IT'S OVER Jow Forums

Even when based redpiller of an entire generation PJW says the alt right is dying, you know it's over (and it never really began, but in your hearts it was so real.) If it wasn't for the mainstream media you'd have no publicity.

This is how far your antisemtism and racism gets you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Go back to redit meme flag nu-pol poster. We don't care

Fuck off stormweenie. Go cry about Jews and black people contributing more to society than your useless NEET ass.

Jow Forums was never part of spencers faggy club.

White Nationalism is not going away anytime soon.

>Ha! Now I have completely eradicated the WRONG opinions of others! Take that bigoted fascists!!

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>stop talking about the jews goy

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One day .....

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PJW is a faggot bandwagoner who literally described himself as a member of the alt-right like 2 years ago until it became common knowledge that the alt-right doesn't suck Jewish cock and recognizes the fact that kikes own all of the major media outlets in the world, every war the US has fought since the 1980s has been for Israel.

The fact that PJW will believe in stupid shit like chemicals that turn you gay, or that there is a secret pedophilia ring throughout the world that sacrifices children and babies to ancient Phoenician gods, and yet calls you a racist stupid Nazi when you merely mention the fact that Jews own all the major media outlets, is definitive proof that he is controlled opposition.

alt right trumptards got 4d chess’ed by the neocon republishits and koch brothers into electing an incompetent dimwit to the presidency so they could go back to their usual cheney/wallstreet machine politics

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All those talking point into one incoherent sentence..

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there were no alt right before hillary coined the term and the so called leaders of it are just shills capitalizing on media's attention to it

>The alt-kike is dead


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Paul joseph watson ...sell out jew ...wattered down his redpills big time ...kind of a faggot...also u shouldn't post on this board

I wish he did more videos about you alt right snowflakes because he's roasted SJW crybabies enough, now it's time to move onto their right wing counterparts.

just because the status quo is civic nationalist cuckery doesn't make it good or righteous. all these people do is profit off of it, not explore new/interesting ideas.

>Woah look how many subs i have, take that liberals.
funny how pandering to people is popular.

Alt-right has always been a part of the mainstream narrative.
Just another puppet on stage.
Nothing but a name given to a movement thst has no organisation, no brakes and no intention of letting anyone define it.
Pauline is trying to hitch a ride to relevance.
Nothing more.

Alt right never existed, you utter moron. It was a false flag from the start, along with the (whoever the fuck proclaimed him as such) the leader Richard Spencer.

the alt rigth was just the first wave to red pill the masses , the next wave will be more will be more intellectual and subtle , and at the last wave, race reality will be so normalized that no one will understand how to think otherwise.
and then we can start with the deportations

underage v&

wtf i love the mainstream meteor now

Lol but I was never alt-kike.
I exist to eradicate Jews, and the alt kike likes them.

>people won't buy into judaising crap
>'the alt-right is dying! the alt-right is collapsing!'

Nigger, these people created the fucking 'alt right' and when it gets out of their grubby yid hands they sperg out and decide it's 'dead'.

>the media gives the alt-right a platform
>spencers site shut down
>anglins site shut down
>every journo has 1 guy on the payroll to "investigate" the alt-right so they can dox them

literally who?

>that faggy Morrissey quote in the OP

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Unironically this. Just look at the language those fucktards use. Every time I hear them call someone that btfo's them a jew I hear a purple-haired SJW screeching "that's racist!"

Same bullshit "arguments", same paranoia, same love for gibs and fairytale economic solutions. You have to be borderline illiterate to fall for any of those memes.

I mean shit, they even focus they energy on attacking the same people. Peterson, Sargon, Southern. I wouldn't be surprised if they marched side by side with antifa dumpster slayers one day.

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>every war the US has fought since the 1980s has been for Israel
The second we put boots on foreign soil it was for bankers, and subsequently the creation of Israel.

It wasn't a false flag, you give too much credit to retards. It was the media failing to understand the translation of European new right ideas into an American 'context'.
They slapped a new name on something that has been around in Europe since '45, they're just too parochial to understand that fact. American journalists are subhuman, only marginally better than the European journalists who recycle their material and pretend they're doing their jobs.

None of them ask for gibs faggot

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They both act like someone's race is the single most important thing about them, they judge movies by the ratio of white to black cast members and if it doesn't work out to their liking they blame it on a shitty racial based conspiracy, and the whole cultural appropriation thing is just a left wing version of calling out "race traitors" and "cucks." Both agree that white people should stick to their own.

I know this is an identitarian thing to ask ironically, but what is it with Mexicans and The Smiths?

>it was her turn

Watson is a Zionist lackey.

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>itt kukistani invalids

In the trash it goes. Enjoy the herb

>I know this is an identitarian thing to ask ironically, but what is it with Mexicans and The Smiths?
>this is an identitarian thing to ask
>nobody normal speaks like this sargon

Yeah you don't wanna be transpho- I mean identitarian

Fat faggot, if those two are the same, you're definitely the same as them

jpw, peterson, cuckowitch are maybe the current cool. but if they think it will stop with them they are mistaken

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>The fact that PJW will believe in stupid shit like chemicals that turn you gay, or that there is a secret pedophilia ring throughout the world that sacrifices children and babies to ancient Phoenician gods
But all proof of these show that kikes are instigating them.
This beyond liberal mental gymnastics to pretend otherwise.

sorry brainlet. maybe i can break it down for you?
>neocons: “hey koch bros, how to we get back in office to steal more money from murka?”
>kochs: “have you seen that a senile reality tv star is herding the sheeple for us?”
>neocons: “cha ching!”

Its ironic the way you referenced Morrissey in your post. XD

Tbh I don't know a lot of people who listen to The Smiths. It's more of a gen-Xer thing.
On another note, what is it with meme flaggers aways sounding like massive faggots?

The alt right did it to themselves. Do me a favor Jow Forums, always remember that purging carries karma. Whenever you try to purge someone, make sure that you do it for the right reason. So far, everyone who attacked Cantwell is in ruins: Warski, Spencer, Anglin, Enoch, and Baked Alaska. This is why I'm getting weary of the Peterson purge. Do not let emotions cloud your judgement during a purge.

>This is how far your antisemtism
It's the exact opposite. The "alt right" needs to take advantage of the rising anti-Israeli public sentiment so it can move deeper into the mainstream.

Hahahah, what's that bullshit about everyone getting some fairyland "fair treatment" in the ethnostate then? What's with all the talk about government controlling companies to make them "serve the race"? You faggots love redistribution as much as the blackest of niggers, you just don't have the balls to admit it. You're everything you claim to hate. You're as violent as the dumbest ISIS cunts, as useless as the laziest niggers, as snowflakey as the the most autistic SJW, as prone to purity spiralling as the most boneheaded apartchiks, and as insidious as the sneakiest of jews. Fortunately, you're also ridiculously incompetent, which combined with the aforementioned characteristics makes you completely unlikeable.

Seriously, if the West ever gets the military dictatorship that you dream of, you'll be the first in line for the gas chambers.

>le alt lite

they are literaly protranny zionists

t. underage wannabe enterprenuer

The Alt Right was never real, it was just a blanket term to demonize anything and anyone slightly right of the liberal agenda, and it also included your memeflag as part of that crowd.
If anything it's growing because of all the retards who hopped on the bandwagon and started actually calling themselves Alt Right.
Literally nobody used that term before the media made it up or knows what it actually means.
It probably just seems like it's dying because it's a term that never really meant anything.

Nobody called for an ethnostate you dumb faggot

It was being thrown about but used to describe gay conservatives, tea partiers, young republicans, people who hated old rino's and neo nazi's. Hillary focused on the last one and the media who never researched the topic before jumped on it.

What these pussies should've done was worn the mantle of alt-right.

He can't because then he's be attacking his values.

Right leaning people don't make everything about them and don't crave validation so they generally live their lives quietly.

>based redpiller of an entire generation PJW

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This too.
Those are the people Trump referred to as his silent majority, they don't have to scream in the streets naked to make a point or feel confident in their views.

Stop writing your fucking gay poems anyway, people don't have the right to walk into our borders

The 2016 election was a referendum

left wing media jews were the only fans spencer ever had
they picked the most annoying faggot they could find to be the boogeyman
he never had support on here

t. a poorfag

You already have a nationalist government with a strong socialist twist, are you rich yet?

You sound mad.

>le alt-right
Jow Forums is not alt-right.

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its not about being rich its about having a country

they discarded the label because trolls on 8/pol/ wanted to use it to mean National Socialism

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Exactly, what they did was a mistake because it actually just grouped and united a bunch of people who weren't actually of the same views.

How are you listening to this post


This fucking queerbait from Cuck Island couldn't jump on the "alt right" bandwagon fast enough when he thought it might get him some attention. Then condemned it when he realized it might involve honesty about jewish power. Slimey limey.

Alt-what now?

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Not according to anyone who doesn't browse this place.

>caring about what some kike e-celeb controlled opposition says
>people unironically responding without SAGE

>movement is solely comprised of autistic NEET permavirgins who spend their days fapping to underage trannies on Jow Forums and hating on "normies"
>"Why is the alt right dying?"
You had your chance and blew it, Jow Forums.

Jow Forums invented the term alt-right, at least the libertarian Jow Forumslacks who congregated around Milo. I wonder why Jow Forums always denies this...

The alt right was a faction created by leftists to act as a boogeyman to justify extreme leftism. It's fucking obvious it'll lose traction eventually.

yes, seems like "muh socialism" is an excuse for lazy losers

>based redpiller
he's a faggot

I propose an temporary alliance between the alt right and the alt kike in order to get rid of civic nationalism. Am I wrong?

Normalfags are cattle, they'll follow the strong horse every time. It takes 3% of whites to fight a revolution and 10% to hide them. That's 13%, that's the only consensus we will ever truly need to start effectively murdering people.

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>Jow Forums is aut-right
Nigger penis goes right in your ass

the only alliance left to be made is Jow Forums+alex jones vs. shoahpiro+peterstein.
after that, the war is over. we have lost.

>Hail victory
>Hail Trump

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Actually, NEETs are the cattle. Normies, who actually go outside, are usually a lot more redpilled than people whose only contact with the outside world is heavily skewed articles from various echo chambers.

>alt-right never existed
so all you guys are left with is (((trumpism))) LOL

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The alt-right is a manufactured political group that was constructed to disorganized and disenfranchise far right voters. The values of ethnonationalism, Christianity, moral conservatism and capitalism without usury are on the rise if anything. Those values are not going anywhere, you kike distractionist.

I wish I kept screenshots. It was ages ago. They used to be really, really proud of it too.

Has marching with tiki torches done anything when it comes to fixing your issues with sanctuary cities? I mean come the fuck on, stormfags achieved nothing aside so far, aside from alienating everyone that doesn't belong to their shitty movement.

This whole thing is like the internet version of the 80s skinhead movement eating itself alive. It's hilarious.

>implying blacks ever contribute anything

>values of ethnonationalism

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Hi guys
What’s an Alt Right

Alt right is gay, richard Spencer is a controlled opp sperglordx and yet OP is still a faggot

>Normies, who actually go outside, are usually a lot more redpilled
>normies [...] more redpilled
wew. I feel like you're trying to patronize me, but you have no idea with whom you are having this conversation.

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>media invents thing
>says invented thing is dying

Why haven't you moved your assets to a country with lower taxes then?

>Has marching with tiki torches done anything when it comes to fixing your issues with sanctuary cities?
No, but the uniform look and useless symbolism speaks to the autist mind.

Jow Forums was never 'alt-right', there were some on Jow Forums using that term but most of those people dropped it after normies started using it.

Whatever it morphed into today is not what is meant a couple years ago

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Alex Jones is an individual. I was talking about two groups on the right.

The Alt Right is an organization lead by a fearless 19 year old virgin named Nick Fuentes.

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>Has marching with tiki torches done anything when it comes to fixing your issues with sanctuary cities
conservatism inc. to the rescue! keep shilling for a failed idea, loser, while the left is strangling you, you keep punching right. Nice praxis.

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What about those who are a mixture of both?
Like those who browse here and have NEET hobbies and tendancies, but manage to still have a social life and a job.

>Has marching with tiki torches done anything when it comes to fixing your issues with sanctuary cities?
no the marches were absolutely retarded

>I mean come the fuck on, stormfags achieved nothing aside so far, aside from alienating everyone that doesn't belong to their shitty movement.
jew awareness is at a 50 year high

The next stage is "just shooting people," (((einstein))).

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A couple years ago, Watson was calling HIMSELF alt right, it can only be better now that he hates it.