A Russian company indicted in the special counsel investigation attacked the case in an acerbic court filing Monday...

>A Russian company indicted in the special counsel investigation attacked the case in an acerbic court filing Monday that accused the government of inventing a "make-believe crime."

Attached: russm.png (1047x755, 1.26M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>A Russian company

Fuck them!

Attached: Russians.png (570x402, 267K)

That was actually funny.
>Ha, we indicted these guys who aren't even in the country, this will just put more pressure on...
>Ok, we please not guilty, discovery please.
>Wait no, you were supposed to just stay in Russia and this was supposed to go nowhere.

Seriously one of the companies indicted didn’t even exist at the time. Mullskivich is grasping desperately at straws.

>and this was supposed to go nowhere
You're a moron if you think that.
They will be grabbed and tried if they step foot in a civilized country ever again or when Putin gets deposed/dies.

No dipshit, watch an learn what happens next. These were fake indictments. Charges will be dropped before discovery.

>Please hurry Mueller

Are you new? Discovery would destroy Mueller.

>fake news!
You're either a buttblasted russkie moron or on a Fox News diet that sheltered you from the facts.
Either way, you're a moron who doesn't know what's going on.


OH shit commie faggot, Mueller collided with Russians?




Not sure if this is the case, but if it is, then McCabe was one of the two FBI agents that met with Oleg Deripaska in Paris during the hunt for Robert Levinson.

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Take off that meme flag right now.

Faux News bullshit. Get informed, new fag.

Take off that mutt flag right now, mongoloid.

Wow you really are a retard

>defendant makes defensive claim
wew certainly sloshes the serotonin

>FBI doing its job means the head of the FBI collided

LOL commies are this dumb.

they just showed up to court like they were asked to

>Mueller and McCabe with ties to Oleg Deripaska
>Trump's EO targeted him

Seems like payback user

So if Trump JR has a completely normal meeting with a russian lawyer that's collusion, but if Mueller is indebted to the tune of millions to a russian oligarch that's all above board.

>they hired some American lawyers to try to fight this that means they showed up

No, they are indicted and hiding.


You're just posting schizophrenic nonsense.

Fake indictments? Like they never existed, or they do but you just personally feel like they're not legit?

dems gonna get raped

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Mueller is a lifelong Republican you fucking moron.

but their lawyers responded to the summons. There is no "they" to hide or not hide because its a company that's indicted not a person. So of ocurse hiring lawyers from the nation issueing the indictment and having them correspond with the courts is as much as "showing up" as they can do.
What would satisfy you?

>no links provided about the topic
>proxy puppet shitthrowing contest starts within 2 replies
kill yourself, all of you

>you fucking moron
no, u r

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Great argument. I can feel my point of view shifting as we speak.

>they hired some American lawyers to try to fight this that means they showed up

Yes, it actually does. Your lawyer represents you in court, that's what showing up means. And this was a company (an LLC) that was indicted, of course you're going to have lawyers show up instead of ceo or whatever.

That's how these things work, you retard.

>Mueller is going to put Concord Managment in jail
I want to see this happen.
I want to see Robert Mueller himself frogmarch the notarized articles of incorporation out of the records office and shove them into the back of a idling black SUV in front of dozens of cameramen. It would be the perfect one image synopsis of the whole special counsel.

So is mccain, bill krystal, jeb!. Wtf, i believe party affiliation now??!

It's persons too you dumb schizophrenic.

Go post complete nonsense you make up as you go elsewhere.

hahahahah deluded leftard

Also i'd give it until the new spyro trilogy comes out, before the case gets dropped. At this pace.


Lolbertarian retard doesn’t know shit about the Justice system. Why am I not surprised?

The is no point to your gibberish and you know it.

You really know how to shit up a thread

Judge gave him 2 weeks for evidence. It's well past a week now

Are you a bot or a shill retard? These responses make no sense. Explain what will happen during discovery.

>being this butt hurt

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it was 11 people and two companies. The 11 people and one of the companies are ignoring the indictments, and the last company is choosing to fight it in court.
So now is the company complying with the summons now guilty of evading it because the indictment associates them with the others?

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Wtf I love Mueller now.

When I'm not memeing or throwing slurs at you, this kind of tactic just makes you look silly and scared.

>memeflags meaning anything besides SHILL

No, showing up is showing up you little moron.
13 persons were indicted you little moron.
Their crimes are grave that's why they will be hiding for the rest of their lives you little moron.

You’re a kike.

Can you quickly summarize, in a way that would satisfy you, what it means for a company to appear in court?

Its owned is indicted too you moron.


so is tru- well atleast he became a good republican like mccain or bush

wtf, I love to fuck muels now.

You mean a part of Trump's worst enemy list? Establishment RINOs?

>Being under indictment in the US requires hiding when you are in a no-US-extradition country
The 13 individuals won't have a Roman Polanski-tier exile, because of their affiliations, but being under indictment isn't much of a burden these days, especially since their being apprehended is the last thing Mueller or his pals wants. He doesn't want Concord to proceed to trial so he'll have to drop the charges against Concord at least in order to avoid discovery.

Trump registered as a Democrat several times and donated to both Pelosi and Reid.

At least stop pretending that you care about the party, little brainless morons.

Which might mean something if Mueller hadn't indicted a ham sandw...I mean Concord the business. The business is charged with a crime and deserves its speedy trial. The other conspirators can be tried when they are apprehended, just like with every other criminal case ever.

>He doesn't want Concord to proceed to trial
>so he'll have to drop the charges against Concord
You talk about it like you work there.

Do you even know who owns it?



>Owners Violetta Prigozhin (2011-) Yevgeny Prigozhin (1995-2009)

They sure are. Doesn't change that the LLC itself is responding to the indictment, and they are entitled to discovery.
Maybe Meuller shouldn't have indicted them this way, but the current situation was his choice and it's his responsibility to deal with it.

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>indicting a russian company
as useful as circumcision

Other than dropping the charges, what legal alternatives exist to prevent discovery? His request to delay the trial was already denied. Now I'm not a lawyer, so I really don't know if there is anything else he can do.


"On November 29, 1979, Prigozhin was given a suspended sentence for stealing (in Leningrad). In 1981 he was sentenced to twelve years imprisonment under articles of robbery, fraud, and involving teenagers in prostitution. Prigozhin spent nine years in prison before he was released.[6]"

Prigozhin was called "Putin’s chef"

American TV sitcoms are the greatest.

Wow. They sure sound like gross assholes.
Now on a seperate issue, the company they work at is being indicted and has decided to respond to the indictment. They are owed discovery, and Meuller's request to postpone the trial were rejected.

ITT: One or two LawAnons vs the retarded baseline of ShareBlue recruits

You're the schizophrenic who would post any nonsense.

Just letting you know that I'm not responding.

LLC CAN'T SHOW UP TO COURT, IT'S A PIECE OF PAPER!!! It shows up to court, by hiring lawyers. Like there is literally civil law, that distinguishes between when you sue an llc and an owner of an llc. For example, in order for an LLC to sue, it needs to be represented by a lawyer, you can't sue pro se as a ceo of that LLC.

SO FUCKING WHAT? How fucking retarded can you be. If you and I get sued in court for conspiracy, and you don't show for court because you're to busy smoking weed in your mother's basement, and I do, that doesn't fucking mean I lose my rights to discovery. Are you this fucking retarded? Seriously?

Hey guys internet lawyer here, you are not entitled to your constitutional right to face your accuser, unless absolutely everyone I listed in my indictment shows up.

Man democrats really fucked up.

See Talk about pizzagate in a different thread or something. Don't waste sane people's time.

Because you can't. Because you've chosen to take a logically inconsistent position.

Cool story /b/ro. Sure would like to see what comes out in discovery. When does Concord get it's day in court?

I don't care, you posted enough complete nonsense that I don't care. You're ill. Or something.

I mean, by posting the indictment I've confirmed a claim you made. Was that also made up?


From here on now, all my indictments will list Lu Bu, the late Chinese warrior. Remember, if he doesn't show up, you can't claim the right to discovery.

I have to know if you actually believe there are lurkers who read you declare opposing arguments on nonsense and just take your side on it. I don't even understand your motivation behind it. You'd look less foolish if you just ignored my posts.

You'd still look cowardly though.

Shareblue is running out of money and are hiring third worlders now.

>Hey guys internet lawyer here, you are not entitled to your constitutional right to face your accuser, unless absolutely everyone I listed in my indictment shows up.

It's funny because Team Mueller basically tried this as an out by attempting to deny the lawyers even had standing to defend their client and the judge blew them off.

13 people were indicted.
They will never show up because they value their freedom.
Continue from here if you disagree.

BTW this company is the Russian regime. It has unlimited resources.

But unfortunately, Meuller also indicted non-person entities which can respond to the indictment without being literally held in jail. So we can agree that Meuller made an "oopsie" here, even if we disagree on whether trump is guilty of collusion.

Legally speaking, could meuller have only indicted the particular persons involved with a company, or was there some reason he HAD to do it this way?

that's a brilliant strategy user! you should send your resume to Trump so he can make you lead attorney after Guliani "resigns" next month

And Mueller has unlimited resources of the US government, so it seems like a fair fight to me. Except, for the fact that the US has a lot more money.

I know right? 100% conviction rate, here I come baby.

> even if we disagree on whether trump is guilty of collusion.

This has nothing to do with collusion, crazy person.

Read the indictments. You're obviously some high functioning mentally ill loser.

I think he went after the actual company as well because they figured that Russian nationals indicted for treason are probably not going to show up. This way, they at least have a solid entity they can shut down/fine

>13 people
Concord is a "person" under the law. Their lawyers can ask for discovery long before they ever go to court. Then what happens?

The words you are looking for are "political expedience". Indicting the companies ties this into Putin's regime, not just some assholes who are coincidentally Russian. The indictment of the companies got them added to the list of Russian shit we sanction for criminal activity because the company got indicted not just some of the management.

>Read the indictments
here's whats on page 2
Internet Research Agency (later referred to as "organization" in the indictment) is accused of a interference campaign to disrupt US politics.

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I assume they will easily tie it to illegal activity.
They just need to follow the money.

on page 6 Concord Management (the company not the owners) is accused of funding "organization" (Which is Internet Research Agency LLC) in their interference campaign.

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Your really going out of your way to avoid discussing discovery. Mueller owes Concord the right to discovery. What happens when he is forced to provide it?

At worst they never enter the US and live prosperous lives elsewhere with no real damage to Trump and whatever interests they hypothetically got from him.

At best for them, they get discovery and get tons of evidence to either discredit the investigation or forewarn Trump.

See how this is bad for Mueller yet?

Well then they're just fucked aren't they? Dropping the charges alleviates the Russia Government Collusion narrative. Not indicting them in the first place wouldn't have helped push it.

Well yes of course. They've indicted the company for illegal activity. That's supposedly why you issue indictments. The assertion here is that once the russians are granted discovery they'll release it to the public and we will know for certain what evidence Meuller has (or not) in relation to Trump.

The "troll farm" was LITERALLY CREATED BY THE CIA.


> never enter the US
They won't risk leaving Russia.

And I doubt this is connected to Trump. If it is then he's fucked because these assholes were interfering in his election.

What illegal activity? Since you really don't seem to understand the American legal system, here is how it works:

Mueller must show Concord all of the evidence that he is using to build his case. Unlike TV, there are no surprise witnesses or surprise evidence. If the other side intendeds to enter evidence into court, the defense gets to see this evidence long before there is even a trial. This way, the defendant can build his defense against this evidence. Mueller now has to show his cards and the whole investigation is bullshit.

>Mueller will let Putin know who informed the US, how much the glow-in-the-dark-niggers found out about the operation of the IRA LLC, who the unindicted co-conspirators are, and what other crimes the government wants to charge in the matter.
There's not going to be any discovery because Mueller will be pressured to drop this shit if he's dumb enough to proceed on his own.