Transexuals ban drag queens because they are offensive

>The left is killing themselves with all this political correctness
>I think we need too help them come up with more rules
>do you know off anything in the gay parade that can offend lesbians
>lesbians earn less than gay man is not that unfair?

Suggestions of how we can help these leftist gays will not being offended?

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wtf this goes to far, what's next banning clowns or butch lesbians?

We should be doing everything possible to encourage infighting between different varieties of faggots.

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I find Dragqueens less offensive than transgender. Drag queen is an art style, they celebrate female artist and celebrities and at the end of the day they remove the make up off. Trans are liars that are try to be something they’re not, they mock what it’s like to be a women.

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Who in their right mind would visit a site called pink news?

Bisexual implies two genders and therefore they must remove the B from LGBT

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