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If that's white, I'm a hamster with a 10 foot dick.

how can a race that is already pretty low on the iq scale sink even lower? is the american education a racist tool to dumb them down?

there was a video i saw a while back of some black people attacking an arab gas station clerk. The nigs were screaming you owe us this for reparations, or something along those lines. The Arab guy screams back Im fucking african you retards. the niggers respond something like, no youre Egyptian. and its all caught on video.

Is there any proof that ancient Egyptians weren't black?


Is there any proof they were?

source please

Idk. But I can't say for sure that they weren't.

There's some.

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You do not prove a negative. The burden of proof does not work that way.

There is only evidence to suggest that the ancient Egyptians were Boreans.


Where do you think Sudan is?

>Johannes Krause, a University of Tubingen paleogeneticist and an author of the study, said the major finding was that “for 1,300 years, we see complete genetic continuity.” Despite repeated conquests of Egypt, by Alexander the Great, Greeks, Romans, Arabs and Assyrians — the list goes on — ancient Egyptians showed little genetic change. “The other big surprise,” Krause said, “was we didn't find much sub-Saharan African ancestry.”

Egyptians were not white, but they werent of the first afican primal man genome either. The genetic drift in that population suggests they split off actually later than those who traveled farther north (and for the most part died in caves)

No there is not.

>arab washing

Hahaha goddamn, it keeps getting better and better. This timeline never disappoints

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Ramses II was described as having wavy red hair and fair skin. Also Sudan is in Nubia.

You're dealing with niggers and/or jews. They don't care about evidence. They even claim Cleopatra was blacker than the ace of spades despite being a Ptolemy.

I know right. And if the "arab washing"-meme gets out of hand I don't think the Arabs are going to take it lying down like Westerners do.

>that thing
What did they mean by this?

Also speaking of "race-washing" in movies, reminder that all of you should do the right thing and downvote and shitpost all over this Disney "The Nutcracker Gets Blacked" trailer:

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I've always wondered: why do ancient Egyptians have to be white or black?

am i gay for being attracted to this?

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Oye weon that's a Nubian.

> big surprise

To fucking no one without a nigger brain

Who, other than blacks, has ever said that Egyptians are White?

>is the american education a racist tool to dumb them down?
They genuinely are taught that the Ancient Egyptians were black. No one at a high school or university level has the guts to tell them otherwise.

*at least that's what burgers here have said


But how can we fuel it?

If you like sucking dick also, then yes.
But shit, she is very masculine.
Would not bone.

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my sons will be omar-tier

Sofia has strong chin game, puts chinlets to shame.

we must promote the #ArabWashing concept, we must go full jew for this.

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White americans don't even know where Germany is so how could black learn where is Egypt with 20 less IQ points ?

No doubt they will enjoy some falafel.

How is that possible?

that's not enitrely true, if you take any college course on Egyptian history, or just general history, they know they were largely semitic* looking. i'm sure there's some history professor out there that does teach this, because it's part of his/her agenda, but most wouldn't because it conflicts with the entire history of the area and how mesopotamia and egypt shared so many things in common.

it's all the other, non-history, non-stem classes that teach them that and perpetuate the myth that is was always niggers in control of Egypt. when it was maybe a handful of rulers from the east africa, which aren't even related to the American groid.

No, but you're a faggot for unrelated reasons.

Queen Tiye, although this wouldn’t necessarily prove all Ancient Egyptians were black, it does show that some might have been at least partially “black”

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Niggers think everyone in africa is black as tar.
egypt is in africa, therefore they're niggers. Niggers are master of the geographical/anthropological non-sequitur.

I've personally spent a week in Egypt. I saw the fucking skin on the mummies at the museum in cairo. 3k year old mummies were not nigger colored, nor did they have frizzy afro nigger hair. I'm sure they had some nigger slaves and shit, but sure shit the management peeps were not niggers.

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Yeah, literally every fucking mummy they found wasn't a nigger.

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Real egyptians know what's up with the rest of africa.

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(note: this is the literal "we wuz kangz" example. this where the whole meme originated, with the egypt thing, if im not mistaken)


People claiming Egyptians were black is always funny. The Nubians conquered a dying civilization and still managed to run it into the ground in 70 years.

>bunga bunga only one dynasty of egyptian royalty
>bunga bunga only royalty was mumified
>bunga bunga we wuz kangs
royal gerdeners where mummified prob even the royal dick washers those picture mean shit. also nobody cares, DNA tests showed that the most prolific egyptian kangs had more in similar with Irish people than with any other halogroup.
any nigger than claims otherwise will be gunned down by a drive by
may my curse last for 100 years.
pic related, what probably Cleopatra looked like

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prophetic of Detroit, Chicago, and any other nigger infested city.

Not Arabs, but Egyptians in particular will take offense, obviously.

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This thread BTFO

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there are individuals from graves who were negroid and depictions, but 'Egyptian' is not and has never been a race any more than 'european' is a race, even less so since it's on the border of two continents and three seas making it a melting pot.

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most of the ancient Egyptians are North African Caucasians. end.

the fact that the egyptians depict nubians in their art as having a distinctly darker skin color. also the existence of the sahara as a natural barrier and the lack of a substantial black population in egypt

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Obviously it was just the fastest image I could, there's plenty of black mummies and it only takes a quick image search, but for the effects of shitposting that was the right call.

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>one of the greatest geniuses of history(def top 100)
>described as to have blonde hair blue eyes
>his statue carved in onyx because it was an expensive stone at the time

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kek fpbp

Endless amount of proof obviously which you can easily find yourself anyway, but we live in an era where people only believe sources that suit their preexisting, echochamber-infused 'opinion'.
We live in an era where people tell you they are entitled to have an opinion even in mathematics.
So if it's stuck in your head that ancient Egyptians were black, me creating a time travel machine and taking you back there will still not convince you because [insert autistic excuse].

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Come over hamtaro. Come get some daddy dick

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no one is taught that, blacks extrapolate it themselves. blacks are from africa, egypt is part of africa, therefor the pharoahs must be black. it doesn't help that black masonic lodges traditionally used egyptian imagery

They had civilization

"Hey yo, mummies be all black and sheeeit."

White devil maufaukers!

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Mah nigga tut-cha-la wore a snake on his face cuz muh dik

>whaaaa you need to make all our culture for us
>stop culturally appropriating

>comparison pictures are the same as dna

African americans comes from western sub-saharan africa
They aren't from Egypt or north africa.
The natives to north africa are caucasians / arabs

Not sub-saharan niggers

possibly, bleached hair makes her look like a tranny.

So lets say the ancient Egyptians were black, what does that prove exactly? The fucking chinks dont run around like "rook at us, we build woket and fireworks". Is this literally all the niggers have left? Clanging onto an ancient civilization of Kangs? I guess it beads admitting you come from a line of people too fucking dumb to use a wheel or make a boat.

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>Nazis called themselves brownshirts therefore they were sandniggers!!

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It means blacks aren't inherently unintelligent, and violent.

You can actually check Ramses II mummy for yourself since he is preserved pretty fucking good. Same goes for many other mummies.

that soccer game looks so ethiopian. Something about standing so neatly in a circle.

he even have africanus as his cognomen, two strikes

when you have literally no form of nationality or history of relevance there's not much you can be proud of.
This is why they have an eternal victim complex

wow these random unsourced few sentences sure convinced me

>thick lips and his airs
>samuel eto'o
Did you get this from an illiterate sports magazine? lmao

>Very little is known of Imhotep as a historical figure, but in the 3000 years following his death, he was gradually glorified and deified.
Well I certainly believe he was a nigger, only such people are capable of taking a nobody and with make-believe turning him into the ''greatest black scientist of all time'' hahaha

That refers to the soil they stood on (Kemet)

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>the ancient Egyptian name of the country was
kemet, which means black land, likely referring to the fertile black soils of the Nile flood plain
you tried

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Ancient Egypt was orange though.

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actually, the chinks do. china's whole thing right now is regaining its former position as the foremost world power after the humiliation of the opium wars. the redemption arc always draws dimes

It means fuck all.

but how subtle do you think you could be with a

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Does this looks black to you, faggot?

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Maybe Egyptians were a non-racists mixed race society. Sometimes black people were royalty, sometimes it was Arab people.

we wuz wakandans n shiet

>y'all crackas dumb af Egypt be in AFRICA they had to be block
By this logic I guess pic related is black too.

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>this kills the african

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I guess. Or, you know, they could make their own instead of taking something that doesn't belong to them. But then again....

Does this not look black to you, faggot?

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>Creating instead of stealing
user where do you live?