Azov appreciation thread. Show your support for these brave men defending their country against Russian aggression

Azov appreciation thread. Show your support for these brave men defending their country against Russian aggression.

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Nice pics, may I contribute?

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Crimean i assume?

Nah, Kiev.

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I am Russian.

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Figures. Russian minorities always hate the country they live in.

the people who live in the east wanna be russian, why won't you let them?

What is the Ukrainian flag supposed to represent?

that's rude though, I don't approve of fucking with the dead

Whatever, i will continue.

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>Muh based Russian proxy state.

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>Azov Battalion
>Spends time killing other whites
get this shit out of here

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They are tools of pro-EU globalists.

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>Russian Separatists
>Spends time killing other whites
See, you sound stupid.

That's a good goy. Kill other whites on behalf of (((Victoria Nuland))) and her fellow coethics. Ukraine cannot survive without a multicultural future. Ukraine must be ruled by Brussels goyim. Now go kill your evil Russian brothers.

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good doggo :D

Que Russian shills in 3

>spends time killing other whites
whaddaya know

>Russian minorities
Ethnic Russians are majority in Ukraine.

Maybe Russians should have stayed in their borders, dumbass. They just want another Transnistria.

Really? Care to show me proof?

>defending soil and ideology

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But i guess Russians were going to get into Ukraine thanks to the USSR anyways.
It's Ukrainian soil.

Do you even know how the war started?

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that the Ukrainian beat the Russian Rebels. It symbolizes they won.

Your policies are going to shit kike, noone likes them and youre getting shoahd soon.

Euromaidan. Ruskies got mad and then used the situation to take Crimea. Pro-Russian seperatist appear out of nowhere and then bam.

>be actual NatSoc armed militia that's killed people
>serve literal Jews as puppets

Azov is filled with solid NatSocs. The biggest issue is the situation in Ukraine is a giant cluster fuck. I will say this however. If National Corps can come to power next year Ukraine could very well be labeled a rogue state.

cant wait for putin to carpet bomb them to shit

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Touch up on reality will ya?

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>Azov is funded by jews
>/sg/ told me so.

Solid jewsocs you mean. Fuck them and the neocon behemoth fuck America.

funded by nah, but fighting in support of NATO/ EU ? come on man

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They are only allied with America out of convenience right now.

that's better than another sweden

>show your support to kike puppets
Gas yourself, JIDF

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>It's Ukrainian soil.
really ?

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5 Billion Nuland quote ?
Fuck off kikelet.
*behemoth fucking America*

I could say the same for you.
>but fighting in support of NATO/ EU
That isn't what they support. They don't like the government.

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There's no such thing as "Ukraine", it was literally created by the Bolsheviks with mandatory "reeducation" of ethnic Russians into "Ukranians", for the purpose of dividing Russian nation into pieces.

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You know they can just say "no" to refugees.

How do you tell who is who with militias?

And accepted a kike prime minister
>kike prime minister
> nazis accept
>a fucking kike

I like how Ukrainians overthrew their previous puppet government and did absolutely nothing when literal Jews were wheeled into office without so much as a vote. It was just, here you go, here's your dual-citizen Israelis you must now bow before. We've installed them for you. Okay, byeeeeeee~!

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The fuck are you even talking about?

my country would've said no to immigration 50 years ago yet here we are

>There's no such thing as "Ukraine", it was literally created by the Bolsheviks with mandatory "reeducation" of ethnic Russians into "Ukranians", for the purpose of dividing Russian nation into pieces.

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Patches, ribbons, radio, communication, maps

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>Muh based dnr

>Azov is controlled by jews

reminder you idiots also claim communists are controlled by jews yet all of a sudden you support the communists.

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It was originally 100% nationalist without jewish intervention what happened was there were fucking traitor pieces of shit who allowed shit like this to happen

That's your fault, you are a democracy afterall.

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>Kiev’s round table on problems of migrants in Ukraine discussed a new social project prepared by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine and aimed at promoting tolerant public attitudes towards refugees and asylum seekers.

>The project’s main goal is to turn Ukraine into an inviting place for migrants and humanize Ukrainian society.

>According to President Poroshenko, Ukraine, as a future member of the European Union, is not going to withdraw from its commitments to accept refugees; it will strive to increase their number.

this is what azov/right sector etc fight for

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we were never asked, nor were you, 1965 immigration act was signed without consent of the american people

They all look like fucking degenerates.

>literally posting evidence of yourself doing a war crime
i like russia, but fuck, some russians are fuking dumb

So what you're saying is democracy is cancer and must be forcibly replaced? I agree.

>Not understanding Russians use communist/soviet iconography due to cultural and historical relevance even if none of the current administrations or groups are actually communist as far as policies

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Christ, so it is you. I have explained to you many times, that Azov knows the current Ukrainian government is shit. They receive no support from the government, and instead receive voluntary support. They are only working with the government just for this one time, and mainly to fight against an illegal invasion.

How is standing your ground fighting back against Russian aggression serving Jews?

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is it true bras?
are Ukranian prostitutes that good looking and cheap?
I want to put my benis into something different than 4feet burrito trolls

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That is fucking stupid. you literally dodged my entire arguement and brought up some shitty copy pasta

and yet they fight on their side

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i'm in favour of local democracy but not on a national level
>They are only working with the government just for this one time, and mainly to fight against an illegal invasion.
and once their usefulness dries up they will be tossed out the window as ukraine moves towards a "progressive" future

view this conflict for what it is: a proxy war between the liberal degenerate west and white conservative russia


Jew cookies for the Ukrainians. They will be Americans now, just like the magical America that they see on (((entertainment industry))).

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The fact your revolution was completely taken over, top-down, by dual-citizen Israelis, and yet you shoot Russians instead of them.

You know that Right sector has almost no power in Ukraine right? This is what the Ukranian government supports not what right sector supports. Why are you shilling so hard against them? not like Russia has millions of Muslims and opens their asscheeks for them right? You are just proving that you are kike shill by shitting on a nationalist movement without a reason. Putin is NOT a nationalist i actually support Russian ehtnic nationalists but Putin is as far from Russian ETHNIC nationalist as is possible.

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Oh, and to all you fucking dumbasses who think Novorossya and the other puppet states are based, you do know it has Israel's blessing. Right?
>How dare they fight against an illegal invasion

>supporting kike-owned pseudo-nazis
Figures, considering all the other JIDF shilling going on today.

>hurdurrr any of the separatists in DNR/LNR independent territories are actually communist or have implemented any actual communist government policies
You have no argument, the LARP with communist symbolism but that is the extent of it, the DNR/LNR governments are still democratic confederations based around capitalism without a social net

Serve you good for carving up Poland and Romania just to make those fuckers a country

When did the CSA get armor? Things we could have used at Gettysburg FFS.

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>reverse image search
>no results

fucking lol. whats it feel like to waste someone?

Russia is what? Do you know what Putin turned Russia into, retard? Google Moscow during ramadan. Also, (((christianity)))