Daily reminder why literally nobody likes muslims

allahurr durr

i'm interested how mudshits on Jow Forums will defend that. protip: le pisslam is the only good religion etc. is not effective or legitimate

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Oh I almost forgot the irony of Idols

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I like Muzzies, I don't care much for the backwoods Sunni shit, but at least they're taking up arm against ZOG. The only people doing it since your former Hanz

It's Nicholai and we did that too

Yeah they are openly and active hating on the jews that's not an secret and it have to be so even Albert Kike the Pike muzzies and jews have to fuck themselves in a war for the NWO or the WW3. Can't find his quote.

The only thing I like about them is our shared hate for Jews which we can utilize if we do it correctly and can compromise on the whole child bride thing, if the Muzzies can evolve to just being polygamists and drop the pedophilia, I will gladly slaughter Jews alongside them.

This. At least they're not a silent majority doing nothing and letting them be jewed like Christfucks

"i support savage barbarians that want us dead because i believe retarded conspiracies about jews"

The Saudis, who are Sunni, are in alliance with the Jews you fucking idiot. It's the Shia's that run counter to the interests of Israel, who are also the sect that DONT commit suicide bombings and fund terrorism. Learn your islam.

Who is behind this (((post)))?

Supports muslims cause surrounded by them. Doesn't know muslims


Maybe if you removed your burger ass from all of their countries (because you're Israel's slave) for their oil they wouldn't turn into autistic suicide bombers yelling "death to america"?

If they stay in their backwarded shitholes and gladly convert to christianity I can accept that. They ruined everything from the beginning with Ismael. Mohammed just advanced from demon worship to Luzifer worship

oh look mohammed believes that shit too. JQ is real but pretending muzzies are good for hating jews is retarded

>and gladly convert to christianity
Why would they convert to the most cucked religion in the world?

Dude what is happening even in your country beside that stabbing few days ago. You became Switzerland in the case of news. Is your shit as fucked as in Sweden or Britain?

really so why were they in Tours mohammed?

Burn in hell you Franco cock loving pig.

Destroying idols is basic community service. They're one of (if not the) first ways polytheism came out.
Just look at Noah's people:
>several good based people that guided the community to prosperity
>they were practically saints
>people grew sad
>satan suggested they build monuments in their honor, and also to bolster their resolve in worship by just looking at their heroes
>they built the monuments
>generations died
>new generations don't know whom the monuments were of
>satan says "your ancestors worshiped those as gods"
>tfw what was originally a symbol of inspiration to worship god became an object of worship

And now you know the story of why Muslims destroy idols.

Fyi, your precious Hubal was destroyed alongside its neighbors when Mecca was taken by the Muslims. Your rudimentary knowledge of history and mysticism smoke-screen impress no one.

I can't believe there are people who actually think this retarded horseshit is true.

Oh whoops I triggered the taqiya

He's fishing for (You)s guys, act like he's not here

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Fuck off wog

But there are people if you can call them people: Muslims

sand niggers so what sand niggers do.

Are you a Christian perchance? Enlighten me with your version of Noah's people then.

Fyi, to not give someone a (You), yet still reference them, you can do what I did to your post number.

Did you read the OP?
>i'm interested how mudshits on Jow Forums will defend that
I answered. Are you triggered because your protip was incorrect?
>le pisslam is the only good religion etc. is not effective or legitimate
Feels good to trounce your expectations.

We did that too in the netherlands in the 16th century.


Idol worship is forbidden you stupid fuck.

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Okay where did you read that Lucy came out off nowhere and told them to build frikking altairs? The best refference of idols is of Moses when he came back to see Aaron and the others dancing around a golden calf that was said to have led them out of Egypt. He went bloody apeshit fucking it with his feet up and Adonai Yahweh had to write them again for Moses

Dude wtf? Why churches and pictures of saints and shit? When then those statues in the form of Yeshua or Mary or other biblical figures, but not destroying these.

You germanics are somehow fucked up in the heads sometimes.

>You germanics

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>They say, “Do not abandon your gods.
>Do not abandon Wadd, nor Suwā,
>nor Yaghūth, Yaʿūq and Nasr,”
The people referenced here are those I mentioned.

Your country's name is friggin' G-E-R-M-A-N-Y.

Can you read? I was implying I am not germanic, I am slavic ffs retard

And yeah whatever you just said - Ismael did everything wrong - just like Solomon

Was implying I am not germanic, but slavic

>Ismael did everything wrong - just like Solomon
Not even remotely related to the subject.
Anyway, did my good deed for the day. Good night.

Obviously you are a Jew

The Koran sees Jesus as the prophet of the Christians. His mother Mary is seen as a saint.

Meanwhile the Jews says that Jesus is boiling for all eternity in a vat of shit.

Obviously you are a Jew

The Koran sees Jesus as the prophet of the Christians. His mother Mary is seen as a saint.

Meanwhile the Jews say that Jesus is boiling for all eternity in a vat of shit.

They reject Yeshua you copypastafag

fuck i hate khazars and all their religions

shitskins are Untermenschen


Buddhist aryan kingdoms. Why do we not get taught this history