We recruited the left to be anti-semetic. kek

>When Jow Forums memes anti-jew stuff so hard the left becomes antisemetic too

Do you think the left even realize they became anti-semetic or is Jow Forums really too smart for mere normies to comprehend?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Trump is leveraging the lefts irrational hatred of him to get ppl woke on JQ.

i mean that girl is waifu material. I'd impregnate her if i could. freckles = cute

Yeah, it's TOTALLY not that they left doesn't view jews as non-whites like you and nazi-obsessed retards on Jow Forums do. It's not that they are just mindless anti-white drones who hate anything they view as white, whether it aligns with what you view as white or not. It's your 'meme magic' that made them anti-israeli.

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>Trump is leveraging the lefts irrational hatred of him to get ppl woke on JQ.
His unwavering support of Israel will prove to be their downfall. This is the ONLY reason I can see him doing this. The moral conundrum presented creates quite an issue for leftys. Do you support the poor 6 gorrilion who still have feelings about the holobunga, or do you support the poor sand people who are being killed by them.....They will go with the opposite of whatever Trump says, so this is simple for them. It may be the only thing we agree on in a few weeks, so we should be ready to extend an olive branch for this basic battle.

The enemy of my enemy can be my ally for a short time, so long as we keep each other on a short leash. Perhaps we will find other common battles.

If you think the left have only started hating Israel over this you are underage b& and need to gtfo.

>We recruited the left to be anti-semetic
Don't flatter yourself. The Left has always been critical of Israel. This is one of the plotholes in Jow Forums's worldview.

you've never been loved have you. lol you left wing tumblr incels are sad af.

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I'm just speaking the truth. Leftists do not view jews as non-white. In your fantasy mind you may think they do and you may want them to because your narrative only works if they do but they really don't.

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>leftists do not view jews as non-white


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I was saying this all day yesterday.
The Left got so mad about Gaza, that they unwillingly pushed antisemetic sentiments all over social media.
It’s hilarious.

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You fucking idiot, leftists have always hated Israel

That's how you know Israel is doing great things, leftists fucking hate them.

Attached: leftists-israel-protest.jpg (898x628, 144K)

Leftists have always been pro Palestine and pro Islam.
Hussein Obama was the first Muslim president.


We didn’t do anything. It’s their hate for Trump that is doing this.

>fantasy the post
Get both your feet on the ground son.

Onion is doing real journalism, while all the big media keep quiet and afraid to anger the overlords.

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He's slurping jew cum because he knows they write the history books.

I second this statement

The left has been like this for a while

just shut up and claim it you unfunny, uncharismatic reddit poster

Reminds me of this

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I dunno, user. I'm not sure I can see myself fighting alongside leftists, even if it is to defeat the Jews, or even the Boomers.

Yeah right. The left totally knows who its masters are, and they're Jews, not wypipo. Someone paste the Twatter screenshots.

The left has akways pretended to hate Israel while doing nothing about it.
Its a performance. Their leadership is all kikes.

Stop trying to take credit for what Trump does, Jow Forums.

It's not that complicated. Leftists. Do not. View Jews. As non-whites. They view them as another ethnicity of white people. When a Jew says "As a white person, [bluepilled nonsense]", leftists take them at face value.

>he doesn't know about the Kosher Sandwich
Jews always control their opposition. Compare the actions taken by the left on the Israeli issue with literally anything else.
Its textbook controlled opposition.

Wrong. Leftists are Jewish in that regard. So jews are white when it makes whites look worse and jews are not white when it hurts jews.

>frizzy haired big nosed kike
>says fellow wypipo
Yeah right dude. That's why the Hoteps showed up. The Catholic spics don't like the yids either. The strong golems are fading off and all you're stuck with is pajama boy.

Reminder, grandmas will be happily stringing you up onto a lamp post and bake some cookies afterward.

So jews are the real 56%ers?

do you ever just REALIZE

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> Wrong. Leftists are Jewish in that regard.

No. They aren't. People on the left view jews as white leftists. Only people on Jow Forums and right wingers obsessed with race view jews as non-white. There are tons of jews with pale white skin, blue and green eyes, red and blonde hair, etc and there are plenty of whites who have dark features...When non-whites and leftists in general look at this they don't think "that person isn't 100% pure white" they just think "that's a white person".

> So jews are white when it makes whites look worse and jews are not white when it hurts jews.

You think this because you have seen memes of a couple of Jews who did this. Those Jews probably do think of themselves as being white you dumb shit. But also Jews.

THEY DO NOT THINK LIKE YOU. Does this compute? Let it sink into that brick head.

> Yeah right. The left totally knows who its masters are, and they're Jews, not wypipo. Someone paste the Twatter screenshots.

Yeah, I'm sure the average leftist agrees with everything about your conspiracy theories about jews. ;) I'm sure they view anyone who isn't 100% aryan white as being non-white juuuuuust like you. holy shit you people need to pull your heads out of your fart fumes and look around the real world you have been in meme-land too long.

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I was never trying to be funny and the fact that you unironically think Jow Forums has anything to do with this shows how retarded you are. Jow Forums is nothing more than a collective of people searching for truth. Historically the left has been pro-Palestine. What you’re seeing is a new generation of voters/internet-users who were raised on holohoax propaganda and are now seeing something that doesn’t match their definition of what’s moral. Nothing more and nothing less.

Get your leddit accusations outta here and go fuck yourself. You have done nothing to bring this about.

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You don’t even need to use the “white purity spiraling” to make your point. The left has been pro-Palestine since I can remember.

The 'left' in europe is anti semetic for decades already user..

i know you weren't trying to be funny, Jow Forumss never funny anymore. that's why it's so easy to troll you. YOURE the normies taking things too seriously rather than being trolls who have fun.

please always remember to refer to the terror sponsor state Israel by its proper, and true name: The Terror Sponsor State Israel

unfortunately they just hate nationalism because the jews programmed them to
they wont notice the larger coincidence

shut the fuck up
im so annoyed with you kikes thinking these lines are convincing
stop spamming this retarded shit
it wont work and its just annoying for both of us

How new are you faggot? The left has always hated Israel and supported Palestine. It's the right that is just recently starting to be more anti-Semitic.

the problem with this is that this somehow warrants shitskins in the west, if you think this is a based win-win situation you need to neck yourself not even meming. if you are white and think you can profit from the sandniggers eternal sandnigger wars you are a cretin or a teenager.

It's mainly an American thing, the European left (or at least a lot of them) have always been pro-Palestinian, and a fair few are downright anti-Semitic.

>We recruited the left to be anti-semetic
The left has always been anti-semetic, you moron. Let me guess, you think the Nazis are right wing? The left has always hated Bankers, the merchant class and the wealthy.

we didn't recruit shit. the bulk herd is almost totally brain dead, but the single pixel vision with which it can view the world can still tell if there is light or darkness. there is only darkness from the terror sponsor state

Onion is Jew owned now.

Chaika is truly a patrician anime.

>Those Jews probably do think of themselves as being white
Only as part of a process of doublethink, they are quite capable of considering themselves to be white and not white at the same time

Exactly. We just can't recognize his masterplan yet. He's playing 1-D Tetris.

Attached: 1D-tetris.jpg (512x320, 9K)

>Let me guess, you think the Nazis are right wing?
Please, not this again

>Those Jews probably do think of themselves as being white you dumb shit
no. jews do not think of themselves as being white. they are very explicit about it.

This ride never ends.

Israel is a great concept - Jews safely contained far away from me. Dead Muslims are just the icing on the cake

4D chess retards are the worst

Where's the pre-election post of the guy claiming Jow Forums to be pro-yisrael within 2 years?

The left has got to the point where they will instantaneously hate anything, unironically, if anybody associated with FoxNews shows an ounce of support for something.

Trump/Fox Derangement Syndrome

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it's literally jews jewing jews, leftists, especially jewish ones, are so jewish that they accuse jews of racism and advocate open borders for israel. they apparently didn't get the memo that that messaging is supposed to be for goyim consumption only.

I sometimes forget you guys don't have a funnybone in your body anymore.

are we gonna see the next shift in ideology? remember how dems and republicans shifted back in the 1900s? Maybe we are in gear for another shift where the left becomes the nazi's again

Pic couldnt be truer


Shut up namefag kikel

>>When Jow Forums memes anti-jew stuff so hard the left becomes antisemetic too
Are you a fucking idiot? They left has always been against Israel.

Leftists are the biggest antisemites of all time.
They blame banks for their incompetence and life failures and since most banks are owned by jews they also start to hate them.
In fact Hitler was also a leftist doghead.
Also leftists are mostly pro-fakestine and pro-islam since they're brainless and just want more stupid people to solidarise with.
FYI communist USSR was also pretty tough when it came to jews and now most leftists here also dislike kikes.

The left has always been anti-semitic. But mostly for the wrong reasons.

Fuck off kike.

What do you mean "recruited to be antisemitic"? A large portion of the left - many Jews included - have been anti-Israel for decades. They're not antisemitic, they're just anti-Israel (at least in its current form).
I often get the impression that many people here don't actually read what non-right-wingers say, they just go off second-hand stuff.

>I often get the impression that many people here don't actually read what non-right-wingers say, they just go off second-hand stuff.
Pretty much yeah. I feel some peoples worldviews are shaped entirely by memes too.

They've always been Nazis, they were just crypto nazis
Now, through chaos, they've had to reveal themselves once more
Register to vote. Electoral extermination is the only way

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>if your against banks your an anti-semite
Yes goy don't criticise or protest the corrupt banking system, as that would be anti-semitic. Really fucktard?

Even US Jews are critical of Israel

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Hell even George Soros is critical of Israel

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>left doesn't view jews as non-whites
The (probably overwhelming) majority of whites view Ashkenazi Jews as being white, rightly or wrongly. I don't think it ever even occurred to me to think of them non-white until I read far right stuff on the Internet.
Probably most of the Ashkenazis think of themselves as white, too. Ashkenazi SJWs are not trying to be deceptive when they blame white people for stuff, then in another context identify with being Jews - in reality, they think of themselves as people who are white and, thus, share in white privilege - and they also think of themselves as Jews.

>Trump is leveraging the lefts irrational hatred of him to get ppl woke on JQ.

soon they start saying hitler did nothing wrong and that national socialism was proper socialism. Step by step

Well Jews sure race mix a lot then. Pic related.

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I mean they are white by any metric, at least in the US. An arrest report isn't going to file someone as Jewish.

Jesus Christ, you 4D chess C.H.U.D.s are incredible

Holy shit so many millennials in here. The left has always been anti-Israel and pro-Palestine. You didn't do shit.

They’re also very very close to white in genetic terms. Pic Related

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leftists hated israel before Jow Forums even existed

It would have happened with or without a taiwanese airsoft forum

>Left wing people have always been against Israel.

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As they should. You might be a good person, but you’re government’s actions are reprehensible.

>Left hate Israel is a new thing
You idiots are beyond dumb and stupid. Calling you dumb wouldnt do the justice for idiocy. Left has always been anti-Israel.

The (((corrupt banking system))) bugs only losers, that's a fucking fact. And no not everyone who dislikes it is anti-semite just pointing out that a great part of them are.

You're an idiot. Please leave your own thread now.

> defending your border is reprehensible

it ok until the jews do it!

This latest Israel-Palestine thing has really helped me to clarify something about my own feelings. I've realized that I hate jews more than leftists. If it's commies vs jews and I have to pick, I'm with the commies, at least temporarily.

For the wrong reasons

Watching all these people on both sides turn against the jews is fantastic.

> Anyone else except Israel could gun down hundreds of civilians and receive cheers from the American right-wing

Are you retarded? The left has been on the side of Palestine since the 70s. Learn some history, you fucking retard.

Stop expanding the settlements and entirely cede East Jeruselum and then ill consider your side of it.

I’m half Jewish btw

Face facts jew boy, everyone hates you except for christfags and it's only a matter of time before they wake up.

ITT: Babby's first JewsJewingJews.jewpg

we're not exactly receiving cheers from the rest of the world to say the least, stop blaming us for being cucks

> I’m half Jewish btw

always the worst ones. israel pulled out of gaza in 2005 these clowns have their own democratically elected government to cry to

we've been hearing this shit since forever and no luck for you so far

Fuck the jews they killed my boy Tupac

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