Jow Forums is no longer a political board, but a board for cheap shilling and clickbait

Jow Forums is no longer a political board, but a board for cheap shilling and clickbait.

Say goodbye to actual news and embrace the brave and powerful nu-pol:
where meets as those are the threads which are allowed to reach bump limit.


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Other urls found in this thread:

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Yeah because you're paying mods crypto under the table to let this happen.

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>Jow Forums is no longer a political board, but a board for cheap shilling and clickbait.
It has always been.
I've been here since 2011

We'll do you want free speech or not, dip shit? Let people talk about whatever they want

Fuck off kike, there's different boards for different subjects and 99% of the threads on this board break the board rules.

Imagine being so pathetic and so fucking retarded that all you kikes can do is shit on everything you touch. It's like the opposite of the Midas touch. You kikes are so fucking disgusting that you can't lift yourselves up, you have to bring everyone else down.

Wow. Put down the phone. Walk away from the computer. Go outside and get some air. You all are losing it

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fuck you faggot

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