Anti net neutrality is anti-american

so you guys think it's OK for the USA to have slow, african-speed internet and be fine with upcharging us all for services and fast lanes?

this is fucking AMERICA, everything here should be bigger, faster, and more powerful, but we're too busy getting cucked by huge corporations over here to progress at all when it comes to tech infrastructure, so wtf is wrong with you, where is the america we need

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Net neutrality is gone, the internet is working fine and predict it will continue to do so. I am sure google and faceberg aren't happy though.


working fine by what definition?

everyone should have gigabit speeds, how is that not something you'd want?

and don't tell me it's because no one needs it, get fucking real, everything we use should be bigger, faster, and stronger than the rest of the world. which by the way, we're lagging behind many other developed countries when it comes to our networks


Kys, faggot.

>owning any electronic devices besides a phone
basement dwellers out REEEEEEEE

get off your high horse there shill, you're going to pay as well, by not having the best possible internet you could are you ok with that?

you should probably just go back to 56k modems you luddite scum

What? The internet is shit and I don't need tech jews to tell me what kind of internet I need you fucking kikes.

Gigabit speeds are available for purchase, I don't need it so I don't pay for it.

How about this

Open source content neutral algorithms

Constitutional free speech

No ADL/SPLC cancer


You guys already shut down dissent against Muslims because we got you on our cash cock. You guys pick apart and former hate against Israel while completely ignoring the absolute shariah basket case saudi Arabia is.

Does that make you already Not america?


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this statement doesn't even make sense

are you this retarded? it's like saying i'm fine with my piece of shit infrastructure from the 90s that lacks any upgrades at all even though i could pay for better if it's available where i'm at and i pay way more for it, i'm OK with that. what? seriously?

this is probably you, right?

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Google will pay

Facebook will pay

Netflix will pay

Amazon will pay

Cloudflare will pay

Twitter will pay

Reddit will pay

AND they will be forced to abide by the rules the ISPs set in terms of neutral content.

How can you say you are neutral when the narrative of every story of what happens in the middle east is framed to focus blame on Israel and not countries with decrepit governments like Egypt or Saudi Arabia?

"hurrr durrrr I want faster speeds so we should sign the internet over to the government."

Shut the fuck up jew, buy faster internet if you want it.

You fucking idiot. ‘Net neutrality’ is invented nigger Obama nonsense.

Next you’ll tell me repealing the patriot act is in-patriotic. All fields, shill/dumb fuck.

you realize the analog to tech companies is trucking companies using roads, right?

you use the roads too as a peasant in your car, but the trucking companies live off having the roads operable and in good condition.

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Dude, you can't take care of the kikes that run your country so you blame israel, I mean to cleanse yourself of Jewish influence what should your priority be get rid of Israel or get rid of the kikes that run your country?

Man, get your priorities straight.

>Shut the fuck up jew, buy faster internet if you want it.

the internet should be better and faster for everyone, it doesn't matter who's in charge of it. we've let this get in the way of progress for too long and it's obvious when you compare our infrastructure to other developing nations, it's quite simple.

Look, tech companies are gonna pay more and they're gonna be forced to make their platforms NEUTRAL AND FREE SPEECH WILL BE UPHELD IN TOTALITY.

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These people will be executed for treason.

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How do we make it faster and better? Who spends the money on that? Are you some faggot that thinks the internet is a human right?

this has nothing to do with obama? every president since 1990 has failed to do this...

Alphabet is a monopoly.

Facebook is a monopoly.

Amazon is a monopoly.

You're all fucked

You have to be the dumbest fucking person I have seen on this board in a long time. Pulling out the MUH NIGGER OBAMA 'net neutrality'

Get the fuck out of here.

I don't use dial up, my shit isn't from the 90's. More akin to do I want to drive a fancy sports car that does nothing but go fast, or do I want a cheaper car that does what I want no frills bells or whistles so I can shitpost on a mongolian finger puppet forum.

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lmfao. Kill yourself. Tonight. Just do it already.

>wanting the government to control the market is what america is all about!

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since about 1992, major telecoms have been given around $400B in tax credit to improve their infrastructure, and they haven't done so as promised. yes, there is fiber available, but we're taking much longer to get to the point where it's common and cheap for everyone. this is mostly because those tax credits and the labor to improve the infrastructure have been wasted.

this is more about telecoms than tech companies

No it isn't. Tech companies want NN so they don't have to pay real money for their bandwidth usage.

Why does this supposed neutrality even matter. People will just get manipulated by 2% of the country. The 2% that has an agenda, that wants to use you to achieve an objective or keep you passive while they do something, which seems to be how the propaganda works these days.

Anyway, I think that Americans are very much enabled to act, you guys just won't invest in a course of action. So the deepstate and certain interest groups do it in your place.

How about a "net privacy" where people can't inject ads into any and everything? How about one where there aren't fun little fine print clauses about how the government is allowed to spy on your traffic at gigabyte speeds, and have any and all of your personal information right down to how long you took a piss before you dropped your phone into the toilet? How bout one where corporations aren't allowed to buy your information or data mine in order to throw giant commercials in front of you for shit you just ordered?

You're arguing for a homogenized real-time monitoring system that can scan your face, your fingerprints from touch, your CC numbers, your conversations in both spoken and text format, and then grant the government control of this system "so it can be fast."

You deserve everything that you get when they introduce propaganda laws in there that allow them to do whatever the hell they want to charge you with crimes because you shitposted 10 years ago.

i think it is, actually - the tech companies should pay (they're the main beneficiaries other than the telecoms), i have no issues with that. i'm talking tech infrastructure here.

Okay faggot we all know that. Your solution is to give control to the government because as we all know, they are a beacon of efficiency...

Kill yourself.

Look, NN is dead, you're beating a dead horse. You know what comes next? Government takeovers of all major tech companies for conducting psychological tests, terrorism, and procudures on the masses. Spying and blackmail.

These people are traitors.

i'm really not focused on the tech companies if you haven't noticed. but unfortunately it's lumped in together with the bigger issues of telecoms avoiding to update our infrastructure

this is next...

If there was that much to be gained through giving Cletus from Athens, Wyoming high speed internet, I am pretty sure it would be done overnight. Internet probably has more value for your average city dweller anyway.

nope. that's what happens if these tech jews dont get put to death starting with Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Eric Schmidt, Zucc, and Sandberg.

Electronic information is the same as physical vehicles is it? A terrible comparison.

You're not legally allowed to have an opinion on Net Neutrality without reading pic related

Attached: Net Neutrality.png (1196x6642, 2.43M)

>everything is a Jewish conspiracy
Rent free
Mentally ill

Obama signed the open internet order of 2015 to enforce the principle of net neutrality by law.
The problem is that the legislation did a lot more what was intended by regulating ISP’s as a public utility. Which is why Ajit Pai repealed that legislation. That was all that was done and we are currently in thre same state pre2015, unless I’m seriously mistaken.
Also, you mention we need better infrastructure. A primary argument ajit Pai made for repealing that law was because companies had no incentive to invest in their infrastructure.
If you look at the beginning of the year when all the different companies spoke about bonuses for employees because of tax breaks, you’ll notice all the ISP’s declared they large amounts of money going to strengthen infrastructure which exactly what you say you want.

god damn look at the shekel sniffer on some of those kikes

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but i downloaded a infinity wars ~3.5gb in 11 minutes yesterday. i remember spending 3 and a half hours downloading one 6.5mb song from gundam wing in 1999 on napster. fuck you it's fine.