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I'd probably vote for a democrat over him at this point.

oh no! words!

> Man says words

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Trump's words don't mean shit. He says stuff all the time. You can't take him at his word. Watch his actions. Is the Muslim ban still active? Did he just BTFO muslims by moving the US embassy to Jerusalem? He is literally making America great again.

I would, but mostly because I realize there's no point slowing the inevitable. A conflict within US borders is brewing/looming and it would be better to happen now than later.

The future might not have as many soldiers available for the correct side, either literally or proportionally.


So how come Jewish shills love to spam garbage about his 1 line statements and then claim he's a kike shill without looking at the bigger picture?


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Words about mudslimes!

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Is that a fancy way of saying that they have nice rugs?

That's probably because you are a faggot.

>Says the faggot who votes for the cuck in chief

I would rather be hated by the world than be a jews hand puppet.

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Not like it makes a fucking difference. They're all kike puppets.

But he took a PICTURE with JEWS and put his HANDS on a WALL
Like what the FUCK

are ausfags becoming the new leafs? it's the same faggot posting these threads. reminds me of obamaleaf- really fuckin sad.

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So, to avoid being controlled by a Zionist puppeteer you are willing to be hated by 6 billion people. Wouldn't it be easier and smarter to stop conflating all jews with the much smaller group of jew-hating "jewish by birth only" ZOGs that are actually the problem?That way you could focus on the ZOGs that are the real problem, instead of sweeping up every single schlub that happens to be Jewish into the line of fire.
I think you do like being a hand puppet. Either that or you're an idiot. Either way, you're definitely a shill.

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I really though this guy would drain the swamp, fix his country and stop the zionist from playing god... but he’s just another shill heavily invested in israhell twitter.com/funder/status/996074213126664193?s=21

you had a chance twice with the Pauls