Momiji hate thread

itt fuck momiji awooing trumpfags

Attached: momijiblacked.jpg (311x320, 136K)

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Is this supposed to mean anything to non-weebs?


>t. Cenk

Attached: A5D80F64-62B9-4AFD-8E3B-4025E2ABFB78.jpg (750x677, 413K)

>Includes Russian reference
You retards are still raving lunatics about an excuse some used up cunt threw out as she exited the stage?!
If it wasn't so pathetic it would be funny

oh poor trumpkin, triggered?

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lol chill. it's just a cartoon

Fuck you jew.

Lol imagine being this ass blasted teo years later and only having six more years of this miserable existence to look forward to. Just kys you pseudo-communist faggot.

Momiji has smelly feet of a dog

All girls are smelly

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