Bolton says 'it's possible' US will sanction European companies working with Iran
Iran has done nothing wrong in the last two centuries.
God I hate the Trump administration with a passion
Anyone in this thread bitching, is a fucking retard. Bolton has been fucking based since day 1
besides trying to take over the mideast and being a general nuisance to the world with their support for terror and retardation.
That's America and Israel.
No arguments, typical redditor boomer
>taking over the middle eat
When was the last time Iran waged a war of aggression in search of territory?
>support for terror
Which European country are you from my friend
Hey did that huge pedo case with that little girl ever get settled?
"America first"
get a load of this leaf...
if it means we have to be buddies with Israel to troll the fuck out of Eurpoe, then so be it.
>Soros is European scum
>Israel believes in borders, language, culture which should be our beliefs as well
>Lefty Jew scum isn't conservative af Israeli Jew
There is a difference anons, but they still need Jesus
against Iraq you dumb fuck
>Trade war with China over steel
Neocons sleep
Trade war with Europe over muh Israel
Neocons woke
US should declare war on terrorist supporting Europe, fill it with refugees, make way for Greater Israel
Lmao? When?
lying kike scum please go
>the Iran-Iraq War is a war of Iranian aggression
Oh my fucking God, please shut the fuck up burger.
sums it up
Are you retarded? Saddam attacked Iran.
stop supporting muzzies
Why the fuck do the kikes still keep German surnames and names?
Stop supporting kikes
Pol just start claiming your jewish in real life. The other day on xlive i joked i was really jewish and this guy started having a meltdown saying only his people were chosen and i couldn't be Jewish no matter what. So i just said i identify as a Jew and freedom of religion doesn't give a shit so stop being an anti semite, the rage quit was glorious.
Think about the triggering of going on twitter and typing "as a jewish person I must apologize for my peoples actions in palestine" think about how many colleges wouldn't know how to handle random whites claiming anti semitism for their "religious beliefs" I think i'm gonna make an op, thoughts?
are yall fucking stupid?
>Although Iraq hoped to take advantage of Iran's post-revolutionary chaos, it made limited progress and was quickly repelled; Iran regained virtually all lost territory by June 1982. For the next six years, Iran was on the offensive[41] until near the end of the war.
death to America
>a counter attack is a war of aggression
jesus you are a tard
...he says, while his Greatest Ally is offloading them as refugees to the USA.
Israel numero uno! MIGA!
Jesus Christ, fucking kill yourself retarded mutt.
What is Germany going to do with all their Gas?
>For the next six years, Iran was on the offensive[41] until near the end of the war.
>repel enemy forces from their attack and your borders
>spend next six years on the offensive to gain territory
>not aggression
You Eurofags and Queenfags are complete trash
I hate all semites equally.
>d-don't fight back, j-just turn the other cheek...
I guess by that definition the USA was the aggressor in World War II because after 1943 you'd were attacking possessions held by Japan prior to Pearl Harbor.
I love your geopolitical analysis, Mr. Bolton, please tell me where I can learn more of your (((secrets))).
OY VEY Stop being bad goyim, europeans
I actually support this. It will put those smarmy Euro governments in their place. As an aside, I don't have anything against the European PEOPLE, just a lot of the governments. Don't take it personally foreign anons.
The issue lies not with US, which simply protects its interests ruthlessly, no matter how evil they might be.
The issue are EU which are plain puppets with no guts and will and would never dare to say no and would willingly become accomplices of US even if its against their interests.
female israeli soldiers so qt
lol at this fag waiting for the next royal wedding...
>we ended pacific war by dropping two atom bombs instead of island hopping.
Didn't take SIX years to do it either you fucking fag smoking, tea drinking red coat
Care to explain that thought pops? Or is that all you can spit out at your age
Spend less time trying to hone your reading ability and more time on the basketball court Jamal, it's more your style
You do realize that retarded arguments detract from your cause right?
The U.S. should gas all the faggot euronigger nations. Their time on Earth has passed.
wtf I love eternal war now
Yes lets have our men die for Israel to #killmuzzies lol. Great idea fucker. When you see American flag coffins coming back, remember you helped make that happen
This except I hate you eurofags and want you to take it personally.
Iran & Germany were behind Sept. 11, they need to pay
>the complete lack of reading comprehension
Good goys
literally commiescum
Can somebody please just shoot this guy in the head? Seriously, find where he gets bagels in DC, or something, and put a bullet in his head. Pretty please?
lol, stay mad leaf of the queen
I love the trump administration so much
when will /sg/ and stormniggers realize conservatives are not on their side?
we're pretty much enemies at this point
I know it's hard for commies like you to understand that a six year offensive into enemy territory is somehow not an aggressive act.
dumb niggers like you need to hang
dont worry pog, the marines will handle it like they usually do
Muslim hate is a tool of necons. Go on twitter and you will see retarded #maga normies lapping it up. Sure, don't let 'em in, but alson don't feed Bill Kristol's propoganda machine.
A judge in the US has issued a default judgement requiring Iran to pay more than $6bn to victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks that killed almost 3,000 people, court filings show.
Monday's ruling in the case - Thomas Burnett, Sr et al v. The Islamic Republic of Iran et al - finds "the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran" liable for the deaths of more than 1,000 people as a result of the September 11 attacks, Judge George B Daniels of the Southern District Court of New York wrote.
Iran is ordered to pay "$12,500,000 per spouse, $8,500,000 per parent, $8,500,000 per child, and $4,250,000 per sibling" to the families and estates of the deceased, court filings say.
considering america is almost all by its lonesome on this one "its possible" america will face sanctions from the rest of the world
JIDF trainee. Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it
The boomerist of all boomers.
don't forget about your royal wedding this weekend al-amin syrup guzzler, aka subject to the queen
Best traditions of the 4D chess masters!
>Bolton says
This will never end. These cunts never go away. They never die.
>working for the public sector
I wish he'd die by sucking cocks.
>when will /sg/ and stormniggers realize conservatives are not on their side?
Yes, we know you cuckservatives are basically just liberals.
this man is the embodiment of lawful evil
he's like a robot programmed to pursue the US' long term national interests whatever the cost may be, and he shows it with every single word that comes out of his mouth
oh how America has fallen
First rule is not to use a meme flag shill, you can use a vpn if you are in Israel. Is this not covered in the training manual?
and how is this posible?hw can b so spineless
>that jrotc stench
Finishing a fight is not the same thing and you know it
>my fellow burgers are this fucking tarded
>kill me
wtf I love bolton now
can somebody just take one for the team and assassinate this crypto kike
He's already deepthroating a giant circumcised one, I don't think he's physically capable of being overwhelmed by cock unfortunately.
no, fuck europe
>Not fighting israels wars is communism
>he thinks assassinating Bolton wouldn't benefit the USA
The Kikes have a huge stranglehold over you lot.
Get out of Austria, kike.
and you don't forget your bris!
You are a true downy. Saddam attacked Iran at the behest of the US.
Pol just start claiming your jewish in real life. The other day on xlive i joked i was really jewish and this guy started having a meltdown saying only his people were chosen and i couldn't be Jewish no matter what. So i just said i identify as a Jew and freedom of religion doesn't give a shit so stop being an anti semite, the rage quit was glorious.
Think about the triggering of going on twitter and typing "as a jewish person I must apologize for my peoples actions in palestine" think about how many colleges wouldn't know how to handle random whites claiming anti semitism for their "religious beliefs" I think i'm gonna make an op, thoughts?
I'm sticking around to see all these assblasted Eurofags. It's really hilarious.
They're going after Hesburger!
a lot of liberals hate Israel too
especially now that they're cucking for Muslims
in case you forgot all the European liberal leaders outraged at Trump announcing moving the embassy to Jerusalem as well as ending the Iran deal
Would have absolutely no change to the U.S.
If you got someone like Chertoff, you might make a difference. Even then, way too late, tbqh.
No, Israel lobbies for American's taxes and lives to protect their country. Being like Israel is to be a filthy kike parasite. European and American nationalism is to support our own countries.
Germany gonna get pooped on desu
>literal inbred barbarians who culture stem from systematic violence who have a vendetta against freedom
>westernised well adjusted citizens holding the only bastion of western values in the middle east who dont rape or behead children
pick one