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Woah ease off with the antiseimism there m8
Israel is greatest ally, Jews are the chosen people

T. Muhammad
Inbreeding is dangerous

Doesn't seem that people can give a reasonable argument for Israel and instead always have to result to this kinda shite.

FYI I'm 100% Scottish.

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>100% whoite
Im white too user

Not this white :^)

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>support the kikes and your brainwashed
>be against the kikes and you're an anti-semite racist
there is no winning with a people that play both sides

Israel is better in every way to the Palestinian roaches that do nothing for anybody and should be exterminated. Good enough reason?

all worshippers of the degenerate yahweh must be skinned alive

You didn't even give a reason?

You just said x is better than y. That is a statement, not a reason.

Iesi in mortii ma-tii de sobolan jegos. Tu-ti pastele ma-tii de jidan infect!

I'll go to Pissrael just to piss on your fucking temple wall and Mohammad is the name of your piece of shit mother!!!

Not before we end these parasites jews than only bring destruction to everything they touch. Everysingleone of them needs to be purged by fire in the HOLY OVENS!!

>be against the kikes and you're an anti-semite racist

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I can save image from the internet too ackbar

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Lmao, it's real sad that you think I'm lying here

What more reason do you need than they are better in every conceivable way? What worth is there in supporting Islamists? Why should I be supporting terrorists?

>a reasonable argument

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Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, Ahmed.

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>FYI I'm 100% Scottish
Right, name your 5 favourite UK mosques Ahmed

An argument? Okay?
Some Zionists lobbied for it back when it was under colonial control by the British, and the British said the Jews could make a country while also promising it to the Arabs.
Fast forward to 1947, when there is a partition plan set up which the Arabs turn down.
Remember that at this point the population was low, and the people living there were mostly Jordanians and Egyptians who had in turn been considered Syrians decades earlier.
The Arab League was formed, a war was fought, the Jews won. The country was founded.
Most nations are formed from war or by stronger powers who set the borders.
More or less, there is no good reason for any nation in the Middle East to exist. You could make the argument that most of the region should belong to Turkey since they held onto the land the longest as the Ottoman Empire.
But it's a fallacy to claim that every other Middle Eastern nation has some vague right to self-determination.

Isn't it like half of jerusalem?

Here's the thing, the sons of abraham are real interested in you hating one side or the other. This makes (You) easier to control.
Kebabs are parasites feasting inside the (((feces))) of Abraham.
Christianity was tainted by this feces. Only a reformation will purify Christianity.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I'd rather team up with a bunch of kikes and wipe out the Muslims from the face of the earth. Doesn't mean I have to like the kikes, but they're crafty, and might as well let them go 1942 on some Muzzies.

Blood libel is celebrated in Israel by butchering the native Palestinians while the Trump dynasty cheers

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Reminder that if you don’t all the Jews will move back here.

Remember tuat if you support any of the sides, instead of trying to unite the europeans and eraee every non european from europe, africa, the middle east and both americas yoymu are brainwashed

i support israel. act like humans and return Israel back to palestine.

Everyone wins desu

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I forgot. Israelis need to fuck off to a remote island in the pacific where they can't hurt anyone else.

they did, its called the Americas

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This is stupid, so if you don't support Israel you HAVE to support Palestine or Islam somehow?

Absolute mongos man.

Tell me why I should support Israel without mentioning Islam ONCE.

doesn't excuse their inhumane acts towards the palestinians. Robbing their land, killing their children, starving them, poisoning their crops. There's also a thing called international law where you shouldn't be funding terror groups like ISIS and Al Nusra. Oh but I forgot, Hamas aren't fighting for their survival!

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>I fully support muslims and jews killing each other in and around Israel.
Am I brainwashed?

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Hahaha its real sad i know about takya ackbar, muslems are not to be trusted

Remember if you care about the Middle East other than wishing it would all just go away from our lives, you are a fucking retard

look at how they ruined that too

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I feel like they are getting what's coming to them soon

better to accept reality and admit Israel is the cause of all the turmoil in the middle east with the US as their rape baby. Curing the disease cures the symptoms.

>international law
this is why everyone hates muslims
They come, they steal, they murder, they rape, the terrorize
And then they have the fucking nerve to bring up international law when a fucking contingent of lefty cucks and muslims gang up on the border to throw rocks 24/7 at people passing by!?

State enforced homosexuality i don't have a problem with that.

you nog. Who do you think ordered the political elite to get in contact with Hillary in the first place?
Without Israel, the UK and the US would be doing peaceful trade with the sauds right now. and we'd be focused on more important things like developing fuel for space travel.

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Easy there, Trudeau.

Tell me, have you ever read the Koran?

here's a picture of an israeli

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>developing fuel for space travel.
for what reason
sure i'd like to send all the rapefugees into space, everything dies there anyway.

and no, there is no way to trade with a muslim. Had them for too fucking long to know that. I'm not an idiot and people are starting to wake up.
My country sucks now, it didn't before the 90s.
we will need a solution soon

I wonder who's behind this post

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Here's a picture of the modern day David going up against Goliath

Why do you ask?

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I don't think you should support israel. I said worshippers of Saturn's cube.

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>we’re better than shit
>don’t you love us?

You idiots have not put this together.
They're laughing at you, desu, so am I.

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you're trying too hard ahmed, but i can tell you 1 piece of wonderful news. Wonderful for me at least.
This is only the beginning

>hurrrr you hate Israel you must love mooslums
>hurrr you hate mooslums you must support our Israel
Fuck off kikes, this false dichotomy is cancer. Both groups are subversive and need to be purged from our civilizations.

Because you're obviously a muslim

you're thinking backwards. You want space travel to escape this cursed planet

At least your country is not as bad as Sweden.
A controlled immigration would see 200 to 500 immigrants per year. Thanks to Israel, burger mutts levelled their homeland, and now you have an unmitigated disaster. If you glass Israel now, you might be able to reverse the damages.

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Am I?


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>support Israel goys

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>Israelis need to fuck off to a remote island in the pacific

I knew there was something wrong with Hitler's plan, he chose the wrong ocean. Then again, there's nothing as anti-semitic as offering a Jew a viable solution.

You can control muslims. The alternative is to let israel control you!

ha ha. Exactly friend. The pacific is MASSIVE.

Aye I understand what Saturn worship is and that it is carried out by both Islam and Judaism.

I misread your post buddy, soz :/

Yes you are, and its almost nothing to be ashamed of Ahmed.

buh buh buh buh Jow Forums i thought we liked trump but if he likes israel that means....

All is well m8, just out here trying to get these young youths to rise above the dialectic.

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We meme'd trump into office for two reasons.
1. It's been fuckin hilarious, can't deny that one.
2. Kek > Moloch.

How's Jamal treating your wife Anders

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Im not brainwashed, studies say jews have the highest IQ so they are the best and are meant to control that territory in the middle east because the bible said so

You can't seriously favor trump in terms of what is good for a country and its people. He can't speak for shit and probably couldn't persuade a fish to drink water.

He was just better than the others and it was bretty funny to see him actually winning.

That can't be true, 44% of the top 1% might be jewish but not 90%

Why not gas the kikes for "war crimes" after they're done gassing the muzzies? Just because we use the jew to do our dirty work, doesn't mean we like the jew.

>Jews, high IQ

Bad news jews for you.

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>At least your country is not as bad as Sweden.
It will be eventually. The whole world will be fucked up soon enough

>You want space travel to escape this cursed planet
Let me put it in simpler terms, have you ever seen anything alive in space?
It's because even single celled organisms die when leaving the enviournment we have evolved on for 4 billion years.
We, as a gigantic organism of millions of cells will almost certanly die anywhere outside of our planet. Sad story but true one.
And no, Tardigrada eventually die too. They're just dying slower than us.

I can tell you as a non-religious person, that we as a species will never in any possible future be able to survive effectively as a species outside of the terrestrial environment we are especially designed to live within.
We may be able to survive for a few years with a tremendous amount of energy consumption to help simulate the environment needed for human life to even exist, but not for very long i'm afraid.

Read it, it's just dumbed down maths so people understand it more

>if you're against mulsims you must be a jew
carry on , pasto nigger

billions upon billions
sorry about that, eating

Asians have a good study-ethic but I would not be surprised in the least if most of the asian scores are bullshit due to their rampant test-cheating culture

won't hurt to try. The spaniards didn't know what they were getting into when they sailed for the new world. We should be trying to do the same with space. I wouldn't mind discovering big tittied alien ladies if you know what I mean.

If the population was 1000 people, there would be 20 Jews and 10 people in the 1%, of the 10 in the 1% 9 would be Jewish. 44% of 20 is 8.8 so 9

Idgaf is Israel wants to be a country. Cool. They just gotta calm the fuck down a bit.

if the jews were so high IQ, (and we know they're also inherently subversive) then shouldnt their cheated test scores be exponentially higher?

No man, they work their asses off and have incredible memories here. Jews are much more sneaky than Chinks cramming for exams. They might not 'really' learn it, but Chinks are excellent at stuffing information into their heads.

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how come anons from countries like Canada, Sweden and Germany is at in full sjw mode right now?

>no immigration restriction, deportations, travel bans, or other race-realist policy components
>new jewish buildings instead
MAGA is globalism by definition.

The supposed thought leaders on the right are basically disciples of two-generations of jewish guys from California - Strauss, Jaffa. I mean, in a Christian country? Very strange. No wonder the right is such a mess.

Not only brainwashed but a retarded cuck

Same with (((rats)))

>illegal immigration down 70%
>deportation up 60%
>National guard sent to borders

yeah your shilling may work somewhere people don't pay attention faggot

>God calls the modern jew the "synagogue of satan"
>modern jews go against god creating Israel by denying Chist
Fuck rabbinic judiasm AND fuck islam, you kikes will be first

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Fuck off shill.

Have you ever read the talmud? They are both are enemies who see non-self as animals. To say the jews are an equal or less threat than islam is delusional. jews owning the banks alone put them at #1 threat, globally.

>Palestinians = Islamists terrorists

Even young children killed by Israel?

Dying for Israel will be your pleasure and duty, user. Who in the fuck are you to choose your own path?

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lol. I dont know.

watch the video he posted before you call him a shill. It's the greatest redpill video this year.

What if I really don't hate anyone or wish ill will, but I'm really sick of the (sometimes exceedingly evil) shenanigans they pull and their blatant double standards?

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