As someone who regularly sips I've noticed that this habit is so embarrassing and looked down upon that even decade...

As someone who regularly sips I've noticed that this habit is so embarrassing and looked down upon that even decade long chain smokers will judge you for it.

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Red Bull boss funds right winged media in austria tho

What do you mean?
Drinking energy drinks or actually sipping on a glass of water when you think you're thirsty?

>Sipcucks will defend their degenerate lifestyle

define this

Have you been ID'd yet lad

Dr.Pepper and Cherry coke are the only beverages you should be /sip/ping.

>that even decade long chain smokers will judge you for it.

that's not hard, chain smokers will judge you for anything, they are simple people

Ive got a place by me where a designated 7/11 owner will sell me monsters for .99$ so ill usually pound one a day. If you work 10+ hours regularly coffee will grind up your insides. But one of these bad boys keeps me going all day.

Cant be healthy. But its a habit :/

I only drink red bull before or during heavy cardio because I have asthma and it helps me a lot for some reason

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I've been a big fan of the new v8 energy drinks. I have no idea if they're actually more healthy, but I like to pretend they are.

Too bad it tastes shit or I'd shift from monster.

I drink the occasional 8.4 oz Red Bull. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that

>ill usually pound one a day
I think one a day is a little much. I smash one each day of the weekend, and one on the day I stay awake about 22 hours.
I wanna switch from coffee but what can I say, my room ain't clean.

Nothing wrong with fuckin urself up mate?

You need an ID to buy that shit? Are you joking?

Right wing in modern concept means only pro big capitalists, it has nothing to do with you volk. Neither Germany nor Austria have genuine ethnic oriented party.

Drop it and just take caffeine pills. You can get the pick up without a lot of sugar sabotaging your workout.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Did you mean dips?






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>but what can I say, my room ain't clean.
You have to pay 40 quid to do that bucko

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is that the slang word for this stimulant? "sip"?

I drink monster daily. Tryna stop

Go sugar free, you absolute piece of shit

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a fine looking automobile, leaf

red bull has taurine you know
anyways that can be had in other forms

Isn’t there a lot of vitamins?

Almost as obnoxious as vape.

Yeah I’m pretty ashamed to be seen with an energy drink in hand, I’m not sure why.

>tfw drink coffee in the morning and a rockstar after lunch
How do I stop

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Why is it that caffeine pills give me an awful crash and coffee doesn't? Same amount of caffeine.

Red Bull Winged Death Squads™ when?

I enjoy sugar free sip. However it about 2.50 a can where I'm from. So I just drink instant coffee like a faggot.

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Nothing wrong with come coffee, instant,

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I'll drink one after lunch sometimes. I think the negative association comes from the dude bro marketing and people generally think energy drinks for teenagers playing Xbox. I have started to just use nicotine gum instead.

I think I overdosed on these little bad boys once. Hadn't slept in 3 days and drank half a case.

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What kind of people have you seen drinking it? Except people who lifts it’s usually lower class trashy people, immigrant youth and slags at bars

>old man comes in and buys a carton of red 100s
>oh let me get a roll of redseal straight fine cut
>me takes a drink of rockstar energy drink
>hurrhurr u know thosll kill ya rite?

My boy

>Red Bull
Where my Xyience peeps at?

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How the fuck are neets suppose to afford $40, let alone the sex-dolls required to avert the incel revolution?!

You mean aspartame?

>>Side effects:
>Excessive hate
How are we not pushing this?

grind up your insides?

You naive upside down asshole. Enjoy your 'beetus while I'm over here basking in sip country

What about Cherry Dr Pepper

>its the best

It doesnt refer to any stimulant. It specifically refers to energy drinks.

We got cases of these little pony cans for free. Only other place I've seen them is the dollar store.

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They contain taurine, which is found in bull spunk. They dehydrate you and are bad for your liver. I drink them all the time anyway

>Go to Super Market.
>Pick up 5.
>Go to self service
>Items needs Approval.......
>Fucking really.

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fucking kek
smokers are the scum of the earth


Its not bad to drink them in moderation. 1/day is not going to hurt you unless you have underlying conditions.

Monster has Ginseng and Taurine both of which are heart healthy in addition to having numerous other health benefits. The zero label is completely sugar-free. Stimulants like these have been proven to improve memory and concentration. There is literally no reason to not sip.

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>They contain taurine, which is found in bull spunk.
It's synthesized. Monster contains no animal products.

fucking kek
>be me
>go on classifieds
>find a gun I like
>meet guy in random parking lot
>give him cash
>get AR
>laugh at britbongs who need ID to buy energy drinks

Literally drinking pic related right now. Champagne flavor my ass

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>judge you
Fuck them.

I drank that when i was Jow Forums... the pink one i liked

if you want energy drink a bottle of coke for that cheap sugar
no need to consume energy drinks with fuckknowswhat cocktail inside for marginally better(?) effect. Also my friend (heavy redbull consumer) started to have serious stomach problems. Anecdotical, but i will still tie it to that shit he drinks.
If you need that extra oomph you can always mix cola+coffee.

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Praise mighty Israel!

>If you need that extra oomph you can always mix cola+coffee.

very east-european. I like it

Fuck your sugar water

>Excessive hate
We are a hate group.
So sipping help us.

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I'll probably regret it but is champagne flavor good?

Also lol at the child having subtly darker skin than his parents

I cringe when I see someone in line with 1, though they usually have multiple

>He worries over what people think of his drinking
Flag checks out.

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I enjoy a sip before a sesh, but I prefer the sweet over the the zero sugs.

Tylko Lech!

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if you start feeling like shit in the middle of the day, drink some WATER.

ice cold if you're American; warm if you're some kinda Chinaman

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ice cold water is dangerous

>Keep a jar in the cupboard. It's freeze dried. Crystals.

figure of speech, Olli

can someone explain to me who this guy is I keep seeing him everyone


It's meant (you)

that's Wayne Lambright, a 2020 presidential candidate on the Slam Bam party ticket

It's just caffeine and vitamins, no one spergs out over a cup of coffee and a multivitamin, tell anyone who "looks down on you" for this to go castrate themselves, so they don't pass their inferior mentally faculties to the next generation.

>drinking the corn syrup jew

Oh look, an osprey in it's natural state.

Taste like banana laffy taffy

As a Californian I was blown away when I visited my brother who lives in South Dakokta. We walked into a gun store, bought a 357 magnum, paid cash and walked out with it. The only thing he showed was his drivers license.

i think you forgot an ingredient

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In Europe most soft drinks are made with real sugar

Yes actually I have a couple times. I've noticed they've slowly stopped bothering though.

coffee is for fags. Enjoy your slurp

I use to be addicted to energy drinks.

Started with Diet Coke

Would drink 2000 ML a day; eventually start getting dizzy light headless and seeing spots when I stand up too fast. Decide it must be Diet Coke stop drinking it.

Switch too green monsters like 2 a day for a very long time

switch to red bull drink 2-4 everyday for a very long time. eventually sometimes I get SUPER sweaty totally nauseas and sometimes just dry heave for no apparent reason. Eventually my upper abdominals Start to hurt. Realize I had acute pancreatitis. Now I maybe have 1 no sugar redbull once a week.

Trust me user its bad for you and causes acute pancreatitis. Im a big boy and I drank 2-4 most of you manlnet onions boys can't even drink 2 a day so just stop.

You're forgetting the part of the story where you tell everyone you met you're a pretentious Californian and you tried to blow at least 4 people in the store

How did you quit? Asking for a friend of course.

Know how I know you're not American?

i remember there being a photo circulating like a decade ago of a dead mouse in a monster can. never touched sips because of that.

Also used to drink 2 sugar free red bulls a day.
Got prescribed Ritalin recently and it's 100x times better so I stopped

Caffeine and ephedra is the God combo desu. Take 3 times a day until you have adrenal exhaustion.

fuck yeah South Dakota's based af
>t. SDfag



>Not drinking the ultimate energy drink

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Stop drinking caffeine. It's what (((they))) want.