Explain to me how you can hate Jews and support Trump

Explain to me how you can hate Jews and support Trump.

I'll wait.

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Trump has German blood and not mutilated like you.
In fact you're more jewish than he is.
you low IQ jew

Sure thing. You and Jow Forums are mad he moved a building from one city to another and got out of the iran deal, which as iran stated, paid off politicians in cash to be able to create in the first place. Somehow this makes trump a kike worshipper to the mudshits on here.

kill yourself shill rat

I could give a shit less about Jerusalem or Iran. It's just obvious that Trump is the biggest Jew supporter in US presidential history and yet the Jew haters on here love him. It makes no sense.

You haven't made a case how it's obvious

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He supports Israel. He moved the embassy to the Israeli capital. Israel was the first country he visited as President. His daughter converted to Judaism and married a Jew. He then placed that Jew in his administration. He was two Jewish grandchildren. He just released a video today saying how he supports Israel and how it will always be a country for the Jewish people.

Anything I missed?

Right now a Tornado is being formed over Washington DC by our God Taranis. You should be grateful for this gift that I have given you.


You cant. When will Jow Forums wake up?

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So this is why they let trump be president.

I hope you missed something because that all amounts to him moving a building from one city to another.

Keep imblying schlomo

jews are bad. trump hasnt given the ok to send american soldiers to destroy iran. israel wouldnt shut up about needing to do something and trump agreed but nothing has been done by america as far as i know

to be clear the trump administration is a mixed bag and some feel let down considering his campaign promises but right now he hasnt given the go ahead to bail israel out. they are squirming and having to beat up palestinians to make themselves feel important

Trumps most pro zionist action has been moving a building. His daughter married a jew. That's Jow Forums complete argument on why trump is a kike worshipper. Fucking kek

why the fuck is she so involved ?

Who gives a shit

True. It's impossible. Phuck em both.


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I don't see the big deal desu. Can someone explain to me why having an embassy in Jerusalem, which is a split city, is so controversial.

are you joking? this place has been the beachead of jewish/christian alliance..


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to cater to "muh dick!" brainlets like those you see in /ptg/

You can wait until you grow old and grey. There is no secret hidden, no mystery. The main goal was to bring down the USA and Trump is doing just that. It was a bigger success and faster than Communism could have ever accomplished. Kek delivered.
You just wait until shit hits the WW3 fan, then you can start screaming.

I'll wait.

USA is not going down Ahmed. Trump is only improving it.

Actual Jow Forumsacks do it for the salt. The boomers in /ptg/ are the people to whom you should pose your question, instead of wasting space and starting this thread. Optioned

I already answered it, easily. Trumps kike worship boils down to moving a building and not dictating who his daughter married. Its all Jow Forums fantasy.

You forgot the part where Bibi dictates US foreign policy now.