>In 1939, the increased threat of conflict with Nazi Germany amplified the Canadian government's level of concern for the general safety of the memorial. In late May 1940, following the British retreat to Dunkirk after the Battle of Arras, the status and condition of the memorial became unknown to Allied forces. The Germans took control of the site and held the site's caretaker, George Stubbs, in an Ilag internment camp for Allied civilians in St. Denis, France. The rumoured destruction of the Vimy Memorial, either during the fighting or at the hands of the Germans, was widely reported in Canada and the United Kingdom. The rumours led the German Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda to formally deny accusations that Germany had damaged or desecrated the memorial. To demonstrate the memorial had not been desecrated, Adolf Hitler, who reportedly admired the memorial for its peaceful nature, was photographed by the press while personally touring it and the preserved trenches on 2 June 1940. The undamaged state of the memorial was not confirmed until September 1944 when British troops of the 2nd Battalion, Welsh Guards of the Guards Armoured Division recaptured Vimy Ridge.
In 1939...
>The monument at Vimy Ridge was Hitler's favourite memorial from World War I, because it is a monument to peace, not a celebration of war. There are no carved guns at Vimy Ridge, no helmeted soldiers, no stacks of cannonballs. Instead, the figures are of Canada grieving for her lost sons.
>Hitler went to Vimy Ridge on June 2, 1940, called in the world's press as best he could and insisted they take his picture on the unscathed steps. He then assigned special troops from the Waffen-SS to guard Vimy Ridge.
2018 Canadian army is so fucked they get kicked out of mud man wars and 75% of their soldiers are too fat to deploy on (wait for it) PEACE KEEPING MISSIONS google.com
Why is it always disgusting nigger mutts who have to divide and conquer? What does this have to do with Hitler protecting the Vimy Ridge memorial?
"Muh Vimmey Ridge, we burned the White House because we wuz Red Coats n shiiite" a better question would be: why is basically the entirety of Canadian military history utter bullshit or greatly exadurated?
Since you don't seem to really know a whole lot about Canadian military history, why don't you stick to what you're good at like throwing basketballs around and doing real nigga sheit?
This is actually fascinating. I had no idea this happened. It really flies in the face of le ebil warmonger Hitler. Mind putting up a link to a source?
Toronto Star did a nice story on it
Mmmm why don't you enlighten me so that I can continue to rip on your meme tier military? You delusional Snow Mexican
I don't know enough about niggerball to tell you anything.
Fun fact: my unit is the only American unit to use the LAV25, up until that point in the war the only NATO troops to use LAV's close to that area were Canadians. We were puzzled why the Paki niggers were so emboldened and at times employed Zerg rush tactics, until we found out throughout HET that they didn't fear you because you never diamounted scouts...in laymans terms, you useless faggots would sit inside the vehicles instead of getting out to clear the direction of fire...absolute ice kikes
>claims to be former service member
>uses the term "Zerg rush tactics"
>"Paki niggers"
go stolen valour somewhere else
I'll bet you didn't even know the majority of people we killed over there were Pakistani you POG
This just isn't true, but if you want to keep pretending you're former military keep on it dude.
what are you even talking about
We'll, maybe not you because you were LARPing about trying to "win hearts and minds" in the Middle of the Pashtun heartland while we were going out and getting some...what's hilarious is you seem to think your JTF/CSOR some how excuses the shitty performance of your regular infantry overseas, even though they basically were just used for LRRP's and a few joint raids...even Op Medusa you couldn't do without 10th Mountain and 5th SFG holding your hand
...are you okay? Post your Military ID card along with you ACM please. I don't really know why you're autistically flying off the handle like this, the thread is specifically about Hitler defending the Vimy Ridge memorial in France.
The easiest way to effectively create an enemy out of someone is to characterize them as one dimensional. Like how most people (even today) believe Hitler has no other traits besides warmonger and hating Jews.
Basics of propaganda
what the fuck are you doing?
I'm a vet
I don't see an ACM.
Imagine being such a fucking obsessive loser that you enter every single thread related to Canada and begin sperging out about our military
This is your brain after kike slavery
You can't get a VA card without being honorably discharged brainlet
I'm almost positive I've seen this guy post before.
you can get honourably discharged and get V status without serving in combat you dumb ass. Now where is your ACM?
>I'm almost positive I've seen this guy post before.
He ctrl + fs canada then starts throwing a bitchfit. He posts bait threads over and over again every day lmao. He has some personal assblast about Kandahar or something. He's being doing this for fucking years, genuinely the most autistic loser I've ever encountered on this shithole
My DD214? I ain't getting doxed leaf bro, and service connected means I'm a partially disabled vet...fuck snow Mexicans are pedantic are cringie
He's ZOG foot soldier who fought for Israel and is mad for Canada not giving a shit about his kike wars, you can easily spot him autistically screeching about the Canadian military. Forgive him, it's the PTSD from taking too many dicks up his ass in A-stan.
Yeah you've never served in combat get the fuck out of here.
What's very interesting is that Hitler destroyed the train carriage the treaty was signed in. He specifically had the French surrender signed in it, and after it was done, ordered it destroyed. It was to symbolize Germany's final victory over France and the treaty that humiliated Germany.
He also showed remarkable respect to the defeated French. In comparison, when the German General Staff saluted the Russians/Americans/British/French at the end of the war, no salute was returned.
I get sheckles for every bant, and they are hilarious...when you're at the point you recognize posters on Jow Forums you really aren't in a position to call someone a loser you window licker
>He posts bait threads over and over again
It's even worse than that because he make's like 50+ posts over hours in each thread just repeating the same talking points over and over again, probably thousands of posts over dozens of threads. I genuinely question this guys mental health
>I'm a vet
I'm a cuck*
I have no idea wtf an ACM is, our records asside from DD214's are all online and I'm not getting doxed
>i get paid to shitpost on Jow Forums
lmao what a pathetic and delusional excuse
>when you're at the point you recognize posters on Jow Forums
I only recognize absolute turbospergs like yourself
The guy is confusing his discharge certificate with an Afghanistan Campaign Medal. This is some autistic larping.
>I have no idea wtf an ACM
top kek
Who's questioning my mental health? I could tell you myself I'm fucked...if you have a point make it lol
>Thinks medals you can buy online are more legitimate than a VA card...k
t.my mom cook the best ketchup spagethi
Callate paco
You really need to find a better outlet then shitposting autistically about the same topic all day on Jow Forums
Like holy fucking shit man
Not that these prove anything but here
You've never served in Afghanistan. You'd know what an ACM is and you'd own one if you actually did serve, but you didn't.
pic related is you
El goblino de valor robado...
We don't just issue medals you have to buy them and I don't give a fuck about medals, and oh no I've been out 7 years and didn't remember an abbreviation the US military doesn't really use? Yeah totally stolen valor, you pedantic jew
Hitler is a better Prime Minister than Justin Trudeau, unironically.
And I don't mean Hitler would be a better prime minister now. I mean the suggestion of his corpse is a better leader than Justin Trudeau.
>what's an ACM?
this is the tell-tale sign along with the fact no servicemen in their right state of mind would do this kind of thing on a Tibetan silk weaving forum.
Nigger I've never heard anybody call an Afghan Campaign Medal an ACM, that's either a Canadian thing or you are being autistically pedantic
>We don't just issue medals you have to buy them and I don't give a fuck about medals,
the absolute state of the U.S military if true. Can a U.S military user confirm this mentally ill faggot is a LARPer?
True for Marines, don't know about army
Man I slid the fuck out of this Maple Jew thread :)
You sure did bucko, it's not like what you do isn't against the rules or anyt-
>people stop replying to my autism
>haha epic troll'd
Not even giving you a (you), blow your brains out mentally ill mutt
oh shit wdf nigga
Hitler made 1000 concessions for peace to the west, it did not work. He should have killed you all. Race traiting scum.
yeah yeah hurry up and give us our tulips already you wooden shoed fuck
I wish he finished the Amerika bomber and nuked New York. That would have been a beautiful sight.
Even the Nazis appreciated dead leafs
The average person was completely deceived by their (((governments)))
Shameful given how he was an Anglophile with a respect for the whole commonwealth
i like how the government tried to use the "destruction" of vimy as propaganda
in case it wasn't obvious to anyone, always remember that Canada and the US are still doing this kind of shit.
>getting a gf before you join
Anyone's fault. You should know how women are.
t. Still buthurt about losing Indonesia
Maybe if you didn't lose to farmers you'd still have the colony. Sounds familiar.
Makes you wonder if Hitler devised the blitzkrieg specifically to avoid the trench warfare he and so many of the men he knew and faced suffered in. Mind you, he could have renounced war altogether, but that didn't happen, did it?
For starters, we burned their capital first, the year before.
It shouldn't make anyone wonder because the objective was to secure an early victory, not to avoid trench warfare on the basis of it not being very nice conditions for fighting men.