This feminist nightmare won Eurovision:

This feminist nightmare won Eurovision:

And this vocal marvel lost to her:

Eurovision shows the true cuckery of Europe.

Attached: screen-shot-2018-05-07-at-11.56.06.png (620x545, 425K)

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I listened to part of that song, and I swear it sounds like she’s clucking like a chicken.

>I'm not your goy!

i listened to about 20 seconds lol
definitely clucks
also not sure if female

Is she balding?

she is, that's the point

I haven't had cable in years and I don't miss it. I get enough of a feed of degeneracy from the internet.

>drink your s,0,y

Stop watching and caring about freak shows. If you care about freak shows, you have already lost.

>a fucking rootless cosmopolitan