITP is majority nigger I think

Texas is full. Stay home Yankee.

North dakota, if fracking is your business

both my parents are Austrian and moved here in 1987

>Seattle and Portland are all white but they are like 75% cycled far lefties

No typical Jow Forumsack should live in or near Seattle or Portland. The SJW liberalness will cause you to shoot yourself in the head over and over and over again.



And what are you doing to save Germany?

I've spent time in Iowa. Iowa is pretty nice. Not sure about the economic opportunities though. I recall nothing but farmland.