India has officially outgrown the poo memes. What would an Indian Superpower look like in the late 21st century?

India has officially outgrown the poo memes. What would an Indian Superpower look like in the late 21st century?

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Source or it didn't happen

Sewerpower by 2020!

From official government website -

It asks you to install the app, but the app has the same chart in OP pic, more up-to-date.

Why is it that the closer you get to the paki border that the toilets per household approach 100%?

>India actually butthurt enough by poo memes to install toilets
All you have to do to improve the world is to make fun of people

We meant PooperPower and yes we're on track to become PooperPower by 2020, just watch.

too bad they fucking make them into shrines to keep away toilet witches and go right back to shitting in the streets

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>Indian and Chinese economy booming

>EU in shatters

>Mutt economy to face an inevitable tank thats to an incompetent president

Have fun licking Patels boots, white bois

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They don't know how to use the toilet, dumb government just built it without giving them potty training.

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same could be said from getting away from paki border you dumb nig

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& once ur a PooperPower always a PooperPower!

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Pick one

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>indian households with toilets
i bet this counts as the entire town having toilets .

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The majority are in the western bit of India though, and the paki border specifically has a few 100%: the same cannot be said for the east side, aside from (bhutan) but that doesnt count since its rightfully chinese

>neglecting to mention jewish influence and (((capitalism))) allowing people to source labor from lesser countries.

That would explain west india

India has a government -run toilet tracking website.

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Nice tricks Pajeet

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keep on believing that niggy

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Who is the God of Poo? Do they place the God of Poo in the toilet shrines?

It's rigged, I can't believe all this 100%

>government installs toilets to get stats up
>poor people think little of them beyond fearing their confined nature
>shit outside anyway

Poo-jeet American here to let you know once the photo-ops are done, it's right back to the street corner.

Maybe because countries are using your cheap labor to produce products.

Bullying works


The Poo Elephant is displeased

about time niggers

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>Blonde Hair
>White Skin


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This map can't be right


>you can almost trace the flow of the holy Ganges river with the lowest percent of toilet ownership

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They have toilets but they don't poo in it. Someone post a picture of toilet temple.

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There you go. India numbha one.

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Based poo!

Sitting on the throne, Indian style

Do you think they are teachable?

Labour voter spotted

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Can India put a man in space? I am tired of waiting. Not gonna take em seriously until they can send a can with a human in orbit.

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Well shit, I'm amazed. They actually did it. You know poos, a bunch of 15 year olds are going to continue to make fun of you but that's okay since they're probably going to be converted to Islam soon anyways.

If you want a laugh look un India's Olympic medal count. You think a few of those cockroaches would be sonewhat athletic (they aren't)

We sent a rover to Mars though. Investing lesser money into the project that making the interstellar movie. Top kek!

we dont give single fuck about Olympics

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