Why do cuckservatives support this?

why do cuckservatives support this?

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To defend Christianity and Israel above all other things.
White nationalism is bad for profits, it's more profitable to have all the niggers and spics and chinks and kikes working together in America to generate taxes for us to give away to Israel.
Whites think it won't matter as long as the yellows, blacks, and browns love Jesus or whatever.

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99.9% of Christians are victims of Jewish mind control.
The only ones that aren't are in the KKK.
Christ cucks who say they dislike Jews don't actually do anything to stop Christianity from cucking the West exactly as described above.

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It's right in the name

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Kinda obvious, ethnic nationalism has been so slurred and labeled evil by the mainstream that civic nationalism is the closest thing to it people can publically argue for without feeling bad for doing it. It's "Nationalism B-but i'm not a racist I swear!"

Civic-Nationalism is a political scheme to convince the economic wage slave class in America to get along so we will all keep generating tax money for Israel.
We don't get along and niggers commit massive amounts of violent crime, so the government just covers it up, hides it from the people, and calls white people racist.
We are literally an oppressed group.

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The origin of Christianity was Jewish and it destroyed Rome.
It's mind control that has been forced onto Northern Europe through war crimes funded by Jewish Usury gold.

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We are all supposed to be Ethno-Phyletistic pagans, and we have the right to be, but we're oppressed in the courts, in the workplace, and in the prisons.
We've been forced into the multi-racial melting pot wage slave class so we have to endlessly bicker with sub humans who don't understand anything we're talking about. And meanwhile, the kikes and their collaborators produce nothing but propaganda teaching these sub-humans that it's us whites who are responsible for all their suffering.
The sub-humans are mere tools of the Jews at this point, tools for our torture.

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you cant make a vast empire as an ethnostate

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But it can have a racial caste system

nation states are the complete opposite of empire

That can easily fall under civic nationalism. All civic nationalism means is that the group identifies itself based on the systems and laws for self administration its culture have developed. Rome was civic nationalist, as was ancient china (or more specific part of it was, but even though they kept getting conquered by other parts their way of doing things was so good the conquerors assimilated into them instead of the other way around and eventually they converted all their enemies into themselves).

Id ask though what is the point of a racial caste system really? All race is is a handy way to separate groups of people based around expected capabilities. You can say that one race tends to be one way or another, but when it comes to individual assessment you dont need to consider it, you can just asses the individual. Saying people should be treated 'as' their racial average is just as stupid as people insisting there is no difference. Both stem from the unwillingness to consider individuals.

Exactly. And the goal is always empire. Vast and powerful shaping the entire world.

rome wasn't a nation it was an empire you spacker

Because conservatives are not critical thinkers.
Critical thinkers always require evidence before they believe something.
There is no evidence to support the theory that blacks are equal to whites.
And yet conservatives believe it because that's just what they do.

The way to fix it is to call attention to the lacuna of evidence.
Simply ask the question: What evidence is there to support the theory that blacks are equal to whites.
No one can answer this question.

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they don't believe in science.

Thats what im arguing. Empires are civic nationalist, you cant have an ethnostate empire. And so ethnostates are a dead end.

>That can easily fall under civic nationalism.
No it can't.
>All civic nationalism means is that the group identifies itself based on the systems and laws for self administration its culture have developed.
A racial caste system requires people to identify as a race. In a racial caste system, different racial groups would have different rights.
Civic-Nationalism imposes one system of rights onto everyone.
>Id ask though what is the point of a racial caste system really?
To ensure racial purity.
>All race is is a handy way to separate groups of people based around expected capabilities.
No it isn't.
Humans are colonial animals. Humans don't physically divide other humans into races, our biological instincts do. Imperialists are too arrogant to understand that humans are a part of nature, and that humans as individuals are not true organisms, but humans gathered together and united as tribes are true organisms.
Multi-racial Tribes, Nations, and Empires are all foul, repugnant Frankenstein monsters that deserve to be put out of their misery.

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first of all, there's no such thing as "civic nationalism". it's just multiculturalism dressed up in rightist rhetoric.

"ethnostate" is just another name for nation-state, nearly every country in europe is a nation-state and it's one of the most peaceful, stable places in the world- at least for now, traitorous politicians are undoing this with multiculturalist bullshit. an empire is usually an extension of the nation-state: one nation dominates others to further its own interests. russia and most colonial empires worked this way

>"ethnostate" is just another name for nation-state

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Civic nationalism is the exact opposite of multiculturalism. The civic is civic nationalism is a reference to the culture! 'multiculturalism' is some retarded idea that different groups can coexist, civic nationalism is about assimilating.

>A racial caste system requires people to identify as a race. In a racial caste system, different racial groups would have different rights.
If you had a legal code that outlined this and people identified with it that would be civic nationalism.

>To ensure racial purity.
For what purpose? Race is a meaningful category because of culture. The environment that lead to certain races evolving a certain way also lead to them creating certain cultures. The culture is the base organizational structure which affects how well a race does. Races which had to cooperate better ended up forming better civilizations. The natural culture one is inclined towards is inherent in their race as they have undergone selective pressure over time which favors that. The result of enforced empire would be the gradual selection of other races towards those standards. case in point, see how ex-british colonies in africa do better than ex-french ones.

> instincts do
Of course, humans divide everything into groups as many different ways as we can think of so we have more datapoints to work with.

The problem with your argument is there is no pure race. You want to be a white nationalist now, ok. But how do you think your ancestors would feel about you cooperating with a mortal enemy who they engaged in constant warfare with for centuries?

You cant preserve race because there is no way to define it absolutely. The important thing is the civilization.

Nation is a direct synonym for country. The idea it means anything else is EU/jewish anti-nationalist brainwashing campaign that sought to pair the term with racism to engage in historical revisionism as part of their anti national socialism propaganda.