Can we finally acknowledge that this based guy is infinitely better than nazi scum who caused deaths of millions of white people?
>established a white ethnostate
>was a founding father of the most free country in the world (it's not today though, I'm not a Zionist corporate America's shill)
>btfo'd imperialists (all imperialists are multiculturalists)
>was a great warrior and commander, a real White man to look up to
Now, this is a hero we can all adore. Hitler shills are disgusting.
Can we finally acknowledge that this based guy is infinitely better than nazi scum who caused deaths of millions of...
Other urls found in this thread:
>shitting on zionism
we should be embracing zionism
If you mean letting all Jews go to Israel, and then let the roach fight them, I'm all for Zionism.
I'm not sure if you're implying that you'd want the muslims to kill them or what but Israel is a great right wing ally that is definitely needed right now in the world.
>Israel is a great right wing ally
No you aren't jew.
I'm not a jew but I also don't punch right. We need to be loyal to our allies and Bibi has taken the fight to George Soros just like Hungary has. They're surrounded by islamist enemies and are on the front lines everyday fighting a barbarian enemy.
Yes, and the race laws that the USA had were much harsher than the nazi ones.
If Israel is your good ally, what exactly is it doing for the US? I know that you give them aid, sell them weapons, but what about Israel, really?
And that's a good thing. As long as these laws do not imply genocide, it's good. I believe all ethnicities deserve their right of self preservation.
>this kills the brit
They're on the frontlines against islamists and put their soldiers and civilians on the line everyday. They provide strategic support and intelligence and covert operational support against ISIS and Iranian terrorists. They fight for the right to defend their borders just like us.
you jews aren't right, aren't allies, aren't fooling anyone.
they already have the right to defend their border where as jews in the US fight for the border not to be defended. lol
That's Adam Weishaupt
Didnt last though, the jew infestation from (((london))) managed to worm its way back in with the civil war.
Yea so based the US became a jewish puppet without putting up a fight.
And empires are multicultural in a sense that the german empire had prussian and for example swabian culture in it you mong.
Do you know something....
Maybe the UN are going to take out Israel?
I agree he was pretty based.
Only faults were that he was a bad public speaker and had quite a temper. He got extremely angry a lot of the time and during his inaugural address stopped speaking, sat down, and stood up to continue about 6 times.
They capitalised on your deaths during 9/11 and will be tried for War Crimes.
newsflash, only like 1% of americans actually like nazis. bunch of lefty trolls here trying to make us look bad. fuck nazis. maga
Anglos are not the problem though. Their establishment is. And it's been a long time since they have been silently overthrown.
But it became a puppet after Washington and the founding fathers though. They would've never allowed that to happen, but people don't live forever. What I am saying is that we should continue what they were fighting for.
Well, he wasn't the only founding father, and he actually did shit. I'd say his temper was a good thing. He was a fucking beast and he fought for the people.
Fuck off, shill.
This is bait, right? What happend to my mutts who was redpilled about Israel?
anglos are ground zero for the global jew infestation. They spread the jew parasite all over the world.
>shitting on the only western nation in the middle east fighting islamism because of memes
geez for fucks sake come back to reality
Yes, Washington is infinitely better than that traitor churchill.
>muh liberal freedumbs
>better than white nationalism
nobody is buying your jew bullshit.
This man coined the term based.
Press F to pay respect.
Yes he is great, along with Jefferson, Paine, Madison, Adams, and Franklin.
Hitlerfags are either larping Jews or too stupid to know the history of their own country.
Or you can have respect for both? It's not like the two are mutually exclusive.
Quads of truth
If so, aren't the French based?
>Israel grabbing land is fighting Islamism
But Finland, Washington was a white nationalist...
How can you respect warmongering imperialists who caused deaths of millions of Europeans?
>ignore the fact that israel has been fighting wars of defense its entire existence against islamists and has won every fucking engagement
Yet somehow you'll tell me they aren't based and they shouldn't be supported. Thank christ Trump is president and not a retard like you.
>Jow Forums wants a ethnostate with a border wall
>Israel is an ethnostate with a border wall
no one is buying your kike shit
They fund ISIS you filthy kike
Back to plebbit shlomo
this, supporting Israel is a logical choice because they are closely aligned with our goals and trumps goals
And that's a good thing. I actually think that all ethnicities should have ethnostates with border walls. You know what that would do? Stop the majority of world conflicts.
And what goals would those be? How exactly is Israel helping the US? Fuck off, shill.
If rats occupy your house wouldnt you try to get rid of them?
their goals are the same as ours, to have a sovereign state where you can define your own laws and defend your own borders without the globalists getting in the way
The difference is... Well, (((they))) are pushing globalism everywhere but in Israel.
all jews are not some monolithic boogeyman, there are different sects
Bibi is a rightwing nationalist like Trump
Soros is a leftwing globalist like Obama
There are many different Jews and Israel represent the best of the Jewish people.
>There are many different Jews and Israel represent the best of the Jewish people.
Best at what, being worse kike scum?
Washington was actually a bad general. He never won a battle. Still a great man, though. Prob may favorite American figure
The Americans created a white nation that lasted for 200 years.
Hitler is why we don't have white nations anymore.
I agree that different kikes push different things, but you can notice that none of those who have real power push anything anti-Israel. Jews benefit both from what Soros and Bibi do.
He organized the whole shit though. There are generals who win battles, and there are people who bring these generals together to solve shit.
Soros Jews do not benefit from what Bibi does and based right wing jews do not benefit from what Soros does.
Soros is pushing open borders in Israel big time.
This is why we NEED to support Israel and Bibi
I could just as easily say that Americans entering the war in WW1 and 2 is why we don't have White nations anymore.
I could also say it was the immigration and liberal policies of the enlightenment period, that were instilled into America, at the founding, that eventually led to the current problem of demographic replacement.
But ultimately, that is ignoring the true enemy. Judeo-Marxism.
Washington is one of my favorite dudes.
>Christkikes try to usurp America by claiming it as a Christkike nation
>Memorialize the greatest American that ever lived with an obelisk
>(all imperialists are multiculturalists)
He didn’t account for demographic change. His model worked in the white homogeneous society which was built by like minded Europeans who were tired of collectivism. He did not implement adequate safeguards into the constitution. The first and second amendments, for example, are useless when the population no longer believes in them. Still a great man.
>i don't punch right
>israel is our friend
The sad part is, even if you're joking, there are millions who believe this way in our country
>How can you respect warmongering imperialists who caused deaths of millions of Europeans?
I don't respect the British, at all. That's the point.
If we lie to ourselves and say we started WW2 to protect the independence of Poland, then sure. But you're lying to yourself, just acknowledge that.
Fuck off glow in the dark nigger.
Sure, he was great. He was a slaveowner who would be universally called a nazi today.
dis freemasons general now?
Soros pushed globalism. Globalism benefits current corporate establishment that shills for Israel.
>This is why we NEED to support Israel and Bibi
Don't ever help the Jews. Because they will never help you in return.
>I could just as easily say that Americans entering the war in WW1 and 2 is why we don't have White nations anymore.
You think letting Soviets occupy all of Europe would be a better idea?
Wow, this was to btfo kike worshipers? Didn't know. Very cool.
And how is grabbing African land good for the White race? It's not. Colonialism didn't benefit White people a bit. Only the rich that didn't give a fuck and slaughtered millions of Europeans because muh money.
I think he did everything right. It's your duty to continue what he had in mind. Don't just say "ohh he could've done everything so that we woudn't have to work hard waaah"
So, invading Poland was what for, exactly?
Fun fact.
Benjamin Franklin was the head of the lodge that Voltaire was a part of.
Nah, he owned slaves like you eat meat and in the future 22th century vegan overlords will look at you with disgust, but still follow your deep beliefs about human nature.
>So, invading Poland was what for, exactly?
Germany and Russia have a tradition of double penetrating Poland. Practically a tradition. I'd say that you must be some Jewish kind of evil to say that a war which killed 60 million Europeans was worth it to retaliate against a country for invading a nation that we left to get raped by communism anyway.
if you are trying to convince people to be pro-Israel then you've come to the wrong place. Try reddit
The Germans invaded Poland to take back West Prussia, which was filled with German people, that the Poles were given by the French in the Treaty of Versailles.
He was a terrible fucking general though
>muh land
Could've bought the land, or at least help Germans immigrate back.
>organize the revolution
>he was bad
Pick one.
I admire all the founding fathers AND Hitler. They would have had a lot of agreement with each other, actually. Not perfect agreement, but a lot of agreement.
The last real man we had as a president, pre Reagan, was Teddy Roosevelt. His cousin, FDR, was a fucking disgrace and ruined this country, and the world when he helped Stalin to defeat Hitler.
1488, MAGA, and let's bring back the real American presidents, the ones who used to run this country. Men like Teddy Roosevelt. Men like Andrew Jackson. Men like Lincoln, Jefferson, and Washington. Real white men who told niggers, spics, and Indians to fuck themselves.
Heil Hitler! Hail our founders!
>You think letting Soviets occupy all of Europe would be a better idea?
1. WW1 had nothing to do with the Soviets and was the catalyst to WW2.
2. America entered the war, because of Zionist pressure, not to save Europe from the Soviets. Ludicrous assertion and an outright lie.
3. Europe was sold to the Soviets after the war, and far more Whites died in the following 50 years of misery and hell.
4. Germany was the only nation that defended Europe from Communism. Without Hitlers NatSoc Germany, the Red Scare would have steamrolled through Europe, unopposed. So if you are/were concerned with Europe going red, you can thank Hitler for preventing it.
5. The red army was completely dependent on US armament/funding.
Let's make something perfectly clear, these bastards never made any laws to keep the Jews out of our nation because they WERE FUCKING FREEMASONS. Fuck off nerd, he were just as instrumental in the cucking of white people as any person in Americas history who let them come here under the pretense that they were "white, " when over a hundred nations in the past knew to keep Jews out of our nation. THe funny thing about that is, according to Eustace Mullins in his book The Curse of Canaan he describes where the Rothschilds paid Hessian mercenaries to come over and kill millions of buffalo to starve out the Native Americans as a precursor to the European invasion. America was planned and executed by Jews since it's founding. People are morons.
Prussia was the founding country of Germany. How do you think Ukraine would respond if Turkey forced Ukraine to give Kiev to Belarus, when the Belorussians were too weak to take it themselves? It would be not only unjust, but humiliating. People need to stop pretending like the Germans were unreasonable monsters. It should have been obvious what was going to happen as far back as 1919.
Then why are they warmongering with stable middle-eastern countries?
>Hitler was a terrible fucking general
No he wasn't.
>muh white supremacy
Why not just secure our own White ethnostate and keep civil and calm unless anybody else is starting shit? I mean, what for? To lose white lives?
>WW1 had nothing to do with the Soviets and was the catalyst to WW2
Was not talking about WW1.
>America entered the war, because of Zionist pressure, not to save Europe from the Soviets.
>Europe was sold to the Soviets after the war, and far more Whites died
So, you do acknowledge that without American intervention it would've been worse?
>Germany was the only nation that defended Europe from Communism
And that's why they occupied France, friend. Because they loved white people so much that they didn't consider over half of them as human beings.
>The red army was completely dependent on US armament/funding
That's the US propaganda, US armament was a tiny fraction of what Soviets produced.
Okay, Alex, and who was actually good for White people then?
I know, but war should be the LAST resort. Especially if you love White people so much, for fuck's sake.
This might be credible if anyone didn't know that Israel can do whatever the fuck it likes because around 2/3rds of America would justify baby rape if Israelis did it
Soros Jews fight to open the borders in the west
Bibi Jews get America involved in neverending middle eastern wars that it very blatantly starts while playing the victim.
>So, you do acknowledge that without American intervention it would've been worse?
No, I acknowledge that Communism would have never taken root in Europe had America stayed on the sidelines and not sided with the enemy of the West, to defeat the defender of the West.
>And that's why they occupied France, friend. Because they loved white people so much that they didn't consider over half of them as human beings.
He occupied France because he had no guarantee that they would prevent a mainland landing from UK and America. Therefore he needed to occupy the country. This is why he never had to occupy Switzerland, because it was landlocked. Plus, you are completely ignoring the repeated peace offerings and desire to leave France, without any immoral treaties, land confiscation or financial reimbursement. Do all evil occupiers express a desire to leave asap?
>That's the US propaganda, US armament was a tiny fraction of what Soviets produced.
US propaganda? So Romanian WW2 era literature is US propaganda now? Both sides admit it and peasants on the ground, throughout Eastern Europe have confirmed it. After the destruction of the Oil fields, the Red army was dependent on Americas support. This support allowed the mass rape campaign of the Reds to be funded.
But I gotta get to work, have a good day user.
Washington was a cocksucker look it up and read between the lines
Emperor without clothes
>No, I acknowledge that Communism would have never taken root in Europe
Soviets would have won without US help though.
>He occupied France because he had no guarantee that they would prevent a mainland landing
The French didn't like the UK. Why not simply be friends with them?
>the Red army was dependent on Americas support
Factually incorrect, I actually want to look at the source of your knowledge.
At this point I'm not even sure how to answer that question. but denying that the Founding Fathers were part of secret societies is moronic even if they were duped.
Because spics, niggers, and kikes will never accept the existence of an independent, white ethnostate that they don't have control over. They will never leave us alone. Establish a white ethnostate somewhere in America, and you'll have niggers and spics trying to move in for economic reasons when their ethnostates inevitably go to shit, and you'll have kikes trying to subvert it via leftism and exert control over it with their banks and media, with the ultimate goal being genocide of white people.
We shouldn't surrender any part of this country to niggers, spics, and kikes. If any blacks, Mexicans, or Jews want to stay, then they'd better assimilate and be willing to adopt the white man's laws and culture, otherwise they can get back on the fucking boat, or maybe on the train, to a special camp.
I'm not denying anything. Truth is, they created a White ethnostate. So?.. What does it matter if they were also larpers?
Literally everything you think about this guy is wrong. He was a pretty bad soldier, that's why he wasn't allowed to be a British officer.
True, they did, and so did Hitler, the difference between them is Hitler named the Jew. Take it for what it is, and I'm not even a NatSoc.
He sucked in the French an Indian war back when he was a colonel.
>imperialism is multiculturalism
Nope. Imperialism is about imposing our culture on the worthless brown cretins who happen to dwell on the planet among us real people. There is absolutely nothing wrong with putting your boot on the necks of shitskins.
it's pretty funny young Americans have been brainfucked so much some of them seek idol in someone like Hitler and not Washington
they seem to hate their own history and culture
We don't hate our culture or history, some of us realize that we are a project of the Jew bankers to take over the world, it's worked so far right? We just want to name the Jew, don't get shit twisted.
>Nope. Imperialism is about imposing our culture on the worthless brown cretins
And why would you do that? Woudn't it be better to still have sub-Saharan Africa is stone age?
Early American history is great. Washington, Jackson, Franklin, these were great men. It just got POZed after the civil war. All down hill after that.
>Early American history is great
It's dull.
Sickening how modern day Americans claim this fine pure bred Anglo as one of their own, he'd be on first plane back to his motherland if he saw the state of his nation now.
He wasn't an Anglo
The fuck? His motherland is full of fucking Muslim shitskins. Kill yourself.
thank john adams and thomas jefferson you fucking retard.
English blood is English blood whether you're born in the Americas or England.
Treason is treason pal.
That guy would kill all of the Zionists in America right now and violently niggers and spics if he saw what you kikes did. Hitler was way nicer than him, he just asked Jews to leave and gave them land under the Haavara Agreement.
And Jews caused WW2, everyone knows it was about international finance.
>English blood is English blood whether you're born in the Americas or England.
Fuck off
Washington great but Jackson the best.
Washington and his band of merry men considered themselves English and thus entitled to the same rights as their kin in England. Treason maybe but I believe they had the right take up arms.
If the British parliament had given them representation the US wouldn't have come into being for another century or more
What are you then? A Paddy American? Kraut American? Kike American?
You're country was founded by Englishmen, deal with it.