What are your thoughts on Anti-Catholicism/Orthodoxy?
What are your thoughts on Anti-Catholicism/Orthodoxy?
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I wish Orthodoxy was dominant here instead of the cucktholick mafia. Current pope should be deposed.
I have an issue with the diocese more than the believers.
The Christian religion is a crock of shit created by Romans, specifically the Flavian Caesar's, and it borrowed from all the previous Khazar religions because Rome was founded on Shekelesh land, one of the Khazar tribes (Sicilians are related to ashkenazi jews/Khazar)
>Polish Catholic mafia
damn, now I'm interested.
/orthochads/ report in
>leaf logic
Are your ancestors Protestants living in Protestant lands? Be Protestant.
Are you ancestors catholics living in catholic lands? Be catholic.
Are your ancestors orthodox living in orthodox lands? Be orthodox.
Could’ve sworn I attached file
.......so whats our stances on Protestantism?
Faith is higher than your ancestors, my ancestors if im aware were probably prot but im rejecting that, exploring and studying to see if I should adopt Catholicism or Orthodoxy
Better map
I was through that too, but it is important to have cultural connections to your forefathers
Oh look, a false dichotomy based in heresy. Protip: this was never an issue in Orthodoxy.
Sicilians were a separate and pagan tribe
>divide and conquer
i believe in jesus christ our savior, and church as his bride, no matter its many forms. any christian is my brother and sister in christ.
As a traditionalist, Catholicism is great. As a rational person, confessing my sins to/eaving kids around "celibate" old men are problems.
I don't know enough about Orthodoxy.
Hallelujah brothers and sisters!
Papism isn't traditional in the slightest. It is subject to change in the same way that a global news outlet is.
I was referring in part to them retaining more traditional (pagan) festivals and rituals than Protestants.
Why not just be a pagan?
Jesus Christ is God.
Non-Denominational or Evangelical for the win; since that is all that actually matters.
(Oh yeah, and believing with your heart & confessing with your mouth)
Ethiopia is litteraly the only country where blacks developed a civilization.
>no protestshits in france
god bless Charles IX
I'm open to it, but in the States it seems to be tainted by hippies and hedonists (not to mention dykes) at the moment.
They're usually small, local things, like carrying a statue of Virgin Mary around a village. One example would be Easter and Christmas. They're both repurposed festivals (one of which which retains the name of its patron goddess). Protestants sperg about easter eggs, Santa (Odin), and other European symbols.
wow great logic holy shit how mind blowing
Most Christian holidays are corruptions of Norse, Celtic and Roman festivals.
But I worship Jesus, not Israel.