Are people waking up?
What's happening here?
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Trump is uniting America around Israel's evil and then will expose their crimes at home.
>meme flag
opinion disregarded
Gaza is the worlds largest prison. An open-air prison camp with 1.5 million inhabitants.
A few of the prisoners tried to escape and were put down.
Serves them right, right?
Unlikely. More probable is that he is just being a good goy for Israel. The option of having a choice in the US got us all excited.
The Gaza Strip is rightful Jewish clay
Oh only one life k
- leftists
Trump never forgot 9/11 faggot.
>violently storming a border
Getting really tired of this uppity fake nigger
This is what happens when the kikes keep telling you to love Arab and refugees.
>Being in prison because of where you were born
>Wanting to get out and be free and end the blockade
>Get shot by the snipers they have at the wall for going too close to it
>"& Democrats are radio silent"
>Shaun King
can someone give me a quick rundown?
There is no real reason to believe that he's going to drain the swamp. I'm sorry, I want it to happen, but it doesn't seem likely. Trump is pro-Israel. His daughter is married to Jared, a Jewish man.
Trump is just controlled opposition.
The world's largest prison is North Korea.
Fuck Palestine.
>tfw you want to call out muzzie hyperbole but can't be bothered because it's the Jews and fuck the Jews
It's all so tiresome.
just the left eating itself
and its fucking beautiful
You're beyond saving
lmao why are all the media cucks turning their backs on the democrats hard af?
The cognitive dissonance of Jow Forums being forced to defend Israel massacring innocents is incredible
ill condemn it
Talcum X should visit Jow Forums again. He’ll get really confused seeing all these racists agree with him on this
Are you an idiot they tried to storm the border tear the fense down and invade Israel and attack civilians
Trump could condemn Israel on these events and the same leftists would call him an anti semite for it.
No one is waking up. This is the same ol routine.
Wtf I love israelis and democrats now???
Innocent French people going about their business but getting murdered by subhumans. And racists like you and Shaun King are OK with that.
But when Palestinians murder innocents, that’s ok! I personally don’t really give a shit if Israel was wiped off the map tomorrow. But I’m not going to suddenly become an open borders cuck because of my hate of the Jew.
I hope greatest ally supports the USA's enforcing of its border by conducting similar "shoot the motherfuckers" when the next caravan of mestizos paid for by the globalist nation-wrecker jews begins making its way towards the US/Mexico border.
People becoming aware of the toxic influence Jews have everywhere is in our interest. If the left does that for us, say thanks to the useful idiots.
I think it's time to turn in your deadly spoons, Harry Potter.
>british flag defending sand muzzies
Kike civil war.
The whole Middle East should be glassed in nuclear fire. That said, the Palestinians have a rich history of lies just like the Jews.
>is lying a genetic defect of being born in the Middle East?
Fuck israel
I'm putting together the dots on who runs all these obnoxious right wing organizations like Prageru and Turningpoint usa
Pic relate
The difference between a Muslim stabbing in a western city and inocents being gunned down in the Middle-East is the difference between a speck of shit on the dining table and a turd in the toilet
Ahh ahhh
Why are there so many Muslim leafs lately?
Or are they shills using Canistani proxies?
Also why isn't this thread moved since it is an obvious slide thread
>mutt nigger defending jews
yes, serve your masters
Leftists hate israel for a while now.
The only people who support israel are retarded bommers.
The left eating it's own. This is what happens when you have no principles to guide you while making end up being a bunch of unhinged sheepy fuckboys with no morals and a shit-tier intellect. (inb4 poo loo, stick to the discussion faggots)
>Trust in the plan
good we should kill all leftist traitors and muslims
The most anti-Israel candidate will run democrat in 2020 and give us the most win/win presidential race ever.
Burgers, this would be a good time to provoke the Left into demanding an end to dual Israeli-American citizens holding office in government, and the influence of AIPAC.
>"imagine if dual Russian-American citizens held public office"
You can give people credit for BTFOing muzzies without defending them when they use their tricks against us.
>his daughter is married to a jewish man
I've never understood that argument. Why would you believe that his son in law has any influence over him? My son in law is nice and all, but if he ever tried to tell me what to do I would just tell him to go to hell.
and retarded kekistani redditfrogs, of which there are a LOT around here at the moment
Tal cum x omits the part where the muslims have been the agresors in both of these occasions.
He already has faggot
That was Obama
Psalms 84 and Ezekiel 38 Wars/War
This is the beginning of the End.
This shit is unfolding to the letter.
I always thought that the Germans hooking up with Russia was going to be an insurmountable task, but it doesn't appear to be as unlikely as I thought.
>son in law has any influence over him
yes, his special adviser, top campaign official and middle east '''''''''peace'''''''''' envoy has no influence. Are you on the right board?
Yup. Behold Jerusalem, the cup of trembling to the nations, and the stumbling block to world peace.
Muslims put their women and children in harm's way so that they are killed and can then be used as propaganda.
Are people waking up to that?
Obama can't run again.
Not that he was eligible to run the first two times either.
>muh trump is 50d chess against the jews
I think we need to wake up to the fact that there are a lot more reddit idiots on Jow Forums than we thought there was.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend mentality is a dead give away.
>blaming Pepe for things you don't understand
The Palestinians fucking asked for it though
Anyone whose lived around muslims knows that the avarage person is easily worth more than the lives of 55 muslim protestors.
This Israel happening really shows how many jews visit Jow Forums
Yeah it does serve them right, they should stop attacking Israel.
Somebody thought that just because we were rooting for the Chaos Candidate to win, that they needed to nullify us with an endless supply of idiots.
Luckily for us the endless stream of idiots out themselves at any given moment.
They're not protestors though, they're insurgents.
False Flag Faggot.
Because no one cares about muslims
The US government stands with Israel 100%
every time Trump does something the Democrats like, they are silent because they don't want to be called out on it
If the "Palestinians" would love their children more than they hate Jews, maybe they could turn their #shithole around.
This is the kind of event that can be used to put the screws to the jews
make use of these useful idiots and their outrage culture
Jews are gas lighting and trying to control both sides of the issue, and thus goyim opinion, per usual.
whiners standing with other whiners, nothing new here, gaza wouldn't even be under isareli control if egypt etc didn't try to invade them and get their shit pushed in isarel wouldn't have that land, arabs in general love to start shit then when they get beaten play the victim
Palestinian "Protesters"... with rocks, Molotov Cocktails, grenades, setting fires, and attacking the Israelis.
Yeah, no wonder 58 of these dumb fucks died. What do you expect when you antagonize armed police with what are essentially fire bombs during a "protest".
Shaun King can go fuck himself.
>muh muslims
Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist jew agenda.
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
Your nose is wiggling with frustration.
He eliminated 80,000 bloated Govt. jobs in 18 monts. Sure hes a do nothing Prez.
it gets harder and harder every day for jews to play both sides of the field... its more and more obvious they are pushing westerners and arab into a battle meant to destroy them both.
its not so much that people are waking up its that its harder to pretend its not happening anymore.
the jews, as always, have way over played their hand and they are agitated that we see their game but they are also so completely selfish, arrogant and full of themselves they see no other option but to continue as if we do no see them.
They are now dancing around us flapping their arms trying to distract us from the knife in their hands
I honestly think you're retarded.
god, Shaun king is such a stupid, halfie faggot. I wish someone would assassinate this waste of life already....
Talcum X is not only a pretend nigger, but pretend sandnigger as well now?
>I want to believe
On one hand I hate Israel
On the other I hate this LARPing wigger
If someone was trying to set up explosives in my yard while screaming about killing my family, I would shoot bursting with glory.
There's nothing wrong with the lefts attacking each other and asking for official retaliation against the Jews.
The logic is very simple: I wish certain things to happen to my enemy that I don't wish to happen to myself / my country.
>b-b-buh HYPOCRITE!!1!!!
If it's hypocritical to want harm done to my enemy but not myself than yes, I guess literally everyone is a hypocrite. I don't care about either the moslems or the kikes, I just wish that our politicians treated our border the same way they treat Israel's: with a total lack of condemnation when intruders are slaughtered.
Trump should start executing illegals on the border and wait for the Dem's to expose themselves.
Palestinians chimping out is a given. A French civilian being murdered by a mud is a big deal.
comparing human to ape , what should i care that 55 ape are being killed
We aren't silent.
We are cheering.
>muslims in paris
>muslims in israel
I fucking hate jews but I fucking hate this piece of shit almost as much.
I highly doubt that.
So Shaun King supports Muslim Terrorist.
Good to know.
Did the Jew really just suicided?
Muslims aren't people.
Shaun King interviewing for job as communications secretary at the White House and for GOP
Go Shaun Go, You can be Kanye too.
They should have made the little terrorist wear pork clothing.
The point is its not their backyard. Imagine greece 200 years ago. Kikes would be the Turks