Why do companies hire women? They’re simply not genetically made for office work. 80% are incompetent and 100% have qualities that make them unbearable to be around.
How do we go back to the good old days when men worked in business and women worked in the home?
Why do companies hire women? They’re simply not genetically made for office work...
remove government and unions
It will never go back to those times..if anything, women will be 80% of the workforce and men will feed and tend to the babies at home, and cook and clean, and do the tasks that the wife directs him to do.
Look at the picture, user. Look at the picture...
user we do need people to act as secretary, bring mail, make coffee, re-arrange (clean) the kitchen/break space, we also need to look at boobs and asses while we work.
We don't need women to work, we need women to take care of things that will help us work better.
Hey Santa
It’s ogre
We’ve lost
ah, the famous hair cake
You gay user?
I am not even virtue signaling here but in my company, women are doing much better job than men.
I hire the best people, not based on gender.
it is an economic impossibility
society collapses long before that
But user women bring so much fun to the work place. They totally bring a good vibe. I think if I would be hired by company where only worked men I would immediatly quit.
The Jews brainwashed corporations into hiring women to make men's lives miserable. When men are miserable, a country is easier to hijack and control.
Nothing I love more than a girl coming into my office, sitting down in the guest chair and kicking her feet up, then proceeding to be extremely flirty and keep me from getting work done.
Work is for work. I appreciate the interest but all it probably is is a scam to get me fired and take my job. Plus if I wanted sex I could tell the wife to come down to the office for a quickie.
Women have no place in the office. They gossip, are slow, go out of their way to distract, and overreact to criticism.
In my current software job I'm reporting to a pregnant Indian female software engineering manager and it's as bad as you would imagine. It's unreal how much my productivity has dropped since being constantly demoralized by this subhuman. Now I basically get paid over $150k/year to do like 1 hour of work a day, however I feel like my work and life is meaningless.
Feminism is a bio weapon
>Why do companies hire women?
Going off of David Graeber's research on the emergence of bullshit jobs or the real growth and proliferation of Managerial/Administrative jobs, hiring women is as good as hiring men since the job consists of checking boxes, making reports and doing paperwork and really not doing anything at all.
The economy has become so bloated with useless positions because the reality of technology is that very little manufacturing or productive work needs to be done.
>In my current software job I'm reporting to a pregnant Indian female software engineering manager and it's as bad as you would imagine. It's unreal how much my productivity has dropped since being constantly demoralized by this subhuman. Now I basically get paid over $150k/year to do like 1 hour of work a day, however I feel like my work and life is meaningless.
That is just the way of the modern economy. Jobs are overwhelmingly about bureaucracy, filing paperwork, assessments, reports and documents and really the need for much productive labor is practically null now.
They do what they're told and never make a fuss.
This "problem" will correct itself in 1-2 generations. These liberally handicapped career women are simply not having children, the future will be controlled by traditional conservative families by that will replace them.
for free sex in the office
man who let their wifes work are all cucks
this thread is 1 serious post and a bunch of larpers fishing for (((you)))s
>Why do companies hire women?
because most men
1. don't suck dick (yet)
2. don't hire other men to suck their dick (yet)
probably balance out once there are no hetero males left.
It'll just be boss-o-sexuals and bottoms, and gender won't matter.