Prove it that God doesn't exist

Lol at you atheists if you can.

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Other urls found in this thread: publishing/aquinasFiveWays_ArgumentAnalysis.htm

they cant
atheism is a religion

>Prove it that God does exist
>Lol at you theists if you can.

nigger argument desu

If God existed he wouldn't let this thread exist.

no, it's not

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She's a slut

Begone sodomite demon!

Yes just like my mother. So what?


Fuck you for shifting the burden of proof. YOU are making the claim that a god or gods exist, YOU provide the evidence. Fucking retard, go learn some basic logic.

>Prove blah blah blah doesnt exist
>blah blah blah = x
Define x.
You played yourself.

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If god exists then why he made me such a faggot?

It is though

The fact that the lovely young lady in your pictures gets paid to fuck niggers on camera.

How so?

I have the pussy I make the rules.

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because militant atheists and their zealotry poisoned the well.

Homosexuality is a choice. I will prove that too, just wait and see faggot.

Done, faggot. Any other challenges?

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It really doesn't matter. Basic free market theory suggests that only societies that thrive are ones with religion and good morals.
There are zero successful atheistic societies, and same thing goes with small scope. Atheistic groups usually deform within a few years. Look at Richard Dawkins, Thunderf00t and The Amazing Atheist, are irreverent now and their supports disbanded.

I didn't choose what my dick gets hard to

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The words you've cobbled together are not a complete sentence, nor are they a reason. How about you try again?

Why would a man even be gay?
No such thing as gay but depressed coping hedonist looking for the low hanging fruit.
In the stone age a lot of men were dead before reaching puberty then even more died during hunting, so men were a bit more precious than these days.
No way nature would let men turn gay when at least 50% are gone that means the population will die out.
Hence being gay is a meme.

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Prove I'm not making love to Jesus right now.

God is not gay. That's a song by Nirvana not the Truth.

Only ignorants say God don't exist

>0 replies to this post

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>durr belief exist in the same place as logical reasoning
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

2000+ gods in this world.
People have the audacity to say "mine is the only true one."

>believing in something makes it real

Christopher Hitches vs William Lane Craig

Best Atheist gets Destroyed like an ant. How pathetic are these losers?

It's simple.
If 1+1=3 god exists, if not there is no god.

bye bye sodomite have fun

You choose whether you keep it in your pants or not publishing/aquinasFiveWays_ArgumentAnalysis.htm
>this kills the atheist

Everything that is in motion is moved by something else. This chain of mover and moved cannot go on forever because if it did there would be no first mover, and consequently no other mover as well. This is because second movers don't move except when moved by a first mover, just as a stick does not move anything except when moved by a hand. So a first mover which is itself unmoved by anything else is necessary to explain motion.

A thing can only move or change if it has the potential for that movement or change. A rock with the potential to move can't move itself, something has to act on it. It derives its movement from something else. In other words, something else has to actualize the rocks potential movement. Since every series or chain of moved and mover is contingent on the first mover, the first mover couldn't have any potential. It would have to be pure act.

There are certain necessary implications of what it means to be pure act and this is where things start to get interesting for the monotheist. Pure actual must be omnipotent, because to not be able to do something would be unrealized potential. Pure act would have to be omniscient, because to not know anything would be an unrealized potential. It can't not exist since nonexistence is pure potential, so pure act must be eternal. Pure act must be non corporeal because physical things can change which is unrealized potential. An imperfection of any kind would be unrealized potential so pure act must be perfect. There can only be one pure act because the only way to tell the difference between two things is if one had something the other didn't, but pure act can't lack anything as that would be an unrealized potential.

So here we have a thing that is omnipotent, omniscient, eternal, non corporeal, perfect, and singular.

Godam you are so fking retarded. You were even so proud writing that LOL

The shit sand nigger God the three major religions all worship is clearly a trickster God wrote these three shitty books to trick the retard sand niggers and Romans to worship him

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Christianity is the longest running Jewish scam, I feel bad for you.

prove to me unicorns don't exits?

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Kek radu

You are making a Nigger argument yourself. No argument.

>There has to be a first mover
>Therefore it must be this iron age tribal god who once recognized other gods existed, bans pork, and demands circumcision.

You can't prove god does not exist because he works like a young child's or autistic mans original character. Every fault you find someone makes some other bullshit up to make sure that he is still the strongest and the best and the coolest.
The kind of shit kids come up with before they realize that flawed characters are significantly more compelling than ones that are amazing at everything.

>Hes stronger than super man and smarter than batman and he has a green lantern ring and also he is a martian but is immune to fire
>lol fucking idiots can't even come up with a hero that could beat him

Why is Judaism one of the three major religions? It has like 10 million followers.

That's not a conclusion that I've made.

Whatever you say have fun hanging out with your pedo loving Christ

>haha I have you have to prove your beliefs but I don't have to prove mine

Bitch, you have to make a positive case for whatever it is that you believe in

How can you even link that Garbage? That is the extent of your intelligence? Killing yourself is your best option.

how do you know you have backed the winner?
the true god of the world could be an obscure god from a rainforest tribe.

You backed jew god and lost eternal life over it..good luck.

You have to define what God is before we can even start actual discussion.
What is your definition of God?

Without that, this is a shitposting thread.

>requiring evidence for something not existing

By the very nature of not existing there will be no proof. You need to start with some evidence something exists before you can start to disprove it.

It has massive global influence derp

yes you do. And if you want me to debate the existence or not of God, you need to assert proof he exists. OP came to us, not the other way around.

I don't know if he does or not, but I definitely know that Christianity is the best blueprint for creating a free enterprise nation with free men using the greatest moral system still to date.

The fuck is wrong with mamaliga posters

That is your definition of an argument? You dumb nigger.

The existence of God is a question of metaphysics, so you have to build a positive case for a universe in which your claim is possible

And that's yours?

>God doesn't exist.
>Therefore no proof that god doesn't exist exists
>Because god doesn't exist.
You might as well ask for proof that fucking Leprechauns or unicorns don't exist.

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God made those legs, user.

How can you prove that something DOESN'T exist!? you idiot

>Probably troll
>too stupid a question to possibly be taken seriously

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you are missing the basics of debate. OP came to us with a supposition, the onus is on OP to put forth their statement, which they haven't.

OP has posted more than (((1 ID by this post))) but won't answer any questions regarding defining God in this debate.

This is a shitposting slide thread.

>requires a god to create the world
>god doesn't a require a creator because he is the creator which is god
>how can the beauty be created without a creator
>how can a all mightly, all knowing entenity exist without something to create it and teach it eveything it
>but hur dur god always existed
>why can't the universe exist in some way or the other
>yfw reality and the universe is just a project in your brain via your senses that are common among all animals, you are not special.
>yfw your experience defines the universe itself from your point of view
>yfw GOD doesn't needs to exist, if he does for you he does, if he doesn't then he doesn't needs to be, the universe can function without a creator/god
>but if it makes you happy to believe that there is someone watching, judging and making ya feel safe and protected whom to pray to and respect and fear ... sure you can't really go wrong
>but if you allow yourself others to manipulate that image of your creator/father/god to use to againts by your definition "creation" it self to kill, murder and steal as you justify to yourself your right to do so... then you are nothing but a piece and you'll always be a piece of shit.
>but if you take a second to look at the size, grandor, emptyness, and the simple fact that 99.999% of space is rather empty and the rest is broughter together by simple rules and permutations of said rules, and you as an entity is just a pseudo-projection of your own experience that defines your perception and once your body is gone those experiences are whiped from the face of existance... then welcome to the grown up people, where choices matters, and you are resposible for your action, and no GOD or other entity will judge you for those actions as long as in the end you actually had a good life...
>To walk close to GOD is to have a good life, how many of you faggots actually have a good life, how many will actually have... not many if any, most of you cunts will complain, be depressed

Discovering the origins of the universe takes time. It is illogical to say that, until we understand everything, you should believe this random unfounded story because it's old.

Agreed. Spread just a bit more and back lens out just a bit. I may be able prove something

>prove that God doesn't exist

>absolute influence over the USA is global influence
Forget that China and india have none of it...

Its called scientism

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Wow you named two countries they don't control bravo

Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

Which is 1/2 the world population...

Sodomites don't want God to exist because they know what awaits them.

Doesn't change the fact they have massive global influence...

>yes you did by playing around with the fantasy in your developing brain, gayness is a choice that may be defined by a predisposition to be atracted to the same sex features
>yfw plently of women that look like men
>yfw plently of men that look like women
>yfw most gay relationships have the same structure as a straight couple do, one is femine the other is masculine... try denying it
>yfw gay people today are just frustrated consfued little retards who rebel againts society because they are told "NO" because of muh judeo-christian sand nigger philosphy
>at the of the day being gay is a choice, cause you allowed yourself to associate "sexual" attraction with dicks... when there are plently of females that have male features in which you could put yo dick...

USA is not global...
Besides being in power positions does not make it a global religion.

>Of course the Bible is true, the Bible says so

Not even trying, you're absolutely cucked by a book written by various assholes with agendas throughout history. In modern times, it boils down to humanity being held back by believing in something that literally can NOT be proven to exist, all because of these really old but troublesome books.

>Inb4 prove god doesn't exist

How can you prove something doesn't exist, you fool. think about it.

You're still making too many assumptions.

The first mover has to be an omnipotent intelligence? Says who? For all we know the first mover was an unthinking, uncreated energy surge that simply caused the big bang then immediately ceased to exist.

That makes just as much sense as demanding it be omnipotent/omniscient 'being'. Ask yourself if you're just anthropomorphizing the first mover because it's too scary for you to think it might not care or be aware of you at all.

I'm not actually gay, I just use the flag because it is the most fun one to use on Jow Forums

Hahaha USA isn't global last I checked it was on earth and hmm let me see oh yeah America controls abunch of shit too

Prove I am not God.

The Bible, where I learned about God, is pretty specific in the NT about him answering prayers if you believe in him. It even says he will answer as ones father would. If this isn't true, he does not exist.

You control Panama, Kosovo , Germany and part of Pakistan.

That's about it lad.

>USA controls the world
>Isreal controls USA
>who does really controls the world

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Here's a short one (I also know it's not the best presentation and a bit disorganised but this is shorter than my favourite argument):

1. If there was ever a point at which there was nothing, there would still be nothing, since nothing cannot produce something. So we know that there was never nothing and there had to always be something
2. Since everything material could conceivably not exist, but does in fact exist, this "something" is what results in there being something rather than nothing, both in the past as well as in the present moment (since there is STILL something rather than nothing right now)
3. Since everything material is, as mentioned, essentially impermanent, then this "something" must be immaterial
4. From further argumentation and knowledge from Greek philosophy, this immaterial and essential thing must also be eternal, be all-good, and all the other characteristics associated with God
5. Therefore, this thing is what everyone calls God

Prove that you're not a kike and this isn't a shill thread?

More control than any leaf will ever have

>militant atheists
you just added something there

atheism is not accepting the arguments that a god exists.
agnostic atheists, havent accepted god claims and dont claim to know whether a god does or doesnt exist. This is the MAJORITY of atheists.
thats it, there is no accompanying belief structure.

militancy or more accurately Anti-Theism is a seperate idea.
These people are atheists that also believe its important to demonstrate to others how vapid religions are. Not trying to get them banned or their historys destroyed, simply get people to realize the arguments religions present are baseless, dont match up with reality, and shouldnt be followed. Especially when religious world views are constantly getting in the way or causing trouble. Like trying to cause WW3 to bring the end times and go to heaven, or blocking scientific research because they have an infantile view of reproduction, or using religion to trick slaves into thinking this life is a test and worth wasting.

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ok fag

You're not understanding the argument. Pure act can't have any potentials and to not know something implies a potential that there's something that could be known but isn't. There's no anthropomorphization at all in my argument and I don't know where you're getting that from.

>look ID
close but no cigar

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You can't prove the non-existence of something. The burden of proof is on the theist, not the atheist.

Only dgenerates are atheists. Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can't.

>yes you did by playing around with the fantasy in your developing brain
>at the of the day being gay is a choice, cause you allowed yourself to associate "sexual" attraction with dicks
I actually used to watch normal porn before I discovered I was gay

>when there are plently of females that have male features in which you could put yo dick...
I hate vagina, it's disgusting. Are you literally telling me that there are women with penises?