Mind fucking blown

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Ayyy ay ay ay ay

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what does that even mean?
for real, i dont get the logic behind this statement.

Keep going, my heart just grew three sizes

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my thoughts exactly

If there were no more wypepo, she would finally not be fun-sized.

whitey dun made her short, you too Pedro you're too tall and are oppressing her.

>discussing neural network procedurally generated "content"

Tiny Asian pussy is where it's at

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can someone post some pics where its asian chicks drooling over white men and then chink men get angry at them I really need an ego boost rn i am sad

Asians are so numerous that they are the average. She isn’t “tiny”, she is average. It is whites that are too tall.

i guess it means that she is small by white standards whereas by asian standards she isnt and that white height is usually the standard that we use and so its probably problematic in some way and that the way we think about height needs to be more inclusive of people of colour

now imagine how big my white fuckin cock is compared to that slanty little pussy

just imagine what would happen if we all decided to understand

I don't know what you're talking about but feel better user

You're tiny because I'm 6'5. Want to get a coffee?

classic narcissistic projection. defining your reality in relation to other people, instead of defining your reality from within.

Why are POC's so fucking mad at honky's all the time? They're young and in UNI with the world as their oyster but they have to blame whitey for some transgression. Also, asians are short

Things are tiny relative to other things. Asians are tiny compared to other races but not tiny amongst themselves

because height is seen only in a relative frame, you need to have a reference point befroe you can make and categories i.e. tall, short

so niggers establish the roof, and Indonesian are the shortest

Tiny chinks

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So what you're saying is we need to multiply

>Asians are quintessential humans
Mind blown.

It means "I hate white people because I'm a brainwashed whore so I insert my irrational hatred of white people into every aspect of life"

>Women, overgrown children.
>Asian women even more like children.
What did God mean by this?

this is the single most ironic post ive ever seen on the internet

>so niggers establish the roof

simply ebin

Woman is upset and it is your fault


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Butthurt is a mental disorder.

Tiny chunks mad that their countries starved them for generations.

2nd generation Asian Americans are growing to be pretty tall. The gift of the burger.

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Fuck off

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she's saying her penis isn't small, your vagina is just big

You're BIG

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Whites must be removed from consideration so that asians et al aren't systematically oppressed, take 100.

They are getting more direct about it and are clearly trying to suggest that whites be removed completely from most social systems. I think everyone is still afraid to take that next logical step since there is a tenuous hold on the center-left white population and they might break off and join the right if this goes further.

It means she's going to scowl for an internet photo and pretend to be outraged but really get goosebumps thinking about white cocks reaming her yellow ass. Women are all the same.

you're yellow and tiny either way cupcake

Virgin fag

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it means she lusts for big white cock


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you are not the standard "white boy" anymore

Doesn't she realize that smallness in females is valued just as bigness is valued in males? What is she whining about? Her being tiny is hot.

No, she's tiny because she is Asian. People being white have nothing to do with shorty's size.

Don't talk to me or my sons daughter ever again

asians better drop to their fucking knees and beg me to not use my white magic to shrink them anymore.

Thanks yang!


>I'm not tiny
>why do I always end up dating tall white guys who fetishize my hairy sideways pussy and A cups
>I'll write an article complaining about it even though I love it

Herro, Shitty Wok taka orda prease!

I dont get headline? Lol

always thinking in racial terms usa is the cancer of this world

Nothing wrong with that, now they just need to stop FUCKING VOTING DEMOCRAT YOU PIECES OF FUCKING SHIT.

You come and buy houses and shit in this country because you want out of your communist shit holes and then you turn around and vote commie? Fucking Christ get a grip.


Of course she does, she's being coy like a ego boosted whore

>taryn englehart
don't racemix folks

>This is going to be a night to remember

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>taryn engleheart
Sounds like something out of world of Warcraft

>Doesn't she realize that smallness in females is valued just as bigness is valued in males?
This isn't really true. Women are not supposed to be large, but super smol women are generally considered less attractive. You don't want to have manlet children, and height genes are not sex specific.

Best 3 way ever! Endless possibilities...

>white girl and bonus tiny yellow girl

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You heard it, straight from the asian geniuses, whites are officially taller than niggers. Eat shit niggers!

>smallness in females is valued
fuck that, I'll take the tall Aryan goddess any day

>She still won't date anyone under 6ft though

t. Manlet :((

The tall one pretends she's important and successful while the tiny one cooks you breakfast. Don't be a pussy.

That disgusting coalburner smile.

What about the niggers? They bigger than asians.
Wipe them out too?
No, the answer is clear. Have large white men imprego cute asian women and breed white-asian hybrid master race. (and kill nigs while at it)

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>what does that even mean?
onions makes asians womanlets

Well, she's not wrong.

She's saying whites have superior genetics. She is correct.

Unless you're under 5'9 just lie. Women can't estimate the difference in height.

>super smol women are generally considered less attractive
no they're not.

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>The leaf has top tier taste


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Race mixing is fine after you have had at least 3 children with a white woman. Bleach that shit out.

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Theres nothing wrong with being tiny as a woman, its probably better for a woman to be short than tall

White piggo eats too much beef, get too big and fat

>semen imports

For some reason this made me lel

Wypypo are sizepressing her.

I'm surprised you're not hiding in your mommas bed from your picture, cuck. ruff ruff...you scared dainty lil thing you

>niggers establish the roof
LOL this mutt actually thinks his gene-bred basketball slave heroes are the tallest average on earth.

>not tiny because asian, tiny because you're white
I wonder if their men are using this as an excuse for their penises

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+10 points for Sweden.

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>What about the niggers?
>Wipe them out too?

ALWAYS Wipe them out no matter what. They're a scourge


what if they're tiny because there's an enormous spade ?

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>niggers establish the roof
LOL, no


It's unironically also how women think. Case in point, this quote from Killary from a few years ago. And she meant it, too. So think about what that says about her, and the women in her audience sucking up this drivel. Imagine if you can the level of self-centeredness required to make a statement like this. Uh, that's right. You're a man. You can't think this selfishly, because you're not wired to do that, you're wired to defend and protect what's yours.
Fucking women.

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I think women think short women are unattractive. Although I probably wouldn't breed with a short woman.

Just women deflecting blame, as usual.
>It's not my fault I'm this way, it's yours!

Nice platypus on the giant white chick

dat feel

I like a smol azn qt as much as the next guy, but that one looks like a little gremlin, compared to the superior specimen beside her. Beautiful tall white women will always come out on top.

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