The prince of the throne that flies the flag of Saint George, like his fathers before him, crosses himself right to left. His imminent ascension to the throne will marry the Church of his fathers to the Church of his mother, which he will be the head of as king. He will use his position to reconcile these two with the See of Rome, bringing them into communion once again. The vacant seat will be filled. Three branches will become one!
I have literally no idea wtf is going on here. Is this a happening?
Julian Edwards
>The prince of the throne that flies the flag no clue. >crosses himself left to right statement on the schism between Catholics and orthodox Christians. >His imminent ascension to the throne will marry the Church of his fathers to the Church of his mother, which he will be the head of as king. He will use his position to reconcile these two with the See of Rome, bringing them into communion once again. Something about the previously mentioned messiah uniting the two divided churches into one united Christendom. >The vacant seat will be filled. Three branches will become one! Likely an illusion to the holy spirit, or to Catholics, Orthodox, and protestant being brought together.
The prince in this prophecy is an earthly prince, and his flag can be found in this thread.
I must depart, brothers! Search deep within yourselves and together you may find meaning in this wisdom that has been imparted unto you.
Luke Anderson
Yea run off and take your meds christcuck. The fuck outta here with your jewish fairytales
Jeremiah Cook
Jordan Martin
>implying you even know wtf he's talking about
Adults are discussing important things, gb2reddit now summerfaggot
Logan Sullivan
I always thought the See of Rome was bretty cool
Jonathan Ramirez
Easton Campbell
I see mods are asleep again today MODS MODS MODS
Kevin Fisher
Justin Richardson
Kayden Taylor
Spotted the jew shill. Begone from here. This is obviously political you fucking moron
Dominic Hill
a new king of england is going to reconcile the heretics with the real church of christ?
Andrew Rivera
Holy shit. Prince Charles. Philip was Greek orthodox. Elizabeth Anglican. Charles hangs out with Greek monks. St George is patron saint of England and his cross on their flag.
Jonathan Reyes
The secrets within are being revealed along side the secrets without. The bride, the bridegroom and the spirit are coming together again. Your body is your temple, you take the temple where you go. Follow the angles and the arches, find the source of His Truth. God bless!
Eli Gomez
oi I am not gay
Connor Ortiz
>chief prince cuck of cuckistan is going to unite anything Yeah no. If a prince were to, it would be a lost line of the Habsburgs in Spain or the Germanic countries. I'd even believe a Bourbon would do it before a limey cuck. Try again
why do religionfags have to be so vague and talk in metaphors and idioms
like damn just tell me whats happening like shit just type the real thing on the screen god damn
Benjamin Morales
you must be fun at parties.
Dominic Jackson
Not that guy, but I definitely am.
Lucas Jackson
Sophia, orthia!
Brandon Ward
>Sophia, orthia "Wisdom, stand." That's an orthodox call to prayer. Wisdom and stand >Holy shit. Prince Charles. Philip was Greek orthodox. Elizabeth Anglican. Charles hangs out with Greek monks. St George is patron saint of England and his cross on their flag. Stand before prince Charle's wisdom?
Xavier Hernandez
>The prince of the throne that flies the flag of Saint George, like his fathers before him, crosses himself right to left. His imminent ascension to the throne will marry the Church of his fathers to the Church of his mother, which he will be the head of as king. He will use his position to reconcile these two with the See of Rome, bringing them into communion once again. The vacant seat will be filled. Three branches will become one!
>The secrets within are being revealed along side the secrets without. The bride, the bridegroom and the spirit are coming together again. Your body is your temple, you take the temple where you go. Follow the angles and the arches, find the source of His Truth. God bless!
bingo , thats why that fucker who never gave a shit about greece showed up
Logan Turner
If op come true, it's the only good news heard in a while
Landon Thompson
Christopher Bennett
Knights of Ma...?
Connor Mitchell
Just different branches of satanist fighting each other
Ayden Perez
Oh Lord guide me let the kingdom come as on Earth as it is in heaven give me today my daily bread forgive me of my sons and those who have sinned against me. Guide us not Into temptation but deliver us from the evil ones. And today I commend the that he who reads these words shall be blessed and the blessings of the Lord's kingdom will Rain upon the.
Joshua James
sorry, where and how did kekistanis get the idea that they have the right to look down their noses at literally anyone? nobody except other kekistanis like you people but you're probably not even a kekistani just a kike with a memeflag