I want all of you to know I'm creating a database of /ptg/ posters based on reaction images/filenames, avatarfags, idiosyncrasies in posting styles, etc. You will all be reported to the SPLC. Enjoy prison.
Seattle has a foolproof plan to get the homeless off the street.
>The City Council backed a compromise plan that will charge large businesses about $275 per full-time worker each year, lower than the $500 per worker initially proposed. The so-called head tax would raise about $48 million a year to pay for affordable housing and homeless services.
>They voted as people packed the meeting, holding signs saying “People before profits” and chanting “housing is a human right.”
That rag is very left wing but it's good depending on the day.
Logan Ward
Israel has an alt-right of it's own, user. How did you not know this?
Jace Thompson
is it even a real color?
Jaxon Hernandez
sadly no
Sebastian Cruz
and what sucks is that, You can be part of the yellow. I don't believe you are a globalist/marxist/zionist. I don't believe that you are part of the global elite. But as a jew you still have innate traits of the Jewish people. And those traits are their sociological evolutionary adaptive survival strategy of being a roaming tribe of people. A nation within a nation where ever they go. Western Civilization have been dealing with Jews for a long time. It's just your peoples nature, bolstered by culture and religion but those were just expressions of your nature.
I hope you know that when we rag on the kikes, we aren't necessary saying that you personally are a bad person. Stephen Miller exists. There are certain, but few, Jews that actively fight the majority of their tribe.
But understand that their globalist zionist machinations are, for the majority of us, really causing us some issues.
I do hope this message comes across the right way. Because I think most people know that you aren't one of the bad ones.
How dare Trump prop up ZTE! Trump First (and only). So this company violated the sanctions on Iran and North Korea and are a treat to our military. However, trump can make money off them or he does so. He is a self-serving traitor.
"ZTE phones have already been described as a security risk by the U.S. military and intelligence community. Two weeks ago, the military banned their use on bases for fear they could be used to track the locations of service members.The company, which is owned 33 percent by Chinese-government-owned enterprises, had been fined $1.2 billion last year after it was found to be violating U.S. sanctions against Iran and North Korea.
Jaxson Sanders
I'll get some good reaction images on the second pass through, but catch her sideways glance and pissy look at the end of this, almost as if she doesn't want them taking thigh shots
>there are people angry that the holy city of Jerusalem was just fortified against Islamic domination
The alternative to not letting Israel control Jerusalem is Islam. People are so dumb.
Ayden Johnson
i don't like this image because in the globalist section there are parts that do not include non-jews or jews, so it implies there people that exist as globalists but are neither jews nor non-jews, which is a paradox.
Don't give that guy the benefit of the doubt. He literally thinks his people dindu nuffin. He never argues in good faith and his go to is muh stormfront, muh what are you going to do when you need medical help and the doctor is Jewish and muh you're only using memes and info graphs.
Brandon Murphy
Conservative Washington Post Columist Jennifer Rubin
If they wanted to solve homelessness, bullets are cheap.
Brody Barnes
>Yeah, that's that "Alexandria" thing isn't it? >Doesn't that also come with no body hair and no periods in women or something? user, it appears to be a myth from what I can tell. People with the mythical disease "Alexandria Genesis" have purple eyes and 'superhuman bodies', produce little human waste and live well over 100 years. Too good to be true but people with glaucoma problems do have different eye colors. I guess Purple remains to be the truest rare eye color?
Andrew Rivera
Miller is a zionist, you're still in a lefty mindset.
I can tell you grew up a lefty
Brody Gutierrez
>Trump cuts off ZTE's supply through tariffs >Makes negotiations to keep it alive >good for American companies who exported as ZTE, >good cooperation ahead of NK summit, >good for relations while we're negotiating a new Chinese trade deal. the chinese elite will be reminded how dependent they are on the US how terrible..
Easton Brown
in an ideal world the alternative would be conquering the holy land and reinstating a Christian state, but i guess we're being realistic
just like fellow conservative commentator ana navarro
Josiah Ward
I guess people just decided to start playing along. I still think that shit shouldn't be allowed but I'm not gonna really get up in arms. People recognize the pasta so whatever.
Julian Perry
Brown over green eyes? Brazil has no taste.
Jace Martin
>kick your company in the balls so hard thousands of people lose their job >"heh, sorry kid let me help you back up..." >"Alright, now you owe me tho kid, nothing personal. I'll be back this time next year with a favor that needs filling."
Who cares what Dan Bingobongo has to say, Hannity .
Daniel James
How could they give the Nobel Prize to Trump after he literally killed dozens today and doomed the world to many more generations of conflict and terrorism?
Donate more money to the RNC and the Trump campaign. Money is true magic.
Colton Hill
Now that's butthurt.
Liam Cruz
>Conservative >Washington Post Columist >"Rubin was born to a Jewish family[4] in the New Jersey suburbs of Philadelphia, and moved with her family as a child to California in 1968.[5]"
Juan James
>Miller is a zionist I know he is, but he's a useful tool. Same like Kanye. Still a nigger, but I like him in the context that he plays in.
Hey, if "Soulessness" helps to end a 65 year war, while those with a "Soul" (Mccain) helped to destroy the middle east's chance of not being under Saudi/Israel control, then i want no souls allowed in the Government
Brody Scott
>Trump cuts off ZTE's supply through tariffs >they actually shut down production because of this >TRUMPO MY FRIENDO PLS NO TRUMPO >President Xin my good friend, we have the korean deal coming up, good times huh? >TRUMPO PLS ANYTHING BUT JUST BRING BACK ZTE YES? >sure sure, my friend, we'll talk after the north korea situation is resolve ;^) madman
they are just going to fire all the full-time workers and hire part-time people to work 39 hours a week, or whatever the maximum possible time without being full-time
She's probably self-conscious because she's been a little thicc lately, but she has a ways to go before she'd be in 'too thicc' territory
That's a great shot, by the way...Fox does let their camera people have fun from time to time
Luis Nelson
>Don't give that guy the benefit of the doubt. He literally thinks his people dindu nuffin. Well I think he can be brought to see the truth. youtube.com/watch?v=Nd_LsZasAfU
Tyler Butler
Who's married to a muslim
Liam Williams
Show us what you've got so far, you've been at it like a month.
So it benefits the people that companies will stop giving them 40 hours a week, causing the workers to lose money as they are downgraded from full time to part time workers to avoid paying this retarded tax?
no, the jig is up everybody knows what Jow Forums did and they will be on the lookout for memetic trickery. it was our one shot and we won, so we need new strategies. (it'll still work on simpletons because everything does)
James Howard
hello polish plumber
William Peterson
Is it true that Melania took a whole bottle of sleeping pills and now she's in a hospital?
Jacob Davis
>tfw mechanical vibration paper due tomorrow >really dont feel like doing it >hit up my nerd friend, ask if he has done it >"not yet" FUCK >"but ill mail it to you as soon as i have, tomorrow morning" Back to comfy shitposting on Jow Forums it is