Prove you’re not a blind follower and name one criticism of capitalism

Prove you’re not a blind follower and name one criticism of capitalism

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It's run by kikes

It incentivizes planned obsolescence.

If it's allowed to be run ad infinitum, capitalism brings forth increasing disparities between the poor and the rich. This is literally the only problem of capitalism. That and jews.

Capitalism is the world's largest religion.

At its most basic, capitalism or Profit: The Game is the insane theory that people are inherently selfish and greedy assholes, and the only way anybody could work and maintain the economy is if they should be allowed to earn and own private property. As an applied economic system it permits the exchange of service for paper with no physical worth, with relatively little interference from a centralized government. The ultimate goal of any person under this system is to make as much money as possible while making everyone else as poor as dirt. It was invented by Ayn Rand in the November 1959 edition of The Objectivist. Since Ayn Rand was a woman, she argued that money is the root of all good (since money is the only motivation for women to do good).

Capitalists explain that with hard work, the Invisible Hand of the Market will inevitably lead to luxury and wealth like themselves, but this never happens. Capitalism is often the basis for much drama in LiveJournal political communities. Jews (except Jesus, Karl Marx and Noam Chomsky), Darwinists (who believe that evolutionary progress is fuelled by intelligent people obliterating the weak and dumb) and conservative types argue that capitalism is the best way for the United States, and thus the world. Liberal Communists (azad_slide and pirat_ponton, for example) think that it does nothing but fuck the poor. Due to increased production, capitalism produces legions of unemployed people, and jobs become an endangered species (in addition to every other species). Capitalism was and is the driving force behind the colonization and murder of non-Whitey, but it has been said they are now better off for it. Capitalism has spawned such places as United States and Good Korea.

In reality, the correct form of economic policy involves ePoints.

It encourages degenerate consumerism

Economic freedom granted to all allows manipulation of society

It tends to have laws against exterminating communist.

Yeah those pesky workers, right? Can’t wait til we can automate them and just have machines build everything. Then we can sell the products to the same machines! No humans needed.

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What capitalism are you talking about? A pure idea, such as communism, or real world application? Well, let's look at America. Does it have real capitalism now? No. Did it have it? Yes. What changed? The rich lobbied the government to create corporatism that benefits them. Just like socialism, capitalism fails as time passes, it seems.

I thought national socialism was the way to go for a country that no one would want to fuck with?

total shit
its killing my country and my nation
unironically there were better times under ruskies

It's not as easy to criticise as communism.

>the only way anybody could work and maintain the economy is if they should be allowed to earn and own private property
True dat, seriously, study the history of the English colonists in Virginia, in particular John Smith. I work hard, I want to keep my work. inb4 exploitation by fatcats
>Capitalists explain that with hard work, the Invisible Hand of the Market will inevitably lead to luxury and wealth like themselves, but this never happens
Maybe if all those penurious losers stopped blowing their money on bullshit like painkillers and automatic fans, they might be able to elevate themselves. Success doesn't come overnight nor without effort.

My criticism of Capitalism is how chaotic it is. Whole countries can collapse very quickly. That and jews.

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It can sacrifice moral and cultural values in the name of profit

It's an unbalanced system that punished the poor and rewards the wealthy.

Monopolies, we have government for a reason, they just need to do something about it.

"A camel has a better chance of walking through the eye of a needle than a rich man does entering the kingdom of heaven." - Jesus Christ

Through nepotism the jews have gained control of the money printing and are looting our wealth.


to implement capitalism you need an economy first

>kekistani flag
not reading your shit lmao

Things like drugs, shitty music and art, and sex is made into commodity to be sold. Pornography, hollywood, fast food and so on. It all is ideologically charged and an intrinsic part of capitalism.
There is no Shame in Capitalism

>Meme flag

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True, capitalism is just the closest expression of human nature in an economic system. Not saying that's a good thing, just saying that I understand why it is successful.

Creates these annoying shills on Jow Forums
>dude just work harder lmao
>lazy white trash
Fuckin libertarians i swear

I like it cause it makes you commies mad. Still no job or private property user? Maybe one day.

It requires regulation by the state to work at its best

It can reward luck more than hard work

It's still leagues better than the alternatives.

>Prove you’re not a blind follower and name one criticism of capitalism

Planned obsolescence
Crony capitalism
Regulatory capture

Still beats the alternatives though.

quite frankly a lot of natsocs ARE just lazy white trash

It incentivizes migration, multicult, hedonism, high time preference behavior, and stratifies societies along wealth accumulation.

The best and brightest in capitalist societies are focused on short term wealth accumulation instead of advancements in culture and sciences.

Capitalism is a powerful tool but we error in organizing the entirety of society around the goals of capitalism.

National Socialism is the path to greatness.

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>cultural Commodification/degeneration/globalization
>it allows and encourage greedy bourgeoise to commit treason against the nation

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Capitalism doesn't exist, it's a conspiracy theory made up by Marx. I guess you could call that a criticism.

it creates monopoly's

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Capitalism requires regulation in cases of monopoly and verbal and contractual promises and agreements like loans, insurance, etc

Por que no los dos?

so that the fuck are we supposed to have now if not capitalism
and we do have an economy , we do have companies and budget , the problem is that our parties are corrupted and they are driving the country down