Lmao libshits don't believe genetics...

>lmao libshits don't believe genetics, they don't realize that whites are genetically more intelligent and more prone to innovation haha what retards
>omg what do you mean whites are genetically more submissive, this is jewish slander, genetics isn't real, we are emperors!!!!!

The state of Jow Forums.

Attached: reparations.webm (720x1280, 1.7M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>b-b--b-but muh eastern european fat weight lifters
Only reason blacks don't rule the lifting scene is that there is zero interest in it. Black genes = warrior genes.

Attached: genetics in action.webm (268x480, 1.26M)

Samurai fear the black bulls.

Attached: japs get the rope too.webm (500x500, 1.85M)

BASED black man

>Only reason blacks don't rule the lifting scene is that there is zero interest in it
We should make powerlifting a crime then - they'll take over within a year.

Didn't need to make boxing a crime for blacks to dominate it.

Attached: greatest of all time.png (1920x1439, 3.9M)

wurld star n sheeeit mayne

Attached: 1523601717196.jpg (593x665, 64K)

>we are emperors

It's we WUZ emperors you god damned coon

Except trailer park welfare white trash insist they still are, for whatever reason.

High time preference is a form of weakness, Tyrone.