Why is there this cancer in the US known as white nationalism

I notice many on here and many on stormfront. The users display clear insecurity regarding Asian people and clear historical revisionism based on Asian achievements (which they can't accept).

On here alone I saw a user desperately trying to do his mental gymnastics to undermine how Japan embarrassed Russia in the first Russo-Japanese war. And even claimed that the west is responsible.............fail. Actually the west were the ones who stepped in and made Japan and Russia sign a peace treaty after Japan was beating Russia badly. The west tried to curb Japanese expansion, not aid it. Nice try though nationalist cons.

How many of these loser on the net even have jobs? Asian people in America have the highest paid jobs per race and have the highest SAT scores. They literally beat you in your own country, you are not superior. And the white nationalists on Jow Forums and stormfront are literally inferior even by white standards as they are the lowest in IQ individuals within the white race.

Here is yet another tech advancement from Japan.

But go ahead like usual, try to do your mental gymnastics and use your imagination to come up with little autistic hypothesis about why that's an invention of your people

China have 820 billionaires today, nearly as many as all of Europe and the US combined.

Users on here also claim that every Chinese invention is fake and that all the dated relics and historical accounts of countries at the time are all fake and that evil Jews are responsible for this, in their attempt to invalidate Europe. lol

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White people have lost, sorry about that.

But you lack a big picture vision as your IQ is too low.

Modern East Asian people only started out 7000 years ago in north eastern China, before this time is was proto-mongoloid people in the region.

East Asians are the fastest growing ethnic group in world history, now accounting for at least 1.8 billion people and still expanding.

Europeans and Americans are instead shrinking and also being bred out, you literally are being bred out in your own country. Because you are inferior and stupid.

When you die out as a race, you lost. Sorry
Asians beat you even in your own country and Asians work within the country with other minorities to undermine you, because you can't understand what Asian people are doing to you.

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Sure. Meme flag gets your thoughts ignored.

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You Amerimutts are the most hilarious of the bunch, a bunch of racially mixed low IQ individuals who have the logic of a 9 year old.

I don't blame the Jews for siding with Asians in wiping out your feral redneck species in the US.

Europeans regions are becoming more and more mixed, sorry about that.

There is also nothing you can do about it.

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I make more money than you and have a 146 IQ certified by Mensa, and we're taking the great white way to the end of the line in tradtown- population: no niggers, spics, or Jews.

We push things in your countries which divide people and also tend to make them racially mix even more.

It's so hilarious how stupid your people are. Jews were responsible for literally 85% of all European and Russian inventions. You are nothing but a slave of Jews and Asians today.

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Ps- u sounds like a faggot

>Jews were responsible for literally 85% of all European and Russian inventions.