If God isn’t real, why do humans share a universal truth of right and wrong when animals aren’t bound by morality?
If God isn’t real, why do humans share a universal truth of right and wrong when animals aren’t bound by morality?
if god was real why would he create a hybrid human/animal in the form of a nigger?
to test us. if we civilize them we will have done the impossible
To take your point to the logical conclusion why would God create animals?
Because there's objective truth that can be reached by anyone true rational thinking.
Low IQ or a troll, or both.
for us to eat and help us with life. niggers have done the opposite
>implying animals dont have morality
are you retarded
i had a chicken at my house steal food from another chicken and the rooster kicked the shit out of the thief.
animals just have way more laxed morality a really traditional sense of morality like the ancient civilisations used to have before god even existed
Right and wrong are pure intuition. Has nothing to do with IQ you meme flag faggot.
>mfw I just saw that pic on images
Stop watching me
>when animals aren’t bound by morality?
Animals are have MORE morality than any human I've ever met. Read Jungle Book
Universal? You fucking idiot.