If God isn’t real, why do humans share a universal truth of right and wrong when animals aren’t bound by morality?

If God isn’t real, why do humans share a universal truth of right and wrong when animals aren’t bound by morality?

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if god was real why would he create a hybrid human/animal in the form of a nigger?

to test us. if we civilize them we will have done the impossible

To take your point to the logical conclusion why would God create animals?

Because there's objective truth that can be reached by anyone true rational thinking.

Low IQ or a troll, or both.

for us to eat and help us with life. niggers have done the opposite

>implying animals dont have morality

are you retarded

i had a chicken at my house steal food from another chicken and the rooster kicked the shit out of the thief.
animals just have way more laxed morality a really traditional sense of morality like the ancient civilisations used to have before god even existed


Right and wrong are pure intuition. Has nothing to do with IQ you meme flag faggot.

>mfw I just saw that pic on images
Stop watching me

>when animals aren’t bound by morality?
Animals are have MORE morality than any human I've ever met. Read Jungle Book

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Universal? You fucking idiot.

>animals aren’t bound by morality
says who? If you consider that humans share an universal truth of right and wrong, yet are still capable of committing evil, then you should extend such principles to animals as well.

Bahahaha i love threads when shills get triggered

If there is God why cuckianity is dying?

What a retard
Morality and ethic are created and bound by societies
They aren't "true" in a metaphysical sense, since they can't withstand the test of time/space
Just take a glimpse at different countries on different times you brainlet

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They have a natural morality. Today humans are so fuckin disconnected from nature that if they see a wolf kill a deer they feel terrible and dad for the deer, not happy for the wolf. This is because they're retarded and have mental illnesses because they're not grounded in nature. When you fight nature she'll fuck your shit up

If God isn’t real explain why the world’s most powerful people openly engage in satanic occult rituals.

that's not morality, it's an instinct based on possession values

Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

>If God isn’t real explain why the world’s most powerful people openly engage in satanic occult rituals.
Sexual brainwashing, stupid. God or no God.

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If there is God why people do not want to have children?

Why people became utterly selfish and disconnected?

>op exists and can post retardedness like this
>there's a benevolent god
pick one. YHWH would have released you from the misery of living with so little brain if he existed.

>When animals aren't bound by morality
All social animals have their own moralities.

that is the most retarded thing i've ever heard. please kill yourself

>He's never heard of rogue animals before.

The thing is that they do not share a universal truth of right and wrong user.

Who is wrong? Who is right?
Yellow, brown, black, or white?

A better question is why would an almighty creator make such weak and disgusting creatures in his own form?

>why do humans share a universal truth of right and wrong
jews are the exception to that rule.

>A better question is why would an almighty creator make such weak and disgusting creatures in his own form?
anti-human meme

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Some humans don't believe that every single human being on Earth deserves infinite and eternal torture from the moment of their conception

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Because humans are self-counscious, unlike animals?

Animals have a territorial imperative. If you take something form an animal, it gets upset. People who violate others' territorial imperative (killing their family, taking their wives or property) were more likely to be killed in the past, leaded to favoring genetics that cause people to hesitate before doing those things.

Animals often do have a sense of morality. That's why monkeys groom one another.

Pro-survival vs non-survival actions are the basis of right and wrong. When an individual identifies this, that is what defines ethical actions. When a group comes together and agrees on what is ethical, then it becomes a moral code for that group. Right and wrong stem from what helps and doesn't help survival.

There are many countries around the world that all have their own moral system, but this is largely a product of political and economic differences.

Deep down, most humans, in general, want to be around caring friends.

They don't.

He actually made a good point.

Morality isnt objective, but what we consider objective such as murder and stealing being wrong are results of evolution because those rules kept society together and thus made it easier to survive and that in turn made us more likely to inherently believe in that system of morality

>a universal truth of right and wrong
What's the universal truth of right and wrong, shared among all humans?
"right" are those things that promote life against entropy, "wrong" are those things that destroy life increasing entropy.
That definition can be shared by all life-forms without the need of a good.

i mean people push marxism saying it's good when they have watched how it destroyed countries all over europe and asia

people push it thinking it's going to help em survive

while Christianity for example made the enlightenment possible, yet there are people who reject it

Because basic morality evolves as a system to promote social cohesion of human groups. Those "universal truths" are the logical conclusion of what has been shown to promote a cohesive society. Those "universal truths" aren't so universal either, considering vast differences of societies/cultures throughout time and with each other. Most revolve around a set of logical principles though.

A lot of animals have a demonstrated an understanding of fair play, as it allows them to develop safely and promotes social bonding (eg. chimpanzees/orangutans trading fairly with humans, any form of animal play, pack/family social hierarchies). Morality is not necessarily unique to humans. It does not necessarily imply the need for a God and that is a nonsequitur to conclude so.

Good answer.
An individual surviving just for himself can only go so far, but survival can expand to families, societies, the species, and a nature dynamic of various plant and animal life forms. Some interstellar fellow flying from planet to planet playing Johnny Appleseed would be of considerably more value than an entire species that ruins a planet's ecosystem.

If god ain't real, real isn't

>cannibals and murderers exist, among other immoral people.
>"all humans share the same morality"
No they don't. Morality is something we created to help us have prosperous societies. Some animals have partners for life. Most pack animals don't kill each other and protect members of their pack. Is it "morality" or just a survival strategy that lets us be stronger as a group?

i dont get you people, if you say it's so natural why people arent doing it

it's like animals dont have free will or something

Test it out. Birth a human and let it grow up by itself. see what happens.

if god is real why are mere humans left with the task of trying tell me he exists

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>hoomanz share a universal truth
Wtf are you on

Peanut butter bigot

We don't share anything? We have no concept of right and wrong or fairness when we're born. We have to be punished into submission to conform to what our societies expect of us. It's not a long process and doesn't take much effort. Civilization has been around far longer than any of us, and religious teachings are how-to manuals to keep the peasants in line - tools by rulers to control their populationa and lay down the law, which happen to be totally subjective as various translations and reinterpretations show us.

i mean you have Jesus, right?
if it wasn't enough what is?

Divine beings are spooks to keep the common people humble.

but you have to see, under what religion civilization made their greatest advances?

How do you explain the inexplicable, almost biological feeling deep in your soul and gut when you commit an objectively wrong act? Like consciousness, this can't be explained by evolution. Who fucking cares if I steal something if there is no repercussion for my actions? Who cares if I rape a child? If the only consequence is me going to jail for committing horrific acts, why do I have the gut feeling that I have done something objectively WRONG in the eyes of a force that I can't conceive? Why, if I kill a man, do I feel like I've done something that deserves punishment beyond going to jail?
Every human knows God is real.

Do you want to live in a world where you are fully aware that those who run it traffick, rape and ritually slaughter children and will face zero repercussion? Does that sit well with you? Why should you even care if they're simply just products of evolution? Why do you care about the actions of others if morality is just some evolutionary adaptation? Are you angry at pedophiles because they are harming the cohesiveness of society or are you angry at them because they are committing objective evil towards something innocent?

You know the answer and you know God is real. Stop fighting this

have you ever seen anyone else with the surname christ?

It didn't. 90%+ of the great advances were post enlightenment.
Religion has nothing to do with advancement, quite the contrary.

JIDF in full damage control tonight!

People are aberrated, they have wandered from the proper path of life. Ethics is a Godly trait found in all the dynamics of life, in degrees, or steps. A stairway to heaven.

>why would god create niggers

Its a test really. To separate the humans from the animals

We merely lack the resolve of our forefathers to realize our destiny.

Either the stars will be our kingdom, or this planet will be our grave. This is his test for you.

Escape planet of the apes or be consumed by it.

>help us with life
Slaves. Niggers were created to be slaves for humans.

>why do humans share a universal truth of right and wrong
[citation needed]

are you saying he is unique? he was God on earth, there was nobody like him

come on dude it's called the enlightenment for something, people know it changed the world

Animals know right from wrong too.

i asked you a simple question. are you going to answer it or not?

so what you're saying is that muslims are lower than animals?

i mean you didnt answered mine so

you answered my question with another question. kikes usually do that. judging from your flag you are most likely a kike.

>We have no concept of right and wrong or fairness when we're born.
[citation needed]

actually mammals have an innate sense of 'fair play', noob. that's why they engage in play fighting when they're young, and why when an adult plays with its children it doesn't go all out and maul it to death, because it's not autistic.
>which happen to be totally subjective as various translations and reinterpretations show us.
multiple interpretations does not mean no correct interpretations. ii'm not religious but your view on religion is super simplistic. if religion was simply a tool to keep the peasants in line the peasants wouldn't give a fuck about it. peasants practiced christianity under the atheist USSR. it's really hard to force esoteric meme academia ideologies on the people, religion has to meaningfully resonate with them in some way. traditions and myths and beliefs aren't all just random or arbitrary, they are biologically and environmentally determined. Just look at how europeans maintained many of the same religious traditions from pre-christianity after they converted. halloween isn't some completely random interchangeable thing, it's a deep-seated tradition which has survived so long for a reason.

>before god even existed

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im argentinian, but what does that have to do with anything

he didn't have a surname, he was just Jesus or Nazareth

And there are plenty of Jesuses out there

why are there no dinosaurs in the bible?

He means before the idea of god was even thought up.

There wasn't enough money to put dinosaurs and their fx in there

is there an ancient religious text with dinosaurs?

What kind of society invites savage animals to live among it as equals... even dumber, what kind of society would utilize them as slaves?

Any society with them in it will eventually have them realize their solidarity and demand "equality" (see: america), or open revolt as they simply return to their nature (see: Rhodesia)

Among both you will find reasons to exclude these creatures from your civilization. They are unfit for civilization, even as slaves. The "superior society" cannot exist with a permanent underclass boiling under the surface that must constantly be suppressed.

Us southerners have a unique perspective because we played this game before. It didnt work. And it will never work, you cannot live with the animals and call yourself a civilized man.

In more practical terms, the reason the south lost the war is because niggers. Not even for the reason you might think; we lost for the same reason the roman empire declined.

Having slave labor means you do not innovate technologically to save labor costs. If you can throw infinity niggers at a problem, why invent a machine that can do it better? Except if you never innovate, you'll never progress beyond that point.

In the north, technological innovation created labor saving machines and factories to do the work of tens of thousands of men in seconds. This allowed the workers to focus on higher level wealth generating activities, which allowed for family structures beyond subsidence living.

Meanwhile in the south, spread out rural farms, subsidence living, with a few "elites" using excess labor to provide massive profits stagnated the economy, it stagnated the tech, and it ultimately stagnated the society.

It was morally and ethically wrong, in many ways. For the more aware white man, you may notice this system of human enslavement was two way. You got to own the labor, but you also had to "maintain" your "vintage farm equipment" in the form of housing, food, clothing, medical care etc...

For the same reason he created animals - so that humans have something to rule over.

Because they are a creature of fiction

Look into it.

I LOVE when people don't cite their bullshit, instead say "dude, find out for yourself" it defeats all credibility they had, being anonymous.

>thought up
Nature herself has imprinted on the minds of all, the idea of god. God is just a super man. An ideal and a judge.

"Universal truth of right and wrong" is nothing but a social contract to insure safe mutual coexistence. Sure it emerged independently in many different human populations, but in the end they want same beneficial thing, and logic that leads to it works in same way everywhere on Earth.
So in the end, if you feel this social contract not being upheld towards you, feel free to wipe your ass with universal truth. Not easy life, but better than to comply to rules which used to wrong you, and there's great power in it as long as you smart and strong enough, ask kikes.

god is a meme.

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Just for lulz.
God is not so serious guy as you may think.

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But if you understand what Christianity is, you hate the sin, love the sinner.
Don't hate on the religion that founded America. It was great before the blasphemer became pope.

No, thank's.
> Mayflower, The Pilgrims, Puritans, money ...

One of life's great mysteries. You got some worthy replies though.

You have to be humble to let God speak through you. And fortunately for you, no one is more humble than me.

You're gonna have to speak better English for me to understand what you're saying. You give a few examples of bad things that have happened "In the name of Christianity" but that doesn't mean the core of the religion, which is based on civilization building is bad. People misuse anything that has power to justify their own greed, no matter how many people it hurts, just because exploitation is an easy way to get what you want. The Bible teaches against that.

Chinks eat dogs, you effeminate, weak Western Europeans start going "AWWW HOW CAN THEY" when they do.

You eat cows and for Indians it's just as bad.
How do we share same right and wrong?
Christian retardation.

Excellent post, mate.

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Do not kill, steal, or lie.
> no god needed.
> sorry for my poor english

Yeah, it's not morality, morality is different for each place of the world and there are profound differences.

Try meditating.

You sound like guys that say "real communism wasn't tried"

>the core of the religion, which is based on civilization building

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They don't. People have wildly different sets of morality. Our "morality" is based on what works best, not what is right and wrong.