Well... are they?
Well... are they?
Jason Harris
Other urls found in this thread:
Angel Clark
journalism is dead
Andrew Smith
If anything, straight black men are the niggerest of niggers.
Jace King
Journalism, at least what it was supposed to be, has been dead. This is the Journalists finally showing their true colors.
Liam Garcia
Yes. And no.
Luke Jones
Bentley Thomas
>uses the term "white people" in a derogatory mannner
Nothing new to see here
Joseph Brown
Faggots trying to gain the support of the blacks. They demonize anything that is straight, white, male or christian. I hate these shitlibs so bad. We need to bring back concentration camps to put these faggots in.
David Davis
Are masculine white gay men the kkk of the lgbtdbhfbhtfhhtdvjkk community?
Ryan Fisher
>1 post by this ID
slide thread shill