Reminder that women can NEVER be trusted. They are biologically programmed to be deceitful, opportunistic and hypocritical.
If you reveal weakness (Even to your mother!) You are a weak KEK in her eyes and while you naively believe they 'understand' your feelings, NO! They will see you as pathetic and disrespect you. Women ARE NOT empathetic! They only PRETEND to be!
A fellow man can understand your plight without words. A woman could never understand your pain with a thousand words.
>Reminder that women can NEVER be trusted Almost nobody on this earth can be trusted. >A fellow man can understand your plight without words No. Ever since I was a kid I noticed how cold people can be with each other and men were a large part of that. Men don't understand others as much as internet people like OP say they do.
John Williams
Ay yo is this the slide thread?
Yo umma let this shit slide all the way to page 10 HAHA
Christian White
my mommy is empathetic
Evan Lee
>Men youre surrounded by niggers, mudslimes, kikes and chinks. Of course they don't know your plight. You have no idea what it is like to live amongst men of your own kin
>If you reveal weakness Wow maybe just don't be a pussy. you have friends to talk about your problems with in order to figure out a solution That's it. Nature doesn't give a shit about feelings which is why women are such shit campers
Sebastian Ramirez
If you want a max comfy 80s movie that is redpilled to the max on women, I recommend the little known Desperate for Love with Christian Slater. It's based on a true story. Don't spoiler yourself though. This shit could never come out today.
Nonjews, nonwhites and White women can't be trusted. Period.
Brandon Moore
False, my lebanese waifu says otherwise.
Connor Wright
that's what she wants you to think. grab her phone bro, check her texts. She's fucking other men.
Charles Carter
Good post by leaf. The amount of people I could ever trust I can count on one hand with fingers left over. Only my mother and father have truly been there for me as well as my older brother, gender doesn't really come into. Most people are colder now than they used to be 30, 20 even 10 years ago.
Wyatt Jenkins
Brandon Kelly
Meanwhile those traits aka the dark triad is what makes women wet. They crave anti civilized men
Logan Hughes
already known this from the start
Alexander Cooper
now your biggest social export comes from a jew and an arab epicmealtime Kek
Aaron Nguyen
Same here.
Brayden Diaz
Men are physically violent because they have the capability to do so
Women are socially violent and yet we have abolished all laws that would punish them (cheating on your spouse is completely legal)
women are actually more likely to commit unprovoked domestic violence against their partner and children. They are also more likely to use weapons (knives) and end up killing partners and children at an increased rate there's a reason witches have been an archetype moreso than evil hermits
Aiden Harris
jidf and other elite entities want us not to breed - make us hate white women - leads to more white population decline
wake up goyim
Lucas Harris
>tfw attractive, healthy Jow Forums, single and make good money women are hopeless whores. The mud has been wiped from my eyes. You have to be a true degenerate piece of shit to get the attention of a woman today. how do i learn to live without them?
Christian Miller
You despise them becuase they dont want you, We know
Jace Cook
Ask her how many men she's slept with. Take that number, multiply it by the average penis size in Germany. Then, take total length and multiply it to the average amount of thrusts it takes to cum, two to seven minutes depending on what study you look at. Then convert that cm/time to meters/kilometers. Depending on how long it is, get in your car/bike/foot and go that distance and realize that is how much dick she's taken. Decide if that bothers you or not.
Aiden Taylor
>thinly veiled incel thread you have to go back
Joseph Jenkins
not a shoop
Isaac Butler
This is stupid logic
The reality is the more I get laid, the more I hate women
Luis Morales
Jow Forums that leddit image of the woman saying his husband doesn't love her anymore after confessing he sucked hundred dicks
Hudson Richardson
she had abusive parents and her exterior of empowerment is an attention grab because she desperately seeks the validation she didn't receive at home because all boomers were awful parents.
Most women can be trusted once they become aware of what mechanisms were hardcoded into their brain by generations of shitty parents.
Owen Hill
fuck off cuck it's the truth they are only good for breeding not for actual discussion's unless it's family related
the fact that you need to ask tells me you are degenerate yourself
Carson Wood
Her new tits make her look way better overall, but in isolation they are terrible bolt ons.
Chase Cooper
women get relaxed sentencing for the same crime many never get to see the inside of a jail cell for a crime a man would rot for
Landon Richardson
The biggest mistake the west ever made was to treat/consider women as equals. Its what killed Rome.
Ryan Moore
Reminder that its your job as a man to develop the character of your wife, sisters, and daughters
If you have unloyal and deceitful women in your life then it is because you have failed in your god-given duty
Ryan Perry
you women are the niggers of gender
Liam Wright
I miss Yosemite Sam
Ryan Edwards
>everything is the fault of the man, women are never responsible for anything in their lives fuck off you idiot
Adam Perry
>y wimin
Sounds more and more insecure every time I see it.
Gavin Thompson
Women need guidance from men. That's just biology my dude
Cooper Lopez
Reminder that all this is pointless as long as women can vote.
Thomas Davis
I wish this was untrue, I really do. We are raised with this idea that women are this caring nurturing creature.
Dead fucking wrong. Get sick? WEAK! Get wounded training MMA? WEAK!
Remember, a woman's only function is to filter which genes get to proceed to the next generation. If you show ANY weakness around them, you are crossed off that list in their mind.
Sounds like you have a very healthy relationship with your mother and are wonderful at choosing who o date and don't just go after heartless roasties and thots.
Remember, bars, concerts, clubs, apps designed for one night stands, are excellent places to find potential mates who are loyal, mentally stable, caring, loving, and morally right women. Conservative women who don't attract your eye because they don't dress like sluts or respond to you instantly with sex, are exactly the same.
Tyler Wright
>women get constant messaging from external sources, like the jew media >disciplining your woman is illegal >social pressure from other women will drive most women to do completely retarded things
there's literally nothing we as men can do in the current situation, stop pretending like we can do anything about this the most powerful men get fucking ruined by women these days
Jose Perez
You give them too much credit, they are far worse than that.
Landon Wilson
>Most people are colder now than they used to be 30, 20 even 10 years ago. That's by design. A multicultural society is designed to make trust in your neighbors break down. With no one left to trust your options are your family or the government, and (((they're))) assaulting the family unit too for obvious reasons.
Matthew Taylor
You're casting pearls before swine, user.
Dominic Ramirez
Women can love, but love only flows in one direction.
Men love women the way women want to be loved, women love children the way children want to be loved, children love dogs the way dogs want to be loved, and dogs love men the way men want to be loved.
That is just the way it is.
Michael Long
they want an alpha man who can take care of the kids? how is this wrong your fault for being a weak beta male
Brody Nelson
Based brit
Brayden Richardson
>i need to beat women to teach them discipline! >everything I cant control is the fault of JEWS so i have to give up!!
You are weak and pathetic. It is not a surprise that you view women with contempt, because they surely do not respect such a weak man.
Austin Sanders
It's a vicious cycle bro, we are just as guilty as them. I've seen how desperate guys are. No surprise these inferior savages take advantage.
Lincoln Kelly
In a society where we are legally withheld from violence and killing, you would think they could adapt. However, their brains are hard-wired to respond in certain ways to male behaviour. You need to exploit this rather than be a victim of it.
Tyler Brooks
shhhh. you'll spoil OP's retarded world view
Lincoln Turner
they are just different then men you would know if you were around them they are loving and caring and they far greater than shitskins even equal to white men
>They are biologically programmed to be deceitful, opportunistic and hypocritical. This is fairly accurate
>Sounds like you have a very healthy relationship with your mother Your mother is the only woman who will ever love you for you. Even then a lot don't. And they sure as hell don't raise good men by themselves.
Grayson Scott
of course, it's a 50/50 split this canadian is just being a moron
giving a woman a slap everyone once in a while is fine. we are animals with physical bodies, we respond to pain, that's literally what it's for. when you touch an open flame, it hurts and you learn not to touch open flames. this idea you have that you should never hit a woman is retarded modernist bullshit
fun fact: she's built for breeding and should be home raising her babies not larping as a man. i can only imagine the level of psychological and sexual abuse necessary to override this woman's obvious adequate female hormones' natural influence on her desires. very sad to have to gas such a specimen.
Ryan Nguyen
you can find much hotter women on google, why her?
Kayden Harris
This, desu.
Eli Mitchell
The penis wants what it wants
Michael Hughes
Shut up virgin
Brandon Scott
Looks like Abby Pollock. She’s a fitness you tuber who does a lot of glute focused videos.