Can someone actually give me a non-meme answer on why America hates Iran and why I'm supposed to sort Israeli?
Can someone actually give me a non-meme answer on why America hates Iran and why I'm supposed to sort Israeli?
No let both of them destroy eachother
Something something holocaust blah blah anti-semitism yada yada muh intifada
Becuase it's not Persians owning all the press and in America
Other than that the US is a puppet of Israel, I don't wee why there should be anti-Iran sentiment. It's not entirely clear to me what the danger of Iran having nuclear weapons is; I'm pretty sure they know it would not go well for them if they were to use them.
I think our political class has failed pretty hard at making a good case for why we should view it as some sort of threat.
Jews control America, Iran is the biggest threat to Israel, therefore America doesn't like Iran because America is Israel's pet
Iran took American hostages. It was before you were born, but you should still care because the same old farts are stil in charge there.
That's in the past, though, and the US's hands aren't exactly clean. Might as well try to move on, especially considering Iran's population is also overall younger and less stuck in the past.
The best out come of all this is that they destroy each other.
You don't have to support one side. Duality is a jewish mind trick.
They are still 100% Sharia. And as I said, it’s run by 90 year old douchbags that hold death to America rallies every year. The kids still haven’t revolted.