Well... are they?
Well... are they?
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journalism is dead
If anything, straight black men are the niggerest of niggers.
Journalism, at least what it was supposed to be, has been dead. This is the Journalists finally showing their true colors.
Yes. And no.
>uses the term "white people" in a derogatory mannner
Nothing new to see here
Faggots trying to gain the support of the blacks. They demonize anything that is straight, white, male or christian. I hate these shitlibs so bad. We need to bring back concentration camps to put these faggots in.
Are masculine white gay men the kkk of the lgbtdbhfbhtfhhtdvjkk community?
>1 post by this ID
slide thread shill
The nonsense is off the fucking charts. A couple years ago I would've had no idea what these racist bigoted hateful fucks were even trying to mean.
Straight black men are the straight men of black people.
>t. snake eating tail
Maybe so maybe not. It depends on how you look at it. There are probably some effects that need more study but we can't rely upon a lack of data to determine a position in a way consistent with the views of the American people. In these tough economic times, our focus should be on the future rather than on the past. We need to build bridges between men and women rather than walls and protect the values we hold dear. I look forward to working with my colleagues across the aisle and the citizen on the street corner to foster a stronger community for our children.
And that may or may not be a good thing.
oh goy ...
Out of all black people, are straight black men working hard to build strong communities, cohesive families while showing common courtesy to those around them?
No. They're niggers.
Are white women the niggers of the white race?
Yes. LMAO Yes they are.
The absolute state of the west.
I don't understand why people like you keep giving these people attention. Do you even think they believe their own shit? Then comes the e-celebs looking for shekels, reporting similar articles and telling us why it's insane. No shit... Just ignore them and let the crazy people who reads shit like this eat themselves.
>ctrl + c
>ctrl + v
>Ah yes, fresh clickbait! Now I have more time to stream Rick and Morty LOL
I guess it wouldn't be PC to say that black men who have never been arrested are the white people of black people, but that would be far more accurate.
Women are the niggers of gender.
We need to push this
That's like comparing apples and orangutans.