Why are young white males refusing to grow up?

Why are young white males refusing to grow up?

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because young brown males dont get too either


Growing up means facing reality.
Reality is counter-narrative

this is so beautifully autistic i can't even get mad

You just made it up like every other fucking idiot who spams thee same shit every fucking day without somehow being banned. All fields.
Stop replying to this shit you stupid cunt.

Tell them to quit killing each other

Well you can still enjoy dumb things and still work. I play video games every weekend. Big whoop.
It's not like anyones business anyway so don't worry about it.

>this cry ass buttfuck

>You can't do things I don't like with your spare time
And you're saying other people haven't grown up?
Rember to sage

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Because they aren't forced to. They go to highschool, maybe have a barista job or work at a grocery store, go to college, still a barista, graduate 6 years later with a BA in Gender Fluid Dynamics, still a barista, now 27 years old, living at parents house...

>muh based white male growing up thread.
hang yourself.


I'd never get a tattoo but I unironically think thats awesome

Kek, your ID match with your flag

bc their parents didn't grow up either (assuming they even had both mother and father figure to begin with)

not gonna lie that's a cool tattoo

>finn's face
fucking lol the madman

damn that's fucking embarrassing. the manchild references just keep stacking the more you look at it

Same thread everyday.

I would put my money on apocalypse.

Is that a red skeletal dragon from Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest?

Fix marriage

Because there's nothing to grow up into. Back in the day you could easily find a decent wife, buy a house after few years of working and raise your kids in a good environment, without immigrants running everywhere. What is there now? Inflation and hard to find jobs? Absolutely retarded housing prices, women ruined by feminism and all time high divorce rates? On top of nearly everyone hating you for being who you are and your kids will be too. I'd love to live like my parents did, but in the modern world it's hardly an option so I just work as much as I need to and enjoy life

Is this the power of the white race? kek

Dude, you're gay as fuck...(and that's a bad thing)

Because "growing up" is just a term used to lessen the blow of devoting the rest of your life to a job you probably dont like or care about to buy things you also probably dont like or care about or need, even though most people wont get a chance to even experience the things they buy or life itself until they're 65 and riddled with arthritis and a million other health problems from fucking yourself up at work all day

because you need around 350K in the west to grow up. with taxes of 45% and more, no wage growth since 25 years, interest at 0.2%, anti discrimination policies focused on female minorities and a housing market fucked by Boomers and tax subventions on constructions, this is a pipe dream till 45 for maybe 45% of white man, the biggest part will fall into debt and poorness.

But well, this is the stuff genocide and civil wars are made off. The 2020's will be ugly

(and that's a good thing)

>Why are young white males refusing to grow up?
You ask why they aren't. You should be asking what possible reason do they have to do so.
They aren't going to be able to afford a house, sex and drugs are everywhere. And the entire economy is predicated around putting people in debt.
Why would they grow up?

>because you need around 350K in the west to grow up. with taxes of 45% and more, no wage growth since 25 years, interest at 0.2%, anti discrimination policies focused on female minorities and a housing market fucked by Boomers and tax subventions on constructions, this is a pipe dream till 45 for maybe 45% of white man, the biggest part will fall into debt and poorness.


>I will never be able to find a job, a woman, marry or having children : the tattoo

if the goal is a hot 4th Gen war with the West, well, than this is how you do it. Add some tribal conflicts in between and voila, finished is a steaming hot shitshow which can only be removed by nuclear fire.

>because you need around 350K in the west to grow up
This is what Euros actually believe, holy fuck, you guys are retarded.

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I remember my first Bukowski

this is now a basedboy thread

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Because "growing up" is a social construct

fuuckkk. when did they censor s0iBo1. fucking cucks

>Not using rocko as your main

Go away newfag. Stop acting like you own the place


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Goddamn I'd like to cum all over that

It depends on region. In California you would need twice that just to buy a house, let alone the other things.

Many reasons.
1 - Current culture is 99% dogshit or remakes, creating nostalgia-wank hipster culture.
2 - Current culture demonizes and emasculates white males.
3 - Progressive ideology pushes that emasculated males and self-hating whites are the morally correct future of humanity.
4 - The job market sucks dick if you don't educate yourself and find a way to pursue your dreams without being a wage slave.
5 - Women suck now more than they ever have, and being successful sometimes leads to your wife divorcing you and destroying your life.

>I like shitty tattoos
t. GaY

How does one expect a plant to take root if the soil is tainted.

lack of positive male role models.

Honestly this, I'm impressed that he didn't put any Rick and Morty on there

An important aspect of my first point that I forgot to add: when culture is shit or nothing but remakes, creativity suffers. Culture does more than just entertain us—it inspires us. It shows the younger generations what is possible with passion and hard work, and retells timeless stories in contemporary ways. The hero myth exists as an ideal for many to strive for, and these ideals are especially important for the young. Other facets of culture are just as important, showing the value of talented artisans, craftsmen, musicians, etc.. and creating a rich culture for people to adhere to and represent.

Everything now is prefabricated, dissolute, sterile, generic, GLOBALIZED to the point that it has little meaning or substance. It has no soul.
Hence, the rise of the bugmen.


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Well past bukowski. Cosmology opened my eyes to how small our existence is and how many of us waste it. Work is nice, but unless it's something I see as an accomplishment, I wont be working myself to death like the boomers did. I understand participating in society, but working 60+ hour weeks just to own an okay house next to people i might not have any connection to isnt something I'll ever do.

>Why are young white males refusing to grow up?
nobody "grows up" no war just vidya

he still has room for expansion characters too

i hate tattoos

but i don't hate this

What's wrong with getting a tattoo to remember your hobby by.

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Because I don't want to. I still sleep with my teddies.

>no ren and stimpy
this guy fucked up

>>no Rick and Morty
You need to get Schwifty, son.

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pic related is what happens when you remove toxic masculinity

breddy gud

Because white men were prevented from being kids when they were kids.

The people who complain that this generation don't 'grow up' bought a house for two or three times their annual wage. It is around fifteen times where I live now.

Plus, everyone fucking hates white men now for being white men, i'm just going to do my own thing instead of apologising and feeling bad for who I am. I never do others harm, so I am not accepting all that modern shit.

nigger wtf are you talking about, that's the most masculine thing i've ever seen

No, more like they're prevented from having disposable income so they can't afford to move out and start a life. Unless you want to pay out the ass for trade school, fuck around with an apprenticeship forever while earning peanuts, or go to college there's not much out there.

Doesn't really matter. They're still getting older with every passing day. What they fail to do and learn now will still have to be confronted later and will be 50 times harder then