I fucking spent $4000 donating to this stupid motherfucker's campaign thinking he's different and here he is being no different than fucking Bush.
Is Trump the biggest pysop that Jow Forums ever fallen for?
>meme flag
What made you think he was 'different' exactly?
>4000 dollars to get cucked
Capitalism in action
Of course you did, me to.
Didn't he claim to be the most militaristic and most pro-Israel person ever?
Pol has always been with her
Go back to slasharslashtheunderscoredonald
Repeatedly. Said he would bomb the shit out of them and israel is our greatest ally during the entire campagine
I maxed out my dad's credit card to donate to Drumpf's campaign because I thought he would make anime real and he's literally going to kill me. Damn you pol.
>maximum campaign contribution is $2700
Kill yourself larping moron
trump just wanted a way to plaster his name all over everything without having to buy it.
lmao mark ass nigger upset that he donated 4k (a years salary) to a billionaire who told everybody he was going to "do it on his own"
I donated my ribbed dragon dildo to drimpf, now I have to shove a rotten cucumber up my ass instead
thats for single donations you fucking braindead nigger
go fucking neck yourself for breathing the same air as me
LeL I won 4000$ by betting 200$.
What if pol was just a data mine to get Trump elected? They just took various memes to make the establishment look edgy and cool, knowing that it would secure the vote and offset rebellion in the Right.
At the same time they learned how memes work and turned them against (you). He's the first (You) president.
>I fucking spent $4000
>mfw people in the US still don't realize that all we did was cut out the middleman.
the memes don't lie. this was constantly posted during the election
>Jared understood the online world in a way the traditional media folks didn't.
No, you're just retarded, meme flaggot