Genuine opinion of Jordan Peterson?

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Zionist disinfo cyber shill

Closeted Homosexual.

intellectually incoherent and disingenuous hack

only interested in maintaining the status quo and keeping people docile and accepting of their fate

I think he has few good points and I like listenting to him, but he got drunk on his fame and developed huge blind spots in the process. For I believe he doesn't really understand the media industry and is in denial over him getting played.

Over rated kike puppet

Pseudointellgentia. Ivory tower neurotic mess who can't live in a large city without his ssri pills.
Haven't heard anything original from him. He just vomits out stuff he read without any fucking clue how it would be working if applied irl.
Can't wait for him to have some episode live on stage.

Saviour of the West(TM)

a fucking leaf

His cock is probably really long, but thin.

I think he is dealing with a huge societal problem that has so far largely been ignored: the disillusionment and alienation experienced by young men in modern society. As a clinical psychologist, he is great.

That said, his understanding of philosophy is just... bad. It's clear he has never really read the French philosophers he accuses of being some cabal of "post-modernist neo-marxists".

Equally hated by the far left and the far right.

He should know better.
He probably does but is either conditioned and afraid to tell the truth, so he opposes it, or he has ulterior motives.

skypeshtian faggot indebted to kikes

Before answering, we all have to make our beds

You mean Satre?

I'll treasure his vintage material, but he's sold out since then and is famous because of his "anti-SJW" persona. I'd rather him than some enormous fucking faggot like Sargon or whatever other YT celebrity, but I think Jordan's material on mythology is way more valuable than what he has to say about politics.

110 lbs mentally ill dishonest boomer

He gives me a weird feeling. Like he's up to something not good

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>making jew jokes makes you evil

Globalist shill. He was involved in writing Agenda 2030 for the UN. Fuck him and his beta male supporter faggots.

Don't understand the concept of nationalism, his thinking is to centered around the self.

>He gives me a weird feeling. Like he's up to something not good
it might have something to do with the fact he randomly bursts into tears in public, routinely talks about the need to "embody the monster" and apparently had dreams about cannibalizing his beautiful cousin

Zionist shill

Or the fact he is connected to John Podesta.

Also I agree with ; I remember some material being posted a while back about Jordan being pushed to fame by some moneyed skype, and now he says nothing about the JQ lol.

He was on The Rubin Report with Dave and Ben Shapiro not too long back--fascinating stuff. Ben is an adherent to the notion that the group shapes the individual (he's a Zionist Jew so duh), and Jordan disagreed with him, but didn't fight him on it. No balls. I was very disappointed because I've been eagerly waiting for someone to call Ben out on the fact he thinks white nationalism is "silly" or whatever, but Jewish nationalism is his MO. Easy target, but JP did nothing.

Controlled opposition done by a fellow traveller.

Papa MacDonald is right he is a 100% kosher jewish funded shill that does very little to help white people.

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really? how?

a literal occultist and possible satanist

I don't recall him mentioning Sartre much, he mostly seems to have a thing against Foucault and Derrida.

He's a father figure for guys who can't think for themselves.

It's not remotely profound or new, it's the same literary theory that's been discussed in the arts for literally centuries. One could even consider Aristotle's theory of mimesis as the earliest conception of these ideas that would eventually evolve into archetypes (which he completely misapplies:. Furthermore, his definition of postmodernism on the Joe Rogan podcast was so false he was either being malicious or SERIOUSLY doesn't understand neither foucault, Derrida or postmodernism (despite making assertions about and falsely explaining all three).

controlled opposition

Agenda 2030. Vox Day mentioned it in his stream the other day.

I suggest watching Vox at 1.5 speed.

I thought he wasnt bad. Gives some solid advice to the young generation who are raised by single mothers.
>Clean yo room boy!

But I really started getting annoyed when he appeared at molymemes show.
He said that the allies in ww2 fought "monsters".
My granddad wasnt a fucking monster. Human like everybody else. Whatever you think about WW2 that is just such a messed up thing to say. Especially for somebody like him.

Then I learned about how he wants shekels for some questionare even while getting probably 100.000$ in donations each month.
Then I saw his twitter shit, explaining away how jews are so smart and need to be protected but how whites or asians should not have any group preferences.
Then I saw how in his book number 2 is "take your pills".
Then I read on Jow Forums how he is involved in papers for the UN.

So I think AJ and voxday are not shills because they want this guy and shapiro gone.
All he said is that he doesnt want to be forced to call a tranny a women. He said multiple times that he does in private but just doesnt like to get forced to.
Guy is a standart lefty. We are just probably so far left that he comes of as semi-right.

And if anybody calls me a shill:
Dont forget, the mainstream media loves him. If you are simple minded thats pretty much all you have to know about the guy.

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I think he has some good things to say regarding the crisis of unmotivated men of with low expectations of themselves and low self esteem. His more pure political talk seems naive. As far as the JQ goes, I think he is aware that being openly antisemitic will alienate a young man from society, so entertaining antisemitic political ideas is counterproductive to his goal of changing the culture of young men, from antisocial internet subcultures to engaging with the greater society.

That all being said I've heard some interesting conspiracy theories put forth about him like that he's part of some Jew plots with connections to the UN or something like that, which I haven't researched, but I wouldn't rule something like that out

The prince of double standards

Oh and also!
I noticed that snake cernovic also writes in his book about pills. That they improve your mental state etc. So you should take depression pills basically is the advice cernovic gives.
Anybody else notices that trend? I'm suprised nobody called him out on that. Really really weird.

I've got a few questions

1. What are his views on race/iq
2. What do you think his downfall will be?
3. What are his views on asexuals?
4. What are your views on asexuals?

Also, pic related has BTFOd peterson and his fucked up definition of truth multiple times. He's pretty much Peterson's cryptonite

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>We are just probably so far left that he comes of as semi-right.
that's exactly it

the current political landscape is so retarded stating the obvious like "there's differences between the sexes" was enough to turn him into that courageous subversive figure, which is obviously complete bollocks as everything he does is for the purpose of maintaining the old moderate left/moderate right paradigm

I like him. I think Jow Forums is too hard on him with your purity tests and expect a lot out of someone who has given more than anyone asked for. I agree with him that ideology leads to blindness and the only proper way to organize the world is with truth (I.e. God.)

Juden Patreonstein

Deep state fagget. He's there to gain the trust of millennial Trump supporters. Watch him start spewing shit on the God Emperor before the 2020 elections.

My virtuel daddy

Nigga, Emile Durkheim was hollabackin dat shit in 1890's. Dat nigga nevah had one original thought fo rizzle. Anomie concept got dat aaah aah feel 100 years old yo an dat nigga Thorstein Veblen wrote theory of da lezure class in 1890 popping all dat crackah shet bout conspikuous consumption hollowing out da real niggas from being real niggas

He hates himself (and all other white people) and loves Jews. Sad.

And flacid.

Evil anti-white scum. Should be hunted and killed.

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>truth (I.e. God.)
that's not his definition of truth though, see the hilarious clusterfuck of his debate with harris


Depressed philo-semite

Personally I like him
His lectures are mostly interesting
He is smart enough not to touch some subjects LARPers here sperg about
He has a point about young men and breakdown of family
He tries too hard to monetize thou

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Well that's the conclusion I got from listening to him. I don't know what random interviews you watched but I base my opinions of him on his lecture series.

Sums up my views on him too.

Also a reminder that if the media really hated Peterson they wouldn't have aired the ridiculous Cathy Newman interview. They are not THAT dumb.

Nobody can actually discern what the fuck he believes about God because he's stuck between pandering to his right wing audience and not being a complete laughing stock among his scientific peers.

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wraps a lot of common sense shit up in drawn out language & metaphorical bullshit,

has a bunch of annoying fans who are super dependant personalities and sound stupid as fuck.
>Jordan Peterson is the most intellectually academic intellectual of our time.
>here watch this video of him giving a long metaphorical response to a simple literal question.

He's a pretty good psychologist who gives useful self-help advice.
His ideas about myth and metaphysics are genuinely awful, though. Dude is unironically a subscriber to Jungian anthropolgical understanding of myth. Which is shocking, because the dude apparently has read Von Hendy's Modern Construction of Myth which shows how out of date his own ideas are. Maps of Meaning is just a shitty, unreasearched wikipedia summary of Durkheim's body of work.

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Crying basedboyboomer

Don't think he loves jews but he's in cognitive dissonance apparently because on hand he talks about how bad tribalism is and that white people shouldn't come together because blablabla dangerous, but then he turns a blind eye to nepotism that's the result of jewish tribalism and says everybody criticises jews is just resentful of their competence. I'm not a jew hater on principle but you should be allowed to criticise them as anybody else and if you think jewish nationalism is ok while european nationalism is supposed to be generally bad, you're a bloody hypocrite. It's easy to blame nationalism as whole but I think it's a little more complicated in terms of of what went wrong in the 20th century. I would even go so far and say that to a certain degree the third reich was a result of individualism, or rather the collective admired individualist ideals represented by stories of heroism. Strength, duty, honor.

good posts

>I don't know what random interviews you watched
l said it was the sam harris debate, are you retarded

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Total fucking embarrassment. Seriously, i used to believe that he was a legitimately good person and someone in search of the truth. Total letdown. First Faith, then Shapiro. I used to GENUINELY and vehemently believe that white nationalism was pathetic and evil. The way Peterson has been acting lately, very contradictory, has woken me up. He's controlled opposition after all.


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>He's a pretty good psychologist
How do you know that? And what does

> His ideas about myth and metaphysics are genuinely awful, though. Dude is unironically a subscriber to Jungian anthropolgical understanding of myth. Which is shocking, because the dude apparently has read Von Hendy's Modern Construction of Myth which shows how out of date his own ideas are. Maps of Meaning is just a shitty, unreasearched wikipedia summary of Durkheim's body of work.

imply about him as a psychologist? Also, coming from STEM I'm appalled by the lax standards in psychology. So what does being a good psychologist even mean?

Pretty based. Part of the solution at least.

>muh union of egoists
It's a grand idea but it assumes everyone is equally smart and capable.

A liberal, but with a genuine interest in truth (which he sometimes finds). This makes him a heretic by today's left-wing values, so he's an unwilling member of the right, in a career where that's a liability. He probably really enjoys the validation his new found fame brings.

I don't think he wants people to know. It's hard to convince atheists to listen to why Christianity is what it is and why the human condition needs God. If he was upfront about it many material millenials wouldn't have given him the time of day. There's a reason fiction like Tolkein and Rowling are so popular and its because the stories are based on scripture but the authors don't say so.
What I'm trying to say is Peterson won't admit the bible is revealed truth because it could turn a lot of people away. He instead gives extensive lectures that lead you around until you figure it out for yourself. That's why I don't care about interviews with Peterson because the time frame is so short there's no way he can properly deliver what he wants to say.

Depressed, so I guess his own tips doesn't work too well for him?

What solution? Preventing Europeans from organizing?

>It's hard to convince atheists to listen to why Christianity is what it is and why the human condition needs God
We've listened and it's bullshit

>There's a reason fiction like Tolkein and Rowling are so popular and its because the stories are based on scripture but the authors don't say so.

Are you a fucking idiot? Tolkien and the inklings spoke about religion all the time. It's not a revelation that LOTR has strong Christian influences. As for JK, Harry dying and resurrecting at King's Cross isn't exactly subtle.

The truth is they aren't borrowing from christianity, they're borrowing from the hero's journey of which Jesus's story is a good example. The temple has existed before Christianity though. Like I said, he's obsessing over ancient lit theory that most English masters students would probably understand better than him and in the process he's become over enamoured of metaphor.

He glows.
>United Nations
>John Podesta
>George Soros

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He says something about having purpose is more important than happiness afaik. Like it's mutually exclusive or something. I don't get it really but it seems like stupid argument to me to justify being unsatisfied.

What did he mean by this?

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You gather useful data on human behavior and create useful ways to describe it. Dude got like 10k cites on his work about human behavioral traits ("agreeableness" traits, etc) and how they seem to impact where people fall on various payscales at jobs.

The ability to identify behavioral predispositions and adjust them to achieve some goals strikes me as the essential role of a psychologist.

His cultural ideas, particular about esoteric topics like mythology, are somewhat behind the curve. I respect the guy for trying to invent the wheel from scratch, but when you compare his work to other people in the field, Maps of Meaning is just an objectively trash, dream journal tier piece of scholarship.

He strikes me as a substantially more lucid Ben Carson. Good in their field, but not so great when they go too far afield.

Still, self-help is practically the realm of the psychologist. Just tune it out when he starts talking about chaos or serpents -- it's better to go crack open something by Radcliff-Brown of Althusser.

how to answer questions like jordan peterson

>Dr Peterson do you believe in god?
>well it depends on what you mean by god
>do you believe the bible is true?
>well it depends on what you mean by truth
>do you believe there was a man named Jesus who rose from the grave?
>well you could say Jesus represented the struggle against human mortality aswell as things such as famine as life is fundamentally characterised by chaos and...
>that's a nice load of nonsense but now you've shown you know who Jesus was do you believe he literally did all those things?
>well it depends on what you mean by believe and literally and did and what is truth? what are words?

It's not about the works being secretly Christian, it's about the subject being excluded from the literature. No atheist will watch a Christian movie, but take the same plot and throw in some elves and it's a blockbuster hit.
>we've listened and it's bullshit
Not an argument. If you're only going to use the single interview as an example then it's only yourself that you're fooling.

Also my example of lotr and hp is about making intentions, not about the origins of the archetypes

What we know so far:
>wife is Jewish
>worked for John Podesta
>worked for George Soros
>denies White identity
>blocked White hero Vox Day on Twitter, wants you DESPERATELY to not buy Vox Day's books
>won't debate Sam Seder
>loved by the MSM
>organises fake hit pieces against himself that he can easily destroy to make it look like he's an underdog
>lies about the JQ
>makes approximately 60k per month on patreon fron his zombie followers
>has had rhinoplasty
>has had hairplugs (!!!)
>plastic surgeon was likely Jewish, paid for with patreon money
>supports the White traitor and Israel supporting globalist Donald Trumpstein
>edited some paper for the (((UN)))
>sends glow in the dark shills against you if you dare post just a few dozen threads about him per day

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Preventing the complete destruction of the most precious thing in human existence; Western civilisation.

Trying to separate Western Civilization from White People is complete foolishness that endangers both.

*sociopaths who might happen to be jewish

Stop saying jews.

Masking* intentions

haha, epic satire bro

don't forget to clean below your foreskin, or even better, get circumcised

>it's a coincidence they are jewish

Russians are white? Chechens? Some Indians and Arabs. Millions of white people in our countries want open borders and the complete destruction of their race. Going full retard with this will ruin everything, we need to be calm and intelligent and once we ensure Western Civilisation is back on top where it belongs the continuation of white people will follow.

>No atheist will watch a Christian movie, but take the same plot and throw in some elves and it's a blockbuster hit.
Because the death and resurrection story isn't Christian. It can be found in several cultures that didn't have contact. It's popular because it's speaks to a universal condition, not because of Jesus.

Seriel murderer. Spree rapist. Avid sportsperson.

Listen here ya dumb cunt.
If you separate A from B, and C is a subset of B then you have also separated A from C.

Pretty well said, though if you're referring to AJ as Alex Jones, there are plenty of examples of him using Masonic phrases and kowtowing to the Zionists, so I've been keeping my distance from him.

>bad idea, dangerous
Isn't that the guy who talks about integrating one's shadow and it being better to be dangerous and not acting out on it than being not dangerous?

Sock puppet

The absolute state of conspiracy theorist

Dracula, is that you?

>Not an argument. If you're only going to use the single interview as an example then it's only yourself that you're fooling.

You claimed the following:

>It's hard to convince atheists to listen to why Christianity is what it is and why the human condition needs God

This is demonstrably false and requires a complete redefinition of God to simply mean 'guiding values', which is not what is meant by Christianity or pretty much anyone except jp

>1 post by this ID
This is a Peterson astroturf thread.