why do Asians sexualize white people so much? it's uncomfortable 2bh
Why do Asians sexualize white people so much? it's uncomfortable 2bh
You mean why do Asians Sexualize good looking white people?
never show weakness to an Asian woman (Sleeping counts as weakness)
Asians don't have souls. They're automatons
Same reason white women sexualise niggers
Can’t white wash genetics.
You mean why they want big fat dicks inside there tiny yellow pussy
i have had sex with 5 asian women im a 5\10 at best
ow thats hot
what the fuck is that thing? is it human?
She's piss ugly. Just look at the amount of make-up on her face. You could probably cook a cake with that amount.
Lol at the "she" responses, this guy was a master troll who took his character so seriously he ended up as a trap.
that;s not a girl that's ling anderson, and that's his book under a fake name. he's fucked up.
Asian ''men'' belong to BIG WHITE COCK.
That's looks like if one of those cheap Chinese sex dolls came to life
"Do I look like one of your anime girls now, white man?"
"Combine your genes with me, white man. No worry about your ancestors. All that matter is get your dick wet."
"I submissive, I cook dinner every night."
"Our children be sooooo beautiful can't wait to spit them out of my sideway vagina"
>it's uncomfortable 2bh
more white people pay asians for sex than asians pay whites
Large colored eyes, Asians are obsessed with having them, whites have them
Look at that snout
"You never know what I reeeely rook rike, white man. Guess you just have to trust me hehehehe."
Why are they so cruel to animals ?
That's obviously FaceApp
They lack empathy and sympathy.
Never evolved these traits.
holy fuck I feel bad for him
look at the fuckin state of her
Chinese believe the more pain you cause an animal immediately prior to death, the better the flesh will taste.
I'd cum on her hair
this. peasant superstition.