>Intertwined with a Low IQ from the moment of birth
>Can't get pussy because we're the least desired men on the planet
How would you cope if you were a black guy like me
>Intertwined with a Low IQ from the moment of birth
>Can't get pussy because we're the least desired men on the planet
How would you cope if you were a black guy like me
Idk go back to africa i guess.
>How would you cope if you were a autistic natsoc LARPer like me
I have literally no idea.
Literally just go back to your homeland. It won't have as nice gibs and flashy shit but goddamn will you fit in
I would go out of my way to pander to white men and fix your absolutely ruined reputation in our eyes.
Probably not worry about something that I have no control over
>t. 5 foot 7 manlet
wtf are you talking about white women are obsessed with blacks
>>Can't get pussy because we're the least desired men on the planet
Go back to Africa nigger, I bet you'll have better luck finding women there, plus you wouldn't be polluting our gene pools
Unironically go to Africa somehow. Negroes will never be at home in America.
A self-hating nigger is the worst nigger there is. Off yourself. Its extremely easy to hook up with girls in the US in general. Very easy compared to other countries. You just one of those nerdy black guys who have no game.
whoa shit that’s low.
No one wants a baby with a smashed in head.
maybe it will surprise you but there is small ammount of decent girls who want black guy, i mean if you go for slut its easy even as a nig nog but if you want a decent non slut girl. well.
Just need to lose a couple, fat white women dig the blacks like crazy bitches
There is no such thing as "one" black african. Africans are made up of many different races with just darker skin from the climate. A western african is leagues different from the eastern part of it.
get stuffed and donate yourself to the Homo habilis exhibit
Fecal matter for skin is fecal matter for skin and no matter what part of the dumpster fire a nigger is from. Said nigger still has an IQ below room temperature.
Whatever scholmo.
Ignore these faggots. You can still be successful with a pretty low IQ. Look into opening your own business. Even if it’s a small one. Just work on becoming the best version of yourself you can. Women will come on their own in time. If you keep improving upon yourself. And there’s plenty of white guys that get passed up I doubt that has much to do with race and more to do with you on a personal level. But figure out where you want to be in 5 years and make a plan to get there
This. Be black in America is easy mode with women.
just work, play video games and dont breed
Just so fucking stupid.
Suicide yourself.
It essentially is like this in the USA:
Black Men easily achieve girlfriends out of white women and latinas
White Men easily achieve girlfriends out of asian women and latinas
Latino guys are a mixed bag. The straight out of south american/central have a hard time, only really sticking with their own kind.
Americanized Latino guys easily hookup with asian, white, black, and other very easily.
Asian/Indian guys have the hardest time..I've only really seen Korean Americans have successful time with girls with other races.
Marry a qt black girl
Raise my kids not to act like niggers
Best advice is to not take advice from Jow Forums, which for some reason seems to think dating works like pokemon
>Be black
>Try to cope with being black
>Can't cope with being black because iq is too low
"ooga booga kill whitey muh dick smoke weed everyday"
You aren't better off from him rape baby
Thanks user, my nigger folder needed more material.
Your chart is objectively wrong. Middle Eastern females are more attractive than East Asian and South Asian females.
pol says italians are black niggers but i've never had a girlfriend
>tfw literally 56 percenter in US
>tfw IQ is 130+
>tfw entire existence is based around hating myself and my lineage
>tfw want to make a child but know that doing this will yield a terrible abomination like myself
>tfw can't shoot myself because I don't want to be a misused gun violence statistic
Get big and strong. In a perfect world, you would be right, but unfortunately if you get in shape tons of women would likely pick you over my short, balding, high IQ, Aryan ass.
>waaah I'm black, no one will like me )):
Grow the fuck up and just worry about yourself. You're not getting laid because of YOU. And get off this board in 2018.
Sounds like you'll be fine, stop giving a shit about the shade your skin is. Marry a pretty woman so your children will be more pretty and less goblin.
Thots, not real women user
I know there's not a lot of them left, but there are still bitches out there who wince at the thought of ever touching a nigger
>Go back to Europe and aren't you in an African country you dumb fuck
This skull isn't all that niggerish. I know a guy that has a similar face.
Thats what makes me confused. Why do black anons even go on Jow Forums just to make self-hating bait threads like this? Whats the point? Just go on /b/, /qst/, /tv/ or some other board if you can't handle being offended. Its just words on a screen. Stop being self-hating and get off Jow Forums already if the bant is too hard
Get fit. Get your shit together.
Read good books. You won't get intelIigence, but can get wisdom that can be more useful if it's appied.
Woman is consequence.
The greatest reparation for slavery is sending them back to the place where they belong.
The same thing anyone else should do? work on your image and marry someone of your own race.
But are pure blacks superior?