The modern day italians are no longer white these fucking dagos were litterally moored arabed and kiked...

The modern day italians are no longer white these fucking dagos were litterally moored arabed and kiked. These wogs also love to practice jewish culture probably because there literally mongrel kike moors. I will now proceed to upload pics of asiatic scum that occupies italy. These people were white until they was innvaded by moors and began to mix with sandniggers and niggers after rome collapsed

does this wog look white or celtic to you?

Attached: North Italian woman.jpg (732x490, 74K)

This fucking this italians are not european there literally worthless niggers.

Inb4 an italian posts a curly blonde haired blue eye north italians, forgetting that jews can have blondism too.

Italians, you are not welcomed in our ethnostate. Fuckingg dirty wog scum.


wops were never white

Very informative thread, bumped.

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I hate these ugly fucking, make me fucking sick.

Everybody knows italian scum aren't white. What is the point in this thread?

We should deport italians back to the middle east and nortth africa.

>be a brit
>be the center for world jewish finance
>be ground zero for (((parliamentarianism)))
>fight two wars for zog destroying europe
>now need knife licenses and are being flooded by pakis.

Why are anglos such disgusting creatures. Maybe its the subhuman celtic dna.

The only italians that are mixed are sicilians and partially up until naples. Northern Italians are the master race and have been conclusively shown to be near identical to romans (the only admixture being lombardic.)

Americans have degraded the word "white" to the point where it's not a compliment anymore.

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Just a stupid fucking slide thread. First like 5 posts are all shills. Remember that anyone who advocates European disunity in the face of our annihilation is an enemy no different then the niggers.

Than, not then*

Yeah them and there hallfbreed kids. There behavior is unnaceptable and isnt european behavior, its arab.


Based ancap, everybody hate dagos there literal crypto kikes.

God, italians are such hotheaded fucks. Its impossible to get along with thesse insecure fucks.

Liberal nigger lover detected. Reminder that only fake intellectual liberals think they are winning an argument by correcting your grammar.

Tell me about it, i prefer indians to italian dago wop scum. There uncivil and all they cause is pain and suffering.

OP that's a Jew. Clearly. Give her blonde hair and it would be Debbie Wasserman Schultz

I never said anything about any argument. Americans seem to have a habit of using "then" in place of "than". Just a reminder.

Italians embrace jewish culture but yet pol still thinks there white some how.

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Some northern Indians have more white features than most Italians

They literally flaunt in your face and use words like "oy vey" there scum. nothing more nothing less.

Lmao at the hoard of meme flags all with generic "fucking wop" posts. The jews only fear Germans and Italians. The french and brits have to much celtic dna which makes them easy to control.

Saged, reported, and hidden.

Fuck off Britkikes

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Have you ever met an italian there literally pro jewish.

cry more american-"shitalian" you guys are nothing but human garbage.

hitler was a zionist according to Ken Livingstone

The jews only fear Germans and Italians.
fuck off kike.

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Good thread

stop samefagging,incel

Same thing with Greeks. Or Spanish. Or French. Germans got turked and nowadays basically every kind of shitskined, too. Scandis, Brits? Duh. Baltics? Slaved. Everything is fucking fucked.

They are far more Arab than kike

>post ww2 European governments are controlled by kikes.

My whole family in fruili hates kikes. I also don't even tan. Lombardy is 100% white. Italy has the highest average iq in europe and thats with the south dragging it down. You have to be completely ignorant of history to claim anything north of naples has arab admixture.

>he makes this thread daily
imagine being this obsessed and butthurt

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3% middle Eastern here.
Post your test, shill. Let's all laugh at your percentages for Ashkenazi, sub Saharan, and native American.
White is a Jew label to silence opposition. Italians are Western Christian Europeans. We never claimed to be Germanic.

Or 100 % muslim shithole, who knows?


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I thought they killed Gaddafi

>b-but you are more c-cucked then meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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you will never be able to convince me to be black to force me to be with English women so as to make white your country will never happen, enjoy your Indian genes...

nothing pleases me more than seeing the anglosphere genocided

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>there are only anglos ITT
really makes me think

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