Good Job

Well. Trump is officially a zionist. Good job, guys. You literally went out and voted to advance the interests of worldwide jewry.
>What have I become? My sweetest friend?

Attached: YouVotedForThis.jpg (525x254, 24K)

We told you that voting for someone who was cucked enough to accept his daughter and son racemixing with a Jews was a bad idea.

How is your BASED wall coming along pedes?

What? Trump just made the entire world hate israel even more AND he did it while maintaining the guise of being the most pro israel President ever. Outjewing the mother fucking jews.

>muh 4d nigger checkers
>mueller is /ourguy/
>epic bread user
>trust the plan
>tickity tockity
>i suck cockity
>blah blah blah
so tired of everything

the state of Israel's cursed kikes, face it.
the god of aberham hates the state of Israel kikes stop supporting it, everyone hate you.

>and it only cost the US tax payer $10 million day

Trumps in a lot of hot water right now on multiple fronts. He knows that the only people that can save his arse now are the jews. That's why he's pandering to them.

Who cares when Trump has 28k indictments and draining the swamp includes ending the FED.

1) He's still better than Hillary
2) You knew what he was when you voted for him

>Better than Hillary
This is what he relies on. He'll have you saying that as he has Baron circumcised live on CSPAN.

Attached: trumphappymerchant.png (574x601, 152K)

>Be trump
> Be pro israel
> wins the election
And op being mad about trump jerusalem decision.

Man if we had just gone back to the 100% confirmed Satanist, child sodomizing, Intl. (((SoS))) banking cabal's hand-picked choice well the destruction of all the world might have been triggered ~1-year earlier... Please forgive me/us Merkel's cunt sucking EU faggots IF ONLY WE HAD KNOWN!!!!!!

Attached: Soon U Evil Bitch.jpg (743x708, 97K)

trump in 2016: "i support isarel and want to end the iran deal" stormfags in 2016: "lolz we're electing the next hitler" stormfags in 2018: "we wuz tricked!" seriously , i think some of you have nigger tier intelligence

Look into Trumps and Putin's Chabad ties. They are both kiked. It's a wild wild world.

You cucks just don’t realize this is 4d chess to get Israel to handle their own problems for a lasting peace. Israel is our greatest ally and they have always been peace seekers. I wish all the cuck antifa would leave this board and making get an education from Hannity or get Tuckered in because this winning train has no brakes. Based blacks and based jews are what make the US strong fuck you cucks

Attached: 016620AE-3A2C-4073-89FB-9001EAD1C70D.jpg (822x458, 338K)

>worldwide jewry
just fancy words from a gentile goy with lower IQ who is jealous of jews the same way blacks are jealous of white. if this were the 19th century, you'd be the Kenyan whining about muh British oppression

Listen here, goy. Be grateful we allow a society like this to exist.

Good job op

Attached: Jew Truth.jpg (693x1200, 298K)

Trump did look ridiculous in that tux though.

>How's that wall coming along
I mean the reason it isn't there yet is literally in OPs image. Can't fund the wall without congress.

This wouldn't have happened if you just weren't blinded by hate for us, as if us and the rest of Latin America hadn't suffered from your shit as well. The American continent could have been a great thing, and as flawed as amerindians are things didn't have to turn out this way but the eternal (((american))) couldn't help himself. This is the Chinese century instead. Enjoy dying for Israel I guess.

Funny, the east india company was kiked.