Anyone else feel like this marriage was (((arranged)))?
Anyone else feel like this marriage was (((arranged)))?
It was. She has a direct connection to the Rothschild's and they were set up by some fashion industry Jew.
Of course.
Mfw he's doing that freemason hidden hand shit. Or did I just watch too many YouTube videos
Yes. All of these masonic supposed upper class families have arranged marriage. That's what freemasonry is a the highest level, a breeding program.
Well that's because you recycle trash.
>it's actually true
wasnt it literally arranged by some amerimutt woman ?
Very much so. But who cares? The royals are just the heart of England's tourist industry, and I'm ok with that because I'm ok with the brits.
It was one of (((your people)))
Their first meeting was literally planned by a jewess so ...
How could you arrange a marriage if they didn't have mutual attraction?
yes, easy to frame for a person who wants fame and credit
Well, they were quite literally brought together by an actual Jew, so the answer is yes.
Trashed. /thread
you do realize that you guys believe everything in the world is arranged, the first step in fixing a problem is the acknowledgment that you have one.
Of course it was. The point of a Royal Family is so you can look at them, know you come from the same (or at least similar) stock, and thus have the same morals, you're on the same wavelength. The Royal Family has to reflect (((society))), hence the nigger.
What people are losing track of is that Harry is illegitimate and any halfbreeds he has with this mutt will also be illegitimate. The line of succession, where Harry and William are concerned, comes strictly from the father. In William's case this isn't a problem, but for Harry...pic related.
Nice try. I'd like to believe that he's not a willing race traitor, either, but the truth is that he is.
His mom was a race traitor too and it really fucked him up. Too bad he didn't end up gay, at least we wouldn't have to deal with the children.
Rothschild's just driving the point home that the entire British Royal Family are all his bitches.
I don’t know about all that. My dad’s a 33rd degree mason and while he runs government background checks on all the guys I date, his only rule for me is he has to approve of them if I bring them into his house, which is reasonable.
yes, either that or he could be admiring the prince's tie
Royals on Wheels
Literally this. Doesn't whom he marries since he's not a Windsor so why not make some publicity stunt and virtual signalling with this marriage?
Britkeks are turning 56% too.