Why is there this cancer in the US known as white nationalism

I notice many on here and many on stormfront. The users display clear insecurity regarding Asian people and clear historical revisionism based on Asian achievements (which they can't accept).

On here alone I saw a user desperately trying to do his mental gymnastics to undermine how Japan embarrassed Russia in the first Russo-Japanese war. And even claimed that the west is responsible.............fail. Actually the west were the ones who stepped in and made Japan and Russia sign a peace treaty after Japan was beating Russia badly. The west tried to curb Japanese expansion, not aid it. Nice try though nationalist cons.

How many of these loser on the net even have jobs? Asian people in America have the highest paid jobs per race and have the highest SAT scores. They literally beat you in your own country, you are not superior. And the white nationalists on Jow Forums and stormfront are literally inferior even by white standards as they are the lowest in IQ individuals within the white race.

Here is yet another tech advancement from Japan.

But go ahead like usual, try to do your mental gymnastics and use your imagination to come up with little autistic hypothesis about why that's an invention of your people

China have 820 billionaires today, nearly as many as all of Europe and the US combined.

Users on here also claim that every Chinese invention is fake and that all the dated relics and historical accounts of countries at the time are all fake and that evil Jews are responsible for this, in their attempt to invalidate Europe. lol

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White people have lost, sorry about that.

But you lack a big picture vision as your IQ is too low.

Modern East Asian people only started out 7000 years ago in north eastern China, before this time is was proto-mongoloid people in the region.

East Asians are the fastest growing ethnic group in world history, now accounting for at least 1.8 billion people and still expanding.

Europeans and Americans are instead shrinking and also being bred out, you literally are being bred out in your own country. Because you are inferior and stupid.

When you die out as a race, you lost. Sorry
Asians beat you even in your own country and Asians work within the country with other minorities to undermine you, because you can't understand what Asian people are doing to you.

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Sure. Meme flag gets your thoughts ignored.

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You Amerimutts are the most hilarious of the bunch, a bunch of racially mixed low IQ individuals who have the logic of a 9 year old.

I don't blame the Jews for siding with Asians in wiping out your feral redneck species in the US.

Europeans regions are becoming more and more mixed, sorry about that.

There is also nothing you can do about it.

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I make more money than you and have a 146 IQ certified by Mensa, and we're taking the great white way to the end of the line in tradtown- population: no niggers, spics, or Jews.

We push things in your countries which divide people and also tend to make them racially mix even more.

It's so hilarious how stupid your people are. Jews were responsible for literally 85% of all European and Russian inventions. You are nothing but a slave of Jews and Asians today.

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Ps- u sounds like a faggot

>Jews were responsible for literally 85% of all European and Russian inventions.

>I am on welfare and have an IQ of 80 and live on Jow Forums as an uneducated and unintelligent white nationalist.
And? You aren't telling anybody anything they didn't already know.

Stormfags are a vocal minority. Its a bunch of corporate shills (a la Cambridge Analytica), FSB spooks and partidary shills that spam crap continuously while anons (being most socially excluded early 20's mooks) just parrot what they read because they think "its cool" and gives them validation. Also some e-celebs trying to make a profit.

Yaaawwwn. Anyone else feeling sleepier than usual?

Embrace enrichment

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Cry about that honeys, sorry. Jews literally are responsible for nearly all Nobel prizes in the west and most inventions there also.

Now what's next for you sad children is to cry and go to stage 2 after acceptance. The next stage is trying to desperately now claim that Jews are white people (to try to absorb their accomplishments).

It's just delicious seeing you low IQ white nationalist squirm. Such inferior people.

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yea. so smart they always get caught and kicked out/slaughtered
jew are smert

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US homicide rate 14.7x higher than Japan and Singapore.

You literally act like animals, lol.
Blacks are to white as whites are to blacks. Pink hairy monkeys.

Their average IQ is 113 and they have the most Nobel prizes and inventions of any race, they even built up your countries.

They rule over you, yes they are smart. Sorry
Each time the white man has attempted to kill off the Jews he has failed, and Jews only make up 0.2% of the planet. lol

1 Jews is equivalent in worth to about 80 white people.

That's funny. I don't recall a Jew being the inventor of the automobile, the airplane, the locomotive, the steamboat, the battleship, the submarine, the toilet, indoor plumbing, electricity, the telephone, the lightbulb, any single tool or appliance you could name, the skyscraper, the computer, the Internet, the gun, steel, iron, the furnace, the oven, the microwave etc... Not to mention high art, be it in the context of the Renaissance and thereafter with visual art, or classical music, or even the advent of the Jews' two favorite forms of modern media- the television and the projector (i.e. Movies). Yes, jews grafted on to these traditions and debased them as with art and music but they certainly didn't invent them.

Basically you're a parasitic group of faggots who look like inbred retards.

White people are inferior, that's why you are failing evolution. You literally are a shrinking people who have been ruled over by Jews for millennia and Jews allow Asians into your country which also then beat you inside your own country.

The only group you actually can beat are blacks, and they tend to beat you up and kill you a lot and give the Jews and Asians a laugh.

>Asian people in America have the highest paid jobs per race and have the highest SAT scores. They literally beat you in your own country, you are not superior.
This is cherrypicking, you exam cheating retard. The asians who manage to cross over here are not an average sample of the asian population, far from it. They are the cream of the crop. But rather than compare them against the cream of our population, you'd rather compare them against the whole of ours, an apples and oranges comparison. If you were serious about demonstrating your alleged intellectual superiority, the first thing you would do is to familiarize yourself with common fallacies used in argumentation, and purge your OP of them before posting. As it is, what you have written is simply vile propaganda, nothing more.

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>That's funny. I don't recall a Jew being the inventor of the

That's because you are uneducated, literally half of the things you mentioned were invented by Jews. Sorry

Even Christopher Columbus was Jewish. The founder of your land was Jewish, you even cut your penises just like your Jewish overlords tell you to.

>you exam cheating retard.
>are not an average sample of the asian population

Hahah, delicious butthurt child.
It's a statistical fact that most Asians in America are of southern Chinese origin (that is not where the brightest Chinese people are from), also 1 in 5 are also Filipino people and many also Vietnamese. In fact all of the top 10 countries for immigration to the US are third world countries. No people from intelligent countries or super developed provinces in China are interested in going to your crap country.

Here is the list for immigration to the US.
1. Mexico
2. China (From poor provinces in the south).
3. Cuba
4. India
5. Dominican Rep.
6. Philippines
7. Vietnam
8. Haiti
9. El Salvador
10. Jamaica

Literally average at best Asians move to the US, as they know they can rise to the top easier. Where as back in eastern Asia there is far more competition.

Nice conspiracy theory child. Keep with your mental gymnastics, whatever you have to tell yourself to not feel inferior.
Asians destroy you in school and in every test, and also per capita destroy you in working in high end fields such as engineering, specialist doctors etc.
Keep crying, your tears are delicious.

You literally fail evolution, that's why you can't even maintain your own country.

Multiculturalism isn't by your own people, it was forced onto you by people who took over core parts of your society. Mainly Jews at the time.

When you are a people and other people from the world are coming to your country and mass breeding in with you and your percentage is shrinking. That is called a takeover, you literally are losers inside your own country. You barely even own you own country, it's hilarious.

I push racial mixing of your people also, it's hilarious seeing your inferior clan be wiped out and you idiots are not even aware of what it happening.

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Most of the cucks on here can't even get a partner and barely any of you will produce children. You are literally failures and are being culled.

Sorry about that.

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Name one. Name one thing I listed there that was invented by a kike. Go ahead.

The jew speaks: delicious child

That was the guy who punched Richard Spencer - but that's ok, facts aren't relevant to Jews

Quality shitposting thread where the OP doesn’t care about anyone else’s opinion since they’re being paid to slide important threads


Wow it's such a wonder that anyone wouldn't want to live around these wonderful people, they must be stupid or deficient in some way....

Because the blacks and the left literally thought Fuck White People wouldn't cause a back lash.

Well. It did.

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This faggot is completely talking out of his ass- he claimed the list of inventions I posted by whites was mostly by Jews and hasn't come back to establish which ones he claims were.... He's probably JDIF

fuck you nigger. We Whites have the right to OUR countries, not just Europe butt all of these we built

It's a Jew bro. He outted himself pretty early on here