Ask a guy who lives in a no go zone anything

Ask a guy who lives in a no go zone anything.

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do you go, or no?


Are you sure you can keep M'homad's dick out of your ass long enough to make this tread really count?

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Are all of those no go zones? Jezus fuck that's almost the entire capital

There are a whole lot more in Göteborg and Malmö as well. I've heard that Malmö is a bigger shithole than Stockholm.

Should I go to live in Sweden with all my MS-13 to rape all da white woman's in your hood?

Damn, you better hurry then because the arabs and niggers are already having their way with them.

Buttttt muh gang
We wuz mayas and shiiiiit

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Nah, real question how many rapes per week or month in your living area?
Btw: I really hate those spics and sand dicks fuckers, join to Nordfront and fuck 'em all

I don't really keep count on that but a lot of my friends claimed that they have seen rape happen right in front of their eyes since it's common here to take advantage of drunk girls during parties. I definetely think that a few of my friends has raped someone but I'm not sure. Sweden has rape as a broader term though compared to other countries which probably explains why it's suddenly the rape capital of Europe. Isn't El Salvador shitty as well because of La Mara?

>Faggot OP dosent answered

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How's ramadan going for you, Mohammad?

Do you feel empowered by diversity? It's strength, after all.

Never worked for me since the sun never sets in Sweden during the summer.

Why aren't you methodically killing off those invaders?

Yes it is, thanks satan Muh family came from Spain and now I'm part of the 5% of white population here...
What a fucking shithole all the 8-9/10 white girls that I have met here (one was from Sweden) date brown shitskined guys...

Yeah, I love seeing niggers and mohammads everywhere I go. I honestly get surprised if I see a swede in my area.

there are no go zones

Figure out what i just said pol

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Hahaha top kek

I have always wanted to move to Spain. I heard it's beautiful there but I'm too lazy to learn a new language.

The day when SD gets the majority of votes is the day that Sweden will be saved.

Stay in the north to many Jews, Arabs, gypsies, and spics in the southern Europe, you should rather marry a fairy traditional woman and have a lot of homeschooled children's

Holly shit, I realized that I literally writed like a retarded spic.
>Oh no my inner final form

Homeschooled children tend to be autistic and most white women are fucking shitty. I would rather marry a traditional nigger than any white girl in Sweden.

That's what happens when you live in a shit hole and learn English by your self

I barely speak spanish so you're better off than me.

Why are they no-go zones? What happens if you go

Why do you think you live in a no go zone when there is no such in Sweden?

>Ugh, I can't endorse this blasphemy
Move to the country side

just give us a quick rundown what you see daily and what is the craziest thing you have seen

Police can't go to those places without backup or they will get attacked by the immigrants there.

Cuz Jezuz wuz the kang and shiiit

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how aren't you killed yet?

Use a Nordfront shirt and wave a flag while you tell them to get the fuck off of your country and go back to the desert

When I walk around in my area I see a lot of teenagers smoking and fucking around, I see gypsy beggars in every corner, I see crazy drunks and addicts walking around. Can't really come up the craziest thing that I saw but I have seen fights and store robberies sometimes. And everyone I see are immigrants. Not all of them are bad obviously but I still think that there is a correlation between crime and immigration where I live.

Yea, so I will get jumped by 20 people at the same time. I don't even like nordfront because they only let in pure whites and I'm of mixed heritage. I support SD instead.

Cuz I don't have any kind of social life all my days are just from the house to the college and back :)

Which ones?

Swedish and Kurdish. I look white as hell though so people think I'm usually Polish or Serbian

so that's how the 14% drop of homocides happened?

Are you the 'angry foreigner?' lol

Nah, but I really like his channel.

Just hover your cursor over it.

Drop? If my English doesn't you mean that they are few now?
Lol, the MS-13, El barrio 18, la Mao Mao and la Maquina, kill every day at least 30-35 per day some of those deaths are of gangs disputes but the 75% are civilians

>every day at least 30-35 per day
Fuck, genius!
If the get in a bus and ask you $5 or your phone and you don't have they kill you if you live in a MS are and you want to go to a 18 st area they kill you, if they think that you look at them bad they kill you, etc

Lmao police btfo

How about Varg or the Golden One?

Haven't seen Varg's videos but I heard that he's crazy and the Golden one is narcissistic as fuck. I like Angry Foreigner because he checks for facts and is funnier to watch.

Shithole country

I like all of them and I agree with you about the Golden one, but in my opinion the Angry foreigner is too liberal and believe me Varg is not crazy or at least not as the hamburgers and shills says, but I hate the vargtards

Yep, my dear Trudeau, I was going to call you leaf but that's shill shit
So don't worry my leaf lad soon your country will not be different

My country is still a shithole of a different kind

>lives in a no go zone

post proof, take a pic from your window of beheaded person or something

If you are white go back to Europe mad lad


Uggggghhhhh, fuck shit fuck
I mean imagine

>Ask a guy who lives in a no go zone anything.
Are there any ethic Swedes still living in these areas? If so, how do they endure this? Why don't they just move out?

why did i kek at this stupid shit

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pretty rare flag m8
hows your country faring politically, curous